Blogroll additions
Thursday, Feb 10, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller I’ve added several blogs to my blogroll lately. Will County Hairspray was added a while ago, but I forgot to mention it. Sorry about that, because I think it’s the best micro-regional politics blog in the state. I am a total addict. Unfortunately, the site wasn’t updated much this week and I’m in need of a fix. By the way, when Hairspray talks about “the Irishman,” that’s Will County Executive Larry Walsh. (I just noticed that the Hairspray folks are planning to launch a new DuPage blog soon. It’s a movement!) Decatur Democrat does a good job on local political issues and has sparked some lively discussions. The Decatur Herald & Review’s editorial page editor has a new blog, updated weekly so far. Composite Drawings is a surprisingly well-written political blog by a McHenry County high school student. (Note to the Crossbloggers: she thinks Schock is a hottie, which is kinda icky on several levels.) Drew Hibbard is a Quincy college student, blogs a bit about state politics and is looking for a job. Considering all the comments posted here about the Quad Cities, I think somebody ought to start a blog about that region. I asked my dad to consider it this week, but he wasn’t thrilled with the idea. Oh, well, it’s probably for the best. I mean, how many Miller blogs could this state handle? Don’t answer that. Sun-Times Watch was added some time ago. Cheeky monkeys. The Free Will Blog is a spectacularly irresponsible, over-the-top, right-wing, libertarianish, pro-war, guerilla site that never fails to crack me up. And I mean all of that in a good way. I get a perverse kick out of that kid. But his taste in music is unbelievably mullet-headed. Deadly Earnest was on a roll for a while about new voting equipment, but he hasn’t been heard from since late January. Get back to work, dude. Lots of things need to be fleshed out. Discursive Recursions has a conservative libertarian bent, and can turn a pretty good phrase. Reason and Common Sense isn’t updated much, but it makes some good points. Respublica does a lot of conservative national stuff, but it has enough Illinois stuff to get a link here. I’ve already told you about the Rod Report, but go check it out because its new background music is the Ramones’ Blitzkrieg Bop.
Around the Coyote
Thursday, Feb 10, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller A friend of mine, former Capitol Fax political cartoonist Mike Cramer, helps run the Around the Coyote arts festival. The festival is this weekend and if you live in or near Chicago, it’s definitely worth a visit. Just click on the above link for more info.
McKenna on Blagojevich
Thursday, Feb 10, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller The Leader has a story today about a recent meeting of the 44th Ward Republican Organization and this jumped out at me: Andy McKenna, the Republican Party’s new chairman was the evening’s headliner. […] I noted in the Capitol Fax this week that if the governor’s two greatest assets - his huge war chest and his repuation as a reformer - could be turned against him his other weaknesses would be much easier to exploit. Apparently, McKenna is on the same wavelength.
Oy, Part 2
Thursday, Feb 10, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller I talked to Rod McCulloch a little bit last night and he completely denied forging signatures on petitions, although most of what he said was unprintable. Anyway, the Daily Herald has an update on yesterday’s story. Milton Township Assessor Jim Gumm’s name will not appear on April ballots as he officially dropped his re-election bid Wednesday. Gumm was not all that popular with the powers that be to begin with and McCulloch was called in at the last minute to help with the petition drive. McCulloch has made a lot of enemies over the years, so many people are willing to believe just about anything about him. We’ll just have to wait and see how this plays out, but if he did it, the DuPage County State’s Attorney, who wants to run for governor, will probably come down hard to set an example. Try to keep your comments reasonable, please. Innocent unless proven guilty and all that.
Ethics law for everyone else
Thursday, Feb 10, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller I’m going to make a call on this later today, but I wonder why the same state law that bars the private company that runs the Bright Start college savings program from using Judy Baar Topinka in its TV ads, still allows an insurance company to use a big photo of Governor Rod Blagojevich in a direct mail sales pitch and public service ad. The outside of the envelope received this week at a central Illinois home looks likes just another run-of-the-mill piece of junk mail. The state law banning images of public officials in public service ads doesn’t include direct mail, so the guv has apparently found a loophole for himself. But remember how the governor chastised other officials for taking advantage of PSA’s to boost their own name recognition and favorability ratings?
Thursday, Feb 10, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Google has done it again. The online giant has added a new map search that is leaps and bounds above the competition. Not only can you search for a specific address, but you can input the name of a business or a bunch of other stuff. I’m still playing with it, and it’s in Beta form, but I like what I see so far.
SJ-R adds new feature
Thursday, Feb 10, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller The State Journal Register is apparently trying to drive traffic to its site throughout the day. The paper has started posting a “Breaking News” link at the top of its home page, and small stories are added as they happen. Here’s the link to yesterday’s articles. That link will apparently change every day, which is too bad. Readers ought to be able to bookmark the “breaking news” link so they can visit regularly. Also, adding an RSS feed would let readers put the page in their news reader programs so they could be notified when breaking news happens. Still, it’s a good idea and it’s nice to see the paper experimenting a little with their site.