Not a great batting average
Monday, Feb 21, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller “Good to see George Will has his pulse on IL politics again,” a friend cracked wise a moment ago. He was referring, of course, to the glowing bit of fluff that the national columnist penned about Governor Rod Blagojevich this week. My friend reminded me that Will also wrote an over-the-top piece about the ultimately disgraced US Senate candidate Jack Ryan in November of 2003. The following sentence fragment pretty much sums up the entire column: But he is, above all, a moralist… Heh.
Factoid of the day
Monday, Feb 21, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller From the Daily Herald. Tuition (at Illinois’ universities) has risen 40 percent since 2002 as the state’s support of higher education dropped 13 percent. Wow.
The “New Way” that isn’t
Monday, Feb 21, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller From Crain’s: A generous donor to Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s campaign fund has won a no-bid state contract to investigate insurance brokers in Illinois. Read the whole story, but it looks to me like the Dept. of Insurance is not only using an investigator of questionable qualifications, but is investigating something that ought to be handled by the Illinois Attorney General. Wonder why?
HST checks out
Monday, Feb 21, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller May he rest in peace.
California, Labor Day weekend… early, with ocean fog still in the streets, outlaw motorcyclists wearing chains, shades and greasy Levi’s roll out from damp garages, all-night diners and cast-off one-night pads in Frisco, Hollywood, Berdoo and East Oakland, heading for the Monterey peninsula, north of Big Sur.