“Because it never was one.”
Thursday, Feb 17, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Yesterday, the governor said this: Blagojevich proposed a $140 million increase for schools next year, to be funded through a potentially risky plan of dipping into some of the more than 400 special funds set up throughout state government that collect cash from licensing fees and fines. Not quite. As I pointed out in today’s Capitol Fax, this is what candidate Rod Blagojevich said in 2002: “One way that I plan to increase funding for our schools is by not only continuing Governor Ryan’s commitment to direct 51 percent of new revenues to education funding, but to codify that promise into law.”
- Bo - Thursday, Feb 17, 05 @ 6:14 am:
Rebecca R.
We patiently await your crafted response to Rich’s observation. I am sure it will be a doosie.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 17, 05 @ 6:25 am:
This actually doesn’t even look like 51% of new revenue; it’s a bunch of money sitting around that the GA hasn’t let him at. But on the other hand, because pension costs are growing faster than revenue growth, to put 51% of “new revenue” into education would mean bone-jarring cuts anywhere (not that those are entirely unlikely anyway). Anyway, there is a difference between committing 51% of “new revenues” to education and committing to the state paying 51% of education costs, which seems like an ever-more-distant dream.
- Bo - Thursday, Feb 17, 05 @ 8:25 am:
Hey Rich, the Trib picked up on “because it never was one” campaign promise as well. Him saying that…it is almost comical and says a lot about him, as well as those who he has watching out for him. Kind of like when he made the “won’t balance the budget on the backs” speech in Vandalia to prison workers and then tried to close the facility.