The Battle of McHenry! How about Cal “which website should I register” Skinner v. Jack Franks. Franks wins in a walkover. Cal gets more letters from Public Aid.
1) It easily more winnable and would require substantially less money investment to win. I mean lets face it, while he could possibly win the Gov nomination, it would be a costly battle, with another bloody battle during the general.
2) It gets him into a statewide office so that he can build for a run at the mansion in 1-2 terms; he can build a state-wide network
Dr. Pete Kehoe, an Optometrist from Galesburg. Moderate Repub, who is tight with the Hawk and Donny Moffit. Galesburg native with strong community ties. Has the gift –smooth. Never ran for any office, but is a dark horse.
Dr. Pete Kehoe, an Optometrist from Galesburg. Moderate Repub, who is tight with the Hawk and Donny Moffit. Galesburg native with strong community ties. Has the gift –smooth. Never ran for any office, but is a dark horse.
Dr. Pete Kehoe, an Optometrist from Galesburg. Moderate Repub, who is tight with the Hawk and Donny Moffit. Galesburg native with strong community ties. Has the gift –smooth. Never ran for any office, but is a dark horse.
Dr. Pete Kehoe, an Optometrist from Galesburg. Moderate Repub, who is tight with the Hawk and Donny Moffit. Galesburg native with strong community ties. Has the gift –smooth. Never ran for any office, but is a dark horse.
Rauschie knows he can’t win the GOP primary without spending tons of money he doesn’t have, then to take on Rod? Congress? maybe, but a fiscal hawk like him, Treas sounds good
If there is one thing during the 2002 Election cycle that resonated with voters across the state it is the republican line of ” All the Dems are from Chicago” and with the exception of our now senior US Senator that was true.
Its time to have a downstater on the ticket.
here is my prediction Rep. Mike Boland (D-East Moline) vs. US Rep John Shimkus (R Collinsville)
Boland would be a formidable candidate with his background as a consumer advocate and a consumate fighter for working families
Id say a co founder of the Citizens Utility Board and someone who consitantly fought Utility tax and fee increases is a consumer advocate!
Look at Boland’s legislation and you will see how wrong you are.
And for the record its a guy like Boland who has taken on the big money intrests (including those title loan scumbags) is who we need fighting for working families in the Treasurer’s Office
Lets rember Boland was a founding member of the Citizen’s Utility Board and a relentless fighter against utility tax and fee increases, thats about as big as consumer advocate as you can get.
Boland has constanly stood up to the Big Money Intrests and I know he will work to get some regulatory hold on those guys as Chair of Finacial Institutions.
He would be an advocate for downstate and all of Illinois as Treasurer
Boland is a two-faced liar who poses as a consumer activist but cozies up to the special interests. He is a complete phony and I’m sorry to see you’ve fallen for his line of crap.
I’m not sure if Boland’s the guy, but a downstater would make loads of sense for the Dems. I bet the Speaker and Gov are thinking along those lines, too.
John Shimkus. John Shimkus. John Shimkus. He’s perfect-he was the treasurer for the county and would do a great job as Treasurer-he has just the fiscal policy this state needs.
How about Dan McLaughlin in Orland Park who did quite well in his first try? He has a bit of money in the bank. Lots of friends in labor and heck he did better for Danny Hynes than the 19th Ward did.
HOW ABOUT ANY WHO TOOK PAT RYAN’S CASH IS DISQUALIFIED? “Aon and other insurance brokers and consultants entered into contingent commission agreements and other arrangements that created conflicts of interest,” said Aon chief executive Patrick Ryan.”I deeply regret that we took advantage of those conflicts.Such conduct was improper and I apologize for it.” THAT LIST WILL INCLUDE: Coulson, Rutherforf, Ryans-both Jadn G, Cory Brickhead, JBT, Dillard. House GOP and Daniels snagged 80K but that was before the Cross “reforms”
As for Democratic candidates, you have to look downstate because the line up is already loaded with Cook County. If Democrats have any interest left in remaining a STATEWIDE force, they had damn well better look downstate. Among the possibilities: Doug Scott, Mike Boland, Kurt Granberg, Porter McNeil — and there are more.
