Question of the day
Wednesday, Mar 2, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Now that Bill Brady has announced and Obermilk is on the verge of jumping in, I have a question. Which candidate, announced yet or not, will be the first to drop out of the governor’s race?
- Bo - Wednesday, Mar 2, 05 @ 8:12 am:
Hopefully Joe Birkett.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 2, 05 @ 8:53 am:
Go Ditka!
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 2, 05 @ 9:05 am:
Birkett almost won statewide in a horrible Republican year against the Madigan machine. He’s one of the Repubs best bets.
- ArchPundit - Wednesday, Mar 2, 05 @ 9:15 am:
John Cox.
- ArchPundit - Wednesday, Mar 2, 05 @ 9:21 am:
What’s Birkett’s position on concealed carry again?
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 2, 05 @ 9:39 am:
What’s Lisa’s position on parental notification again?
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 2, 05 @ 10:01 am:
Birkett is “one of the Repubs best bets”?
Yeah, what we really need right now is another Republican State’s Attorney from DuPage County leading the ticket. A wet mop would have more charisma, more backbone and greater appeal. Do us all a favor and keep your DuPage County Republicans in DuPage County.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 2, 05 @ 10:34 am:
Birkett should definitely run. He’s one of the party’s true stars — what with his unblemished record -both in his role as a prosecutor in convicting child-murderers and domestic abusers, and in his oh-so-ethical fundraising; and with his even temper and bright disposition, there’s no telling where this kid can go!
And by the way — do you guys feel that John Kerry “almost won” the presidency? Because by your Birkett standard, that is the case.
- Bo - Wednesday, Mar 2, 05 @ 10:45 am:
Anonymous: What’s Birkett’s position on Brian Dugan again?
“almost won” *chuckle*
- Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Mar 2, 05 @ 11:27 am:
Birkett sorta hosed himself in his concession speech after losing to Madigan. I doubt he’ll get in.
Brady would seem to have probs with being overshadowed by LaHood.
The guys that have lots of their own money can pretty much run whether it makes sense or not.
I’ll predict Topinka takes charge and slates a field of insiders and the millionnaires still run against the semi-official ticket that has LaHood running for gov.
- ArchPundit - Wednesday, Mar 2, 05 @ 11:39 am:
—Birkett sorta hosed himself in his concession speech after losing to Madigan.
That was just a normal day in cheery Joe Birkett land.
===What’s Lisa’s position on parental notification again?
She wants a bill that protects the ability to have a judicial option. The difference–she didn’t try to hide the position or play cute with it.
- IlliniPundit - Wednesday, Mar 2, 05 @ 12:17 pm:
Rauschenberger. It’s a shame, but he can’t raise the money.
- Pat Collins - Wednesday, Mar 2, 05 @ 12:18 pm:
A bill without judical bypass would get shot down by a Federal court. I doubt LM wants any sort of notification bill.
Drops profits too much,
- JTrigg - Wednesday, Mar 2, 05 @ 1:08 pm:
Does Alan Keyes count?
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 2, 05 @ 1:24 pm:
It’s me. I have looked over the bean bin, and I have seen the promised land. For reasons not fully understandable, I will no longer be a candidate for the office of governor of Illinois. Of course, I never announced I was running, but I feel so much better now that I’ve dropped out…
- ArchPundit - Wednesday, Mar 2, 05 @ 1:36 pm:
Because, we all know that Lege members worry about whether something will pass the court or not
She supports a bypass with other family members or a clergy member as alternatives.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 2, 05 @ 1:43 pm:
Let me get this straight. Birkett, one of 10 children, self-made man, runs for AG against against woman who barely is a lawyer and whose father runs the Dem machine, which plants an opponent in the primary, then smears him with some of the slimiest ads in Illinois history and JB is the bad guy?
Only in Illinois. Now, we have a man as governor who promised to clean up state government while taking biggest piles of insider money in state history and all you can talk about is who smiles most. Only in Illinois.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Mar 2, 05 @ 2:31 pm:
You think Madigan planted John Schmidt? What planet are you from?
Seriously, though, how about we get back to the question at hand?
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 2, 05 @ 3:11 pm:
Coleman, dude.
Nano, nano.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 2, 05 @ 3:35 pm:
Rich is correct — If you think Schmidt was a Madigan “plant,” you’re on crack.
But you’re right. Lisa was the nasty one. By the way, has she -clad in her nazi armband- come to your home to personally collect your guns yet?
Back to the issue at hand; JBT would probably be nuts not to run. This is presently a pack of fools, none capable of winning.
She’s got nothing to lose. If she loses the race — she can certainly collect in the private sector.
Why doesn’t Charles Foster Ryan step in?
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 2, 05 @ 4:58 pm:
Is Brady the only person who thinks Brady has a chance of being governor? Good looking, snappy dresser. Anything else?
