Unhappy people
Wednesday, Mar 2, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller The Civil Justice League is freaking out about a particularly pesky commenter. Yesterday, our newest “reader” spent 16 hours, 16 minutes, and 21 seconds on our Blog. Definitely a committed visitor!!! Here we go again. Meanwhile, the Justice League claims that former Missouri insurance regulator Jay Angoff may not be what he seems. Angoff testified to a House committee last week about the inherent conflict of interest with the same lobbyists representing the Medical Society and the group’s medical malpractice insurance company. They dug up this story from Forbes, back when Agoff worked for Ralph Nader. When American Tort Reform Association former president James Coyne asked Nader about his plaintiff attorney funding at a press conference in Washington, he stormed from the podium and his supporter, Jay Angoff, rushed over and punched Coyne in the eye.†And, while we’re on this topic, the Belleville News-Democrat writes about yesterday’s tort reform hearing. Robert Uhe, House Speaker Michael Madigan’s chief legal counsel, specifically inquired about more than $1 million in outstanding loans ISMIE Mutual Insurance Co. gave its executives according to federal documents the company filed in February 2000. There’s more to this, but it will have to wait until tonight.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 2, 05 @ 4:36 pm:
Too bad they don’t understand that there is no conflict when you stay consistent. Now if the med society care about the docs and their insurance costs, they would share their claims information and more companies would come to IL.
How many docs know the med society gives out six figure home loans and bonuses to pay the loans.
Wait til the poor mouth crying hospitals start getting the same questions
- Doug Wojcieszak - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 5:30 pm:
“Yes, Mr. Adomite and the super sleuths at ICJL ‘outed’ me. I posted as ‘anonymous’ because I thought it was the only way I could post a question without him deleting it. And Mr. Adomite didn’t disappoint me – once he discovered my identity he deleted my message without answering my questions. Furthermore, he shut down his blog to any more postings.
I still would like my questions answered, and I think many doctors and consumers would like these questions answered too:
1)Yes or no: Does the Illinois Civil Justice support the $50,000 fine language introduced by ISMIE mutual in HB 705 and SB 150? This fine language would impose a $50,000 penalty on any government employee who released any information about an insurance company to a doctor, a consumer watchdog, or a member of the media.
2)Yes or no: Does the Illinois Civil Justice League support mandatory open books for insurance companies?
3)Yes or no: Does the Illinois Civil Justice League support insurance reform?
Mr. Adomite’s suggestion that I somehow stalked him or harassed him is laughable. He said I spent 16+ hours on his website, but I do lots of research and leave multiple pages open on my browser for hours (even days) at a time. And yes, I regularly checked his website to see if my questions were answered. But how is this different than the hours Mr. Adomite has spent on my website, or the hundreds of hours Adomite has spent at the Madison County Courthouse researching mind-numbing details about judges and lawyers stretching back 20+ years. Talk about a stalker!
If Mr. Adomite is going to have a blog, then he needs to realize that people who agree with and disagree with him will visit and pose questions. Dissenting opinions and pointed questions are not “harassment†– they are part of the public discourse Americans enjoy. If Mr. Adomite cannot handle this, then perhaps it is time him to find a new job.
This leads to my final point: This tirade is part of an overall troubling trend with the Illinois Civil Justice League. Principally, they want to have it both ways. ICJL wants to play the part of a watchdog and hold judges and lawyers accountable (which is their right), but the minute anyone questions them they scream harassment, intimidation, and duck questions.
This is not only troubling – it’s immature.â€