Blago will not face opposition in the primary. There are like 6-7 repubs exloring a run. I don’t think this is healthy. They will spend it all($$$) in the primary, and then have to face $10-20 million in the general election? We need to get behind one candidate and go with them. Look at the 2002 elections…..Birkett and Topinka are serious gubernatorial candidates. LaHood? Brady? Gidwitz..come on now… these guys can’t win.
Downstate progressives give Democrats their best shot in statewide races. Mike Boland would be a good choice. I’d like to see him run a populist campaign for Treasurer.
It’s too bad the state party hasn’t invested more in developing a downstate farm team. We don’t have a lot of strong downstate Democrats to choose from in statewide races.
Tom Dart ran a strong campaign for State Treasurer, and if he hadn’t been running against the most popular GOP candidate (Topinka) on the ballot he would be won. The other factor, and this is indisputable to anyone who knows about the 02 race, is that there was no coordinated campaign. Sen. Dick Durbin was the only true statewide leader in 02 who came to Tom’s assistance; as for everyone else, it was “all about me” and that is our problem as a party.
I would be for Dart, but I do think the Dems absolutely need to reach downstate. Where’s Julie Curry when you need her?
How about freshly-retired State Sen. Denny Jacobs? He left the door open for a possible statewide.
We could use a Harry Truman-type Democrat to swing back those downstate swing counties into the Democrats’ column. Just send Denny up and down the Mississippi River spine to secure the Western IL and Southern Il base, add some good votes from Cook County, and he could win.
Speaker Madigan, Governor Blagojevich — had better work togther in 2006 to make sure there is a strong downstate candidate. When downstate accounts for 60% of the general election vote, you have to act smart.
- John Cougar Mellencamp - Saturday, Mar 5, 05 @ 12:10 am:
Meeks has the charisma and can certainly raise money. He took out a well-heeled Senator and definately has aspiration of doing more. Anyway, the South suburbs is building a dynasty!
All I’m saying, is that for the Democrats to maintain and build a truly STATEWIDE party they had damn well better recruit a strong DOWNSTATE candidate for the 2006 ticket. 58 percent of the general election vote is represented by the 96 counties considered “downstate.” Running for office isn’t just a playground for the egos in Chicago, it’s about building a statewide party.
Please, please, please, look beyond your own wards and townships up there and think STATEWIDE.
Since Rod’s platform seems to be social moderate but fiscal conservative no-new-taxes-balancing-the-books-be-damned Republicanism, doesn’t it seem likely that one of the disgruntled Dem tax swap proponents (maybe Meeks??) will probably wind up running, if just for spite?
Other than that I don’t see what the Dems can run a campaign on in the primary unless an indictment comes down or some other collossal error in mismanagement.
Where are L-Mad, Hynes, Yarbrough, Franks, etc on the tax swap?
Apologies to the previous anonymous who noted my inflated number about the percentage of the general election vote the downstate IL accounts for. I was off about 15% (hey, it was late). But none of that changes my strong argument that the big egos in Cook County had damn well better keep their eye on maintaining a STATEWIDE Democratic Party. Right now, the Chicago line up of Blagojevich, Quinn, Madigan, Hynes and White mop up the statewide posts for Chicago.
If there is one new opening in 2006, and it is state treasurer, our party is in for real trouble if it nominates another Chicagoan.
As someone who has toiled downstate for quite some years to help build the party, I think we all would be wise to think of a downstater (Doug Scott, Jay Hoffman, Mike Boland, Kurt Granberg — any could fit the bill).
I agree that dems would be wise to have a downstater run for the treasurer position, but who wants it? Its such an insignificant position that many argue that it should be should be combined with the Comptrollers office into one larger insignificant office. I like John Bradley for that post. He’s a poshard like southern illinoisan who can give the party more strength in so. il. He is a bright attorney who could do well in that office — great speaker.
I hear that Franks is looking to run for treasurer. He would be good as well.
OMG- you know that the Lite Gov wants to run against Roddog.
And for all the Dems that are out there- face facts- Ray LaHood will win. Character does matter and so does competence. He can raise money, he has a solid name ID (and will have the money necessary to “buy” the rest), and has the credibility that Roddog doesn’t. Rutherford & Sen Watson are also very attractive candidates.
Actually, BlueState, your assertion about the downstate vote being 58 percent of the total general election vote was actually 52.6 percent higher than reality. But who’s counting.
