Thursday, Feb 24, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller From Rod Blagojevich’s campaign announcement speech Strengthening families also means if you’ve earned a pension, it’s a right not a favor. Have your own fun with the Internet Wayback Machine here.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 24, 05 @ 9:38 am:
Come on, it’s a speech.
Not a pledge, not a promise, not a vow.
He probably didn’t write it, either.
And when he spoke it, his fingers were crossed and the moon was full. He had a headcold, too, and didn’t hear the words he was saying.
So there.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 24, 05 @ 10:52 am:
Thank you, thank you thank you.
Molaro is backpedaling faster than I can run and no one on Ec and Fisc was buying into the phony savings that G-Rod promises.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 24, 05 @ 12:54 pm:
Amen, brother. The Tribune didn’t call Molaro “Tilt-a-Whirl” for nothing. In the background of that room this morning everyone could hear the sound of a budgetary House of Cards starting to fall; all, except maybe the increasingly delusional Jeff Schoenberg..rainy day fund? Hello, it’s raining every day in Illinois!