Quote of the week
Friday, Feb 18, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller
- White House drug czar John Walters, testifying yesterday at the Statehouse against a proposal to allow for the medicinal use of marijuana. First runner-up: “The word ‘pledge’ conjures up to me, you know, did you sign a pledge, did you promise to make a pledge, no tax pledge, those sorts of things.” - Governor Rod Blagojevich, explaining to the Daily Herald’s editorial board why his repeated campaign promise to direct 51 percent of all new state revenue for education wasn’t a “pledge.”
- Anonymous - Friday, Feb 18, 05 @ 8:56 am:
My quote of the week also comes from our infamous Governor. It appears in today’s Chicago Tribune: “I’m driving on the tollway at some point in the spring and I see a sign `Panda Express coming soon’ and I quickly called the chief of staff and said, `What’s that? Panda Express can’t be at the tollway.’”
(a) When was the last time Mr. “I need a State Trooper to carry my hairbrush” drove himself anywhere?, and
(b) We’re to believe that the most detached Governor in history is all of a sudden an expert in the procurement and contracting regulations of the Tollway Authority?
Gimme a break. This guy is like that little kid everybody grew up with who always had to make up whoppers (some would call them “lies”) so that people would like him or think he was important.
- Anonymous - Friday, Feb 18, 05 @ 12:26 pm:
First, the WH drug Czar’s quote is absurd — Vicodin and Percocet make you feel good too - and they’re legal by prescription.
RE the post above: Busting on the Governor has become a blog cottage industry.
Criticize when warranted, but how can people bash Blagojevich for both personally ushering in contracts for cronies (allegedly) AND for being completely detached from the procurement process (as stated above)?
- Anonymous - Friday, Feb 18, 05 @ 12:55 pm:
Um, the point is that he’s *not* detached — despite his shurgging, mugging, and protestations to the contrary.
Listen, if the gov is out one night driving down the tollway as he says he did — and if he sees the “Panda Express” signs and then gets Tusk (or whoever) on the batphone in order to break out the “affadavits” — then, no, he’s not detached. He’s plenty attached, plenty keyed into the machinations of his own machinery.
If he’s “reforming” the machine, it’s reasonable to assume he understands how it works.
And if he doesn’t understand how it works — then what, exactly, is he reforming?
- Anonymous - Friday, Feb 18, 05 @ 5:46 pm:
Gee Gov, sorry, when you put 51% in every campaign speech, in your campaign literature, and in your campaign literature refered to it as a “pledge,” we kind of thought you were serious.
I guess the fact that “No new taxes” and “no gaming expansion” were never scrawled in blood before a priest and a t.v. audience means he won’t be held accountable for those, either.
- Anonymous - Sunday, Feb 20, 05 @ 3:59 pm:
Rod also explained to the to the Chicago Tribune that his promise of jobs to his step daddy Mell or to make Dominic Longo a rich man was NOT a commitment or a promise but actually lyrics from an obscure Elvis song.
Let’s see if Rod stands up to Chris Kelly and Tony Retzko.
And I have definitely had better Chicken Fried Rice.
- Anonymous - Sunday, Feb 20, 05 @ 4:46 pm:
Maybe it was scrawled in blood before the Orthodox priest from Mount Athos with Judy Bar
- Anonymous - Sunday, Feb 20, 05 @ 4:46 pm:
tax hairspray and Rod alone could finance education
- Anonymous - Sunday, Feb 20, 05 @ 4:54 pm:
I bet in the day that Rick Miller smoked a lot of ganga
Weed, reefer, grass
It should be legalized, Miller can give testimony
Legalize it, regulate it, smoke it, relax and be happy
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 22, 05 @ 3:50 pm:
Dominic Longo’s crew has a “No Dope” rule
Instead of Marrying a Millionaire we should do a REALITY TV Show with how to take a “rinky dink” lawyer and turn him into a governor
Starring Alderman Dick Mell and Dominic Longo