Anybody heard anything from Kelleher since his last run for office? Just wondering. Would he seek any office. I know someone who worked on his campaign, but haven’t heard his name at all in over two years. Did he drop out of politics altogether?
I live in northwestern Illinois, he’s from central Illinois and I wouldn’t know this kind of stuff.
I also think at least one of the major roles in state government - governor, treasurer, etc. - should be from down state. But Doug Scott. No, he doesn’t have the clout to carry an office like that. Just my opinion.
Actually, the downstate 96 counties account for about 40 percent of the statewide general election vote (give or take a point or two, based on which candidate and which cycle). Now, to take representation into account the Democrats should aim to have about 40% of their statewide ticket coming from downstate.
Let’s see. Right now, all five — 100% — are from Chicago. If we added a downstater as State Treasurer in 2006, downstaters would still only comprise about 20% of the statewide slate.
The point, again for redundancy, is to urge the leaders of our party to think about a STATEWIDE Democratic Party in 2006.
Dorothy Brown, Cook County Clerk of Court, would make an excellent candidate for Treasurer. She has a strong base on the Southside, in churches, with women and some lakefront liberals. Also, she clearly is interested in higher office and going statewide might be her only option for 2006 if President Stroger runs again. She’d be a good fit with her background as an accountant and auditor. Also, she has a law degree and an MBA.
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 7:00 am:
The battle of the bureaucrats:
Jack Lavin (D) DCEO Director
Joseph Galvan (R) HUD Regional Director
- |_a5a||e - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 7:32 am:
Pat Welch
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 7:46 am:
Quarters Boyle
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 7:55 am:
If Judy drops out; Rauschenberger will move to the Treasurer Slot.
He would be tough to beat
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 8:04 am:
Rutherford for the Repubs. Not sure for the Dems but it would be a good time to consolidate the two offices.
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 8:47 am:
Fritchey’s itchin to run statewide. Could be him for the Ds
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 9:01 am:
Mark Doyle, don’t forget.
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 9:12 am:
Why would Rauschenberger want a demotion?
I say he runs for guv…
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 9:13 am:
The Battle of McHenry!
How about Cal “which website should I register” Skinner v. Jack Franks. Franks wins in a walkover. Cal gets more letters from Public Aid.
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 9:17 am:
Rutherford is aiming for Treasurer or Secy of State. And why would he want to take on jesse?
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 9:22 am:
Why Rauschenberger would run for the Treasurer?
1) It easily more winnable and would require substantially less money investment to win. I mean lets face it, while he could possibly win the Gov nomination, it would be a costly battle, with another bloody battle during the general.
2) It gets him into a statewide office so that he can build for a run at the mansion in 1-2 terms; he can build a state-wide network
3) He is a natural for that position
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 9:23 am:
We’re hearing Rep. Chapin Rose is a good possibility. Young, smart, well-spoken — basically the opposite of Poe and some of the other GOPers
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 9:38 am:
Jack Lavin (D) vs. Dan Rutherford (R)
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 9:41 am:
Dr. Pete Kehoe, an Optometrist from Galesburg. Moderate Repub, who is tight with the Hawk and Donny Moffit. Galesburg native with strong community ties.
Has the gift –smooth. Never ran for any office, but is a dark horse.
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 9:42 am:
Dr. Pete Kehoe, an Optometrist from Galesburg. Moderate Repub, who is tight with the Hawk and Donny Moffit. Galesburg native with strong community ties.
Has the gift –smooth. Never ran for any office, but is a dark horse.
- Veetsec - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 9:42 am:
Dr. Pete Kehoe, an Optometrist from Galesburg. Moderate Repub, who is tight with the Hawk and Donny Moffit. Galesburg native with strong community ties.
Has the gift –smooth. Never ran for any office, but is a dark horse.
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 9:43 am:
Dr. Pete Kehoe, an Optometrist from Galesburg. Moderate Repub, who is tight with the Hawk and Donny Moffit. Galesburg native with strong community ties.
Has the gift –smooth. Never ran for any office, but is a dark horse.
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 9:44 am:
What about Ira Silverstein? He’ll be in mid-term in 2006 and be able to run without giving up his Senate seat.
