The great white hunter
Tuesday, Feb 22, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller
For whatever reason be it rain, elevated temperatures, too much wind or just plain bad luck, only two geese had the temerity to come within range. On that occasion, I had a regrettable equipment malfunction with my borrowed shotgun. Clark missed but Mike saved the day, bringing both geese down. The “temerity”? I guess he didn’t pick up on any of the local lingo. At least that photo is better than the “action shot” of him standing in his hotel room talking to a WGN radio personality Spike O’Dell… on the phone.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 22, 05 @ 5:16 pm:
Wonder if they had time to “chat” about his slum in Joliet where real people are getting shot with real guns while he rakes in big profits to add to his family wealth.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 22, 05 @ 5:39 pm:
Gidwitz for Gov? “The horror, the horror!”
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 22, 05 @ 7:59 pm:
the contrast between gidwitz the hunter and gidwitz the call in candidate reminds me of dukakis the liberal egghead and dukakis the helmet wearing tank driver. this guy is a train wreck!
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 22, 05 @ 10:04 pm:
PS cardinal rule 1:
no pictures in goofy hats.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 23, 05 @ 10:42 am:
Wasn’t there a movie with Ice T and Rutger Howard about Hunting like this?
Where can I buy the hat?
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 23, 05 @ 11:32 am:
Guys like this keep bad consultants in business. I smell somthing rather Blair Hull like here. BTW- Did anyone see Gidwitz on Lawmakers a couple weeks ago, bad.bad.bad.bad…bad
- Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 24, 05 @ 4:10 pm:
A rich liberal Jewish guy trying to pretend to be a red state guy
but Illinois is a blue state
and what is Gidwitzs stand on gun control
silly silly silly
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