Wednesday, Feb 16, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Three cheers for Dawn Turner Rice’s column today. I grew up not far from Pembroke Township. The area has been getting screwed for years by the county and the state. Promises, promises, but nothing ever happens. I was suspicious when Governor Blagojevich made more promises in 2003, and was hoping to do a follow-up this spring. Rice beat me to it, but I’m still going back this spring. Driving through town on a rainy day was what I imagined a drive through hell would be like. The roads turned to quicksand. For miles and miles, my car’s tires would struggle to maintain traction. I could only pray that I wouldn’t spin out into a ditch. […] Gravel ain’t gonna make it. The soil is so sandy that the gravel quickly sinks out of sight and disappears. I don’t care how many truckloads of gravel the state hauls, it’s not going to work.
Budget highlights
Wednesday, Feb 16, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller From the Associated Press: Gov. Rod Blagojevich is proposing an unusually small $140 million increase in education spending for the next budget year that depends on a tricky plan to siphon money from special state funds. And then there’s this summary: BOTTOM LINE: $43.56 billion in operating expenses, plus $9.43 billion in construction and maintenance costs. And this: FY2004: $52.4 billion budget proposed, $5 billion deficit.
Trouble in paradise
Wednesday, Feb 16, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Usually, top Democrats in this state have gone out of their way to placate US House Speaker Denny Hastert. Senate President Emil Jones has broken with the pack, however. A top state Democrat blasted the U.S. House speaker Tuesday on what he called silence on President Bush’s proposed cut in federal Amtrak funding.
Budget stuff
Wednesday, Feb 16, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller I’ll be on PBS’ Illinois Lawmakers leadoff show before today’s budget address. Check your local listings, but the live program begins at noon. Capitol Fax subscribers read a comprehensive review of the governor’s upcoming budget address. Others can click here for a couple of the items I covered.