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 9:44 am:
Chris Lauzen
- ThePiper - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 9:59 am:
All wrong. Schoenberg.
- ThePiper - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 10:00 am:
All wrong. Schoenberg.
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 10:01 am:
Rumor has it that Rauschenberger is taking a close look at the 8th Congressional District. He’d be a favorite to win the primary.
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 10:10 am:
Rauschie knows he can’t win the GOP primary without spending tons of money he doesn’t have, then to take on Rod? Congress? maybe, but a fiscal hawk like him, Treas sounds good
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 11:08 am:
If there is one thing during the 2002 Election cycle that resonated with voters across the state it is the republican line of ” All the Dems are from Chicago” and with the exception of our now senior US Senator that was true.
Its time to have a downstater on the ticket.
here is my prediction Rep. Mike Boland (D-East Moline) vs. US Rep John Shimkus (R Collinsville)
Boland would be a formidable candidate with his background as a consumer advocate and a consumate fighter for working families
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 11:38 am:
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 12:04 pm:
Rauschenberger is our only hope of straightening out the fiscal mess in state government. That’s why we need him for governor.
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 12:05 pm:
Rauschenberger is our only hope of straightening out the fiscal mess in state government. That’s why we need him for governor.
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 12:05 pm:
Boland a consumer advocate? What a laugh. If he was any deeper in the pockets of the title loan companies he’d be lint.
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 12:59 pm:
Left field calling Miguel Del Valle.
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 1:35 pm:
I hope it is LAVIN!!!
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 2:05 pm:
Lt. Gov.- Poe
Gov. -Birkett
This is doable…right?
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 2:47 pm:
Id say a co founder of the Citizens Utility Board and someone who consitantly fought Utility tax and fee increases is a consumer advocate!
Look at Boland’s legislation and you will see how wrong you are.
And for the record its a guy like Boland who has taken on the big money intrests (including those title loan scumbags) is who we need fighting for working families in the Treasurer’s Office
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 2:51 pm:
Lets rember Boland was a founding member of the Citizen’s Utility Board and a relentless fighter against utility tax and fee increases, thats about as big as consumer advocate as you can get.
Boland has constanly stood up to the Big Money Intrests and I know he will work to get some regulatory hold on those guys as Chair of Finacial Institutions.
He would be an advocate for downstate and all of Illinois as Treasurer
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 2:53 pm:
Lets remember 2002, Tom Dart has the right of first refusal among the Dems.
He ran a great campaign and he would have done much with the office.
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 2:55 pm:
Boland is a two-faced liar who poses as a consumer activist but cozies up to the special interests. He is a complete phony and I’m sorry to see you’ve fallen for his line of crap.
- PrairieStateDem - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 4:14 pm:
Whoever is trashing Boland needs to grow up!
His legislation and voting record speak for themselves
He would be great as Treasurer, even though lots of people fear a powerful downstater.
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 4:27 pm:
Powerful downstater? Right. “Boland for Illinois” was on his yard signs last year. Should have been “Boland for Boland’s campaign fund.”
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 4:49 pm:
GOP ticket
Gov. Topinka
LG Roger Eddy
Tres Rauschy
SOS Rutherford
AG Birkett?
Dem Primary
Gov. Hynes v. Blago
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 4:51 pm:
I’m not sure if Boland’s the guy, but a downstater would make loads of sense for the Dems. I bet the Speaker and Gov are thinking along those lines, too.
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 4:55 pm:
John Shimkus. John Shimkus. John Shimkus. He’s perfect-he was the treasurer for the county and would do a great job as Treasurer-he has just the fiscal policy this state needs.
- capsauder - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 4:56 pm:
How about Dan McLaughlin in Orland Park who did quite well in his first try? He has a bit of money in the bank. Lots of friends in labor and heck he did better for Danny Hynes than the 19th Ward did.
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 5:41 pm:
“Aon and other insurance brokers and consultants entered into contingent commission agreements and other arrangements that created conflicts of interest,” said Aon chief executive Patrick Ryan.”I deeply regret that we took advantage of those conflicts.Such conduct was improper and I apologize for it.”