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 2, 05 @ 5:18 pm:
the brickhead still cannot answer about his “loans” aka advance salary payments from DuPage law firms, plus the anchor of the cruz case, plus the water commission , plus, plus plus. Look for him to be a Hyde replacement at best! Gidwitz can buy and sell all of them so he last the longest. Brady-Rutherford the Central IL dynamooooos go first.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 2, 05 @ 5:54 pm:
Anchor of the Cruz case? Wrong.
You shouldn’t believe what you read on the Madigan smear site, funded by all kinds of dirty donations.
By the way, when has the press once looked at her donations since she’s been AG? She gets zero scrutiny. By the way, Arch, she’s the AG now and all she has to do is urge the Il. S. Court to devise those bypass rules and we can get the law going. That would demonstrate her sincerity on that issue.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 2, 05 @ 6:19 pm:
I’m announcing today that I am dropping out of the race for governor, effective immediately.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 2, 05 @ 8:17 pm:
I’d like to announce I’m running for Gov. I’m a GOP member so I’ll be running on the following agneda.
Smaller Governtment
Less Taxes
Doing more With Less
Pro Buisness
To that end, I know I speak for my fellow GOP members when I say:
I want to hire more state workers to keep Irv Smith and his boys happy (smaller government be dammed)
I’m not going to tell you which taxes I’ll raise but be assured like Thompson and Edgar I’ll raise them to dig myself out of the fiscal mess.
I’ll do more with less. You know hire more good GOP members in Sangamon County while talking about less goverment.
I’ll be in bed with The Chamber and NFIB and block any true progress for those who need it the most. And, I’ll really try to bring Pate back because I’ll need him to keep all those bad bills in Rules Committee.
Please support me. Thousands of GOP members in Sangamon County are counting on you because they know they can’t make it in the private sector.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 2, 05 @ 9:22 pm:
“Please support me. Thousands of GOP members in Sangamon County are counting on you because they know they can’t make it in the private sector.”
Umm….aren’t they having to do that now?
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 2, 05 @ 10:48 pm:
Joe Birkett is not a clean guy. If he runs against Blago, he will heal the wounds between Speaker and Governor instantly when LMM hands over the rest of her O/R file on big-head Joe.
If you think she slimed him, wait till you see what Blago does to the guy. He should not run for office again with some of the things he’s had his public employees do.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 2, 05 @ 11:29 pm:
Birkett is 10 times cleaner than Blago. The only way Blago can beat someone like him is raise tons of dirty money and lie. If voters in Illinois let him get away with it, they deserve what they get. GRyan, now Blago. Same script. If Birkett is so dirty, where is all his campaign cash? It’s not complicated. The insiders who want to feed off government gravitate to politicians who play ball with them. How many times does it have to reoccur before it sinks in?
- Drew Hibbard - Thursday, Mar 3, 05 @ 12:41 am:
I second Rauschenberger.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Mar 3, 05 @ 7:34 am:
Whoever is out there defending BrickheadJoe must be boxer too. Both should have ducked a few more times. Too many hooks to the head.
BrickheadJoe is his own walking OR machine because the media is too lazy to wander way out to the DuPage Co scum buckets.
The Madigan campaign merely looked public records and whiners went into hyperdrive.
Cruz IS the 10ton anchor— even the far right doesn’t like wrongful prosecution and Brickhead Joe won’t give it up.
Someone help him pay back the “loans” so he can just leave us alone.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Mar 3, 05 @ 8:35 am:
Anybody can produce a slimy attack ad with a pile of dirty campaign money. You could slime Patrick Fitzgerald right now and if he didn’t have sufficient money to respond, his reputation would suffer. So what’s your point about Birkett? Don’t you understand anyone could run a television distorting something in your life and devastate your reputation. That doesn’t make the allegation true or fair. Do you think Illinois got the best governor the last two elections?
- Anonymous - Thursday, Mar 3, 05 @ 9:48 am:
It wasn’t Madigan who gave a guy a slap on the wrist after he set his wife on fire. That was Joe and his buddies like Terry E. They should learn their lesson and stay away from state-wide politics or they will get another cruz missile.. There are plenty more dirty deals in the DuPage court house just waiting to be exposed.
- Jay Bee - Thursday, Mar 3, 05 @ 9:57 pm:
Do people think the Republican race will be like the Dems Gov ‘02 with 2 main candidates, and one not far behind, or will this one be like the Dem/Rep ‘04 Sen primary with one person pulling way out in front of a crowded field. Personally I think it will come down to two candidates. I dont know who, but I bet it will be one “face” candidate, Birkett, Brady, etc, and the other one will be a big money candidate, Oberweiss, Gidwitz etc. Thoughts?
- Anonymous - Thursday, Mar 3, 05 @ 10:33 pm:
The race is definately more interesting when there is at least one (two or three would be better) serious, policy minded candidate, and at least one independantly wealthy, egotistical candidate who wont quit until the money is gone. who is the most idologically conservative candidate in the field? Who is this cycle’s Pat O’Malley? The moderates split up the moderate vote and the conservative runs with the base, but gets beaten up by the rich fool Gidwitz. The conservative wins the primary and all of the inside ballplayers cut their deals with Blago and quietly support him.
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