Coulson, Rutherforf, Ryans-both Jadn G, Cory Brickhead, JBT, Dillard. House GOP and Daniels snagged 80K but that was before the Cross “reforms”
- Blue State - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 6:42 pm:
As for Democratic candidates, you have to look downstate because the line up is already loaded with Cook County. If Democrats have any interest left in remaining a STATEWIDE force, they had damn well better look downstate. Among the possibilities: Doug Scott, Mike Boland, Kurt Granberg, Porter McNeil — and there are more.
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 7:01 pm:
Blago will not face opposition in the primary. There are like 6-7 repubs exloring a run. I don’t think this is healthy. They will spend it all($$$) in the primary, and then have to face $10-20 million in the general election? We need to get behind one candidate and go with them. Look at the 2002 elections…..Birkett and Topinka are serious gubernatorial candidates. LaHood? Brady? Gidwitz..come on now… these guys can’t win.
- DonkeyWill - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 7:13 pm:
Sen. Debbie Halvorson, D-Crete
- DownLeft - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 9:48 pm:
Downstate progressives give Democrats their best shot in statewide races. Mike Boland would be a good choice. I’d like to see him run a populist campaign for Treasurer.
It’s too bad the state party hasn’t invested more in developing a downstate farm team. We don’t have a lot of strong downstate Democrats to choose from in statewide races.
- CM Wangs - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 10:33 pm:
Tom Dart ran a horrible campaign. He should be too embarrassed to ever run for elected office again. Who would give him the money to do it anyway?
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 11:26 pm:
Boland has no credibility. You think Rod is unpopular in Springfield? Ask around about Boland. He can’t be trusted.
- Blue State - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 11:52 pm:
Tom Dart ran a strong campaign for State Treasurer, and if he hadn’t been running against the most popular GOP candidate (Topinka) on the ballot he would be won. The other factor, and this is indisputable to anyone who knows about the 02 race, is that there was no coordinated campaign. Sen. Dick Durbin was the only true statewide leader in 02 who came to Tom’s assistance; as for everyone else, it was “all about me” and that is our problem as a party.
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 11:56 pm:
Lou Lang for Guv for the Dems
Julie Hamos for Treasurer
- Peter Frampton - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 11:56 pm:
I would be for Dart, but I do think the Dems absolutely need to reach downstate. Where’s Julie Curry when you need her?
How about freshly-retired State Sen. Denny Jacobs? He left the door open for a possible statewide.
We could use a Harry Truman-type Democrat to swing back those downstate swing counties into the Democrats’ column. Just send Denny up and down the Mississippi River spine to secure the Western IL and Southern Il base, add some good votes from Cook County, and he could win.
Speaker Madigan, Governor Blagojevich — had better work togther in 2006 to make sure there is a strong downstate candidate.
When downstate accounts for 60% of the general election vote, you have to act smart.
- John Cougar Mellencamp - Saturday, Mar 5, 05 @ 12:10 am:
Steve Davis for Treasurer.
- Anonymous - Saturday, Mar 5, 05 @ 12:17 am:
Here’s a independent dark horse…
James Meeks for Guv
Meeks has the charisma and can certainly raise money. He took out a well-heeled Senator and definately has aspiration of doing more. Anyway, the South suburbs is building a dynasty!
- Blue State - Saturday, Mar 5, 05 @ 12:29 am:
All I’m saying, is that for the Democrats to maintain and build a truly STATEWIDE party they had damn well better recruit a strong DOWNSTATE candidate for the 2006 ticket. 58 percent of the general election vote is represented by the 96 counties considered “downstate.” Running for office isn’t just a playground for the egos in Chicago, it’s about building a statewide party.
Please, please, please, look beyond your own wards and townships up there and think STATEWIDE.
- Anonymous - Saturday, Mar 5, 05 @ 12:45 am:
US Census 2000 Total Illinois Population: 12,440,846
6-county Chicagoland population (2000): 8,091,720
- Anonymous - Saturday, Mar 5, 05 @ 3:15 am:
US Senate race, 2004 vote totals:
Cook: 1.98 million
DuPage 343k
Kane: 163k
Lake: 267k
McHenry: 124k
Will: 241k
Total 6-county vote: 3.118 million
Total illinois vote: 5 million
6-county vote percent of total: 62
Downstate vote percent of total: 38
In other words, “blue state” is quite misinformed.
- Anonymous - Saturday, Mar 5, 05 @ 9:19 am:
When did Denny Jacobs become known as a “Harry Truman-type democrat”?
I love Denny, but… Harry Truman?Never mind, it’s my fault for not realizing Truman was such a huge proponent of riverboat gambling.
- Anonymous - Saturday, Mar 5, 05 @ 9:46 am:
Since Rod’s platform seems to be social moderate but fiscal conservative no-new-taxes-balancing-the-books-be-damned Republicanism, doesn’t it seem likely that one of the disgruntled Dem tax swap proponents (maybe Meeks??) will probably wind up running, if just for spite?
Other than that I don’t see what the Dems can run a campaign on in the primary unless an indictment comes down or some other collossal error in mismanagement.
Where are L-Mad, Hynes, Yarbrough, Franks, etc on the tax swap?
- Blue State - Saturday, Mar 5, 05 @ 12:00 pm:
Apologies to the previous anonymous who noted my inflated number about the percentage of the general election vote the downstate IL accounts for. I was off about 15% (hey, it was late).
But none of that changes my strong argument that the big egos in Cook County had damn well better keep their eye on maintaining a STATEWIDE Democratic Party. Right now, the Chicago line up of Blagojevich, Quinn, Madigan, Hynes and White mop up the statewide posts for Chicago.
If there is one new opening in 2006, and it is state treasurer, our party is in for real trouble if it nominates another Chicagoan.
As someone who has toiled downstate for quite some years to help build the party, I think we all would be wise to think of a downstater (Doug Scott, Jay Hoffman, Mike Boland, Kurt Granberg — any could fit the bill).
- Anonymous - Saturday, Mar 5, 05 @ 12:41 pm:
I agree that dems would be wise to have a downstater run for the treasurer position, but who wants it? Its such an insignificant position that many argue that it should be should be combined with the Comptrollers office into one larger insignificant office. I like John Bradley for that post. He’s a poshard like southern illinoisan who can give the party more strength in so. il. He is a bright attorney who could do well in that office — great speaker.
I hear that Franks is looking to run for treasurer. He would be good as well.
- EvilTerry - Saturday, Mar 5, 05 @ 2:03 pm:
OMG- you know that the Lite Gov wants to run against Roddog.
And for all the Dems that are out there- face facts- Ray LaHood will win. Character does matter and so does competence. He can raise money, he has a solid name ID (and will have the money necessary to “buy” the rest), and has the credibility that Roddog doesn’t. Rutherford & Sen Watson are also very attractive candidates.
- Rich Miller - Saturday, Mar 5, 05 @ 3:59 pm:
Actually, BlueState, your assertion about the downstate vote being 58 percent of the total general election vote was actually 52.6 percent higher than reality. But who’s counting.
- Tessa - Sunday, Mar 6, 05 @ 4:31 pm:
Anybody heard anything from Kelleher since his last run for office? Just wondering. Would he seek any office. I know someone who worked on his campaign, but haven’t heard his name at all in over two years. Did he drop out of politics altogether?
I live in northwestern Illinois, he’s from central Illinois and I wouldn’t know this kind of stuff.
I also think at least one of the major roles in state government - governor, treasurer, etc. - should be from down state. But Doug Scott. No, he doesn’t have the clout to carry an office like that. Just my opinion.
- Blue State - Sunday, Mar 6, 05 @ 5:13 pm:
Actually, the downstate 96 counties account for about 40 percent of the statewide general election vote (give or take a point or two, based on which candidate and which cycle). Now, to take representation into account the Democrats should aim to have about 40% of their statewide ticket coming from downstate.
Let’s see. Right now, all five — 100% — are from Chicago. If we added a downstater as State Treasurer in 2006, downstaters would still only comprise about 20% of the statewide slate.
The point, again for redundancy, is to urge the leaders of our party to think about a STATEWIDE Democratic Party in 2006.
That’s all.
- selfishhedonist - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 12:07 pm:
Dorothy Brown, Cook County Clerk of Court, would make an excellent candidate for Treasurer. She has a strong base on the Southside, in churches, with women and some lakefront liberals. Also, she clearly is interested in higher office and going statewide might be her only option for 2006 if President Stroger runs again. She’d be a good fit with her background as an accountant and auditor. Also, she has a law degree and an MBA.