Tollway probed
Friday, Mar 4, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller
Another day, another investigation.
Prosecutors in DuPage County opened a probe Thursday in response to criticism that two of Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s top advisers are linked to vendors who gleaned profitable restaurant contracts for the state’s tollway oases.
Authorities want to review a myriad of documents related to a $100 million, 25-year lease pact between the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority and Wilton Partners for seven remodeled rest stops.
DuPage State’s Attorney Joseph Birkett filed an extensive request Thursday at the tollway’s headquarters in Downers Grove, which is within his jurisdiction.
“I’m not suggesting there’s any wrongdoing,” said Birkett, who is eyeing a possible gubernatorial run. “I just want to take a preliminary look at all documents and contracts.” […]
As for the tollway authority, this isn’t the first time Birkett’s office has investigated its business. In 1997, former tollway chief Robert Hickman was convicted alongside state Rep. Joseph Kotlarz, a former Chicago alderman, for their roles in a $240,000 kickback scheme involving the sale of tollway land.
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 12:54 pm:
“After a full investigation I have concluded that Brian Dugan doesn’t work at the tollway.”
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 1:46 pm:
Chris Kelly, Tony Rezko, Ed deBartolo. I’m sure it’s clean as a hound’s tooth over there.
- Hubert - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 1:52 pm:
“After a full investigation Birkett has discovered that the food at Panda Express is very greasy, unhealthy and for the most part, not that tasty.
Birkett is now considering a false advertisement suit based on the fact that the chain does not actually serve ANY Panda meat.”
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 2:01 pm:
I’m sure bringing in the official pizza of the NY Yankees and convicted felon deBartolo is unrelated to anything other than good government.
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 3:35 pm:
“After a full and complete investigation, I have concluded Rolando Cruz once bought coffee at an oasis and therefore all ITHA staff and employees must be executed.” Brickhead Joe 2-05-06.
Meanwhile, as BrickheadJoe stumbles around the Attorneys General of IL and NY clipped the insurance whores at AON for $190 million. Hmmmm
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 4:49 pm:
Nice to see the junior lawyer ride on Eliot Spitzer’s coattails. He did 99 percent of the work. Now Lisa has inched up to about $10 billion behind the previous AG in bringing in money to the state.
- Cap Sauder - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 5:06 pm:
Hey was that the governors deputy chief of staff at the autoshow with Jack Hartman…these guys are thick as thieves…
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 5:06 pm:
Brickhead Joe - “After a full, fair and impartial investigation, I have concluded that many drivers, including Brian Dugan and Rolando Cruz, exceed the speed limit on the tollway. I am outraged, sickened and shocked by these unholy revelations. However, I have no intention in using this as an issue in any upcoming campaign.”
- Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 5:11 pm:
I see the wounds of 2002 haven’t healed yet on either side.
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 05 @ 5:28 pm:
Sad that “Brickhead Joe” had to look at the tollway because apparently our AG doesn’t realize Blagojevich’s cronies are stealing it blind.
- Anonymous - Saturday, Mar 5, 05 @ 8:56 am:
Wounds what wounds? A mope is a mope.
Anonynmous 5:28 (looks like a biblical reference) ought to remeber the Ryans as US atty were usually last in national class actions ( tobacco, etc.)
Quit trying to promote these hack DuPage lawyers, Just get them new punchin’ bags
- Anonymous - Saturday, Mar 5, 05 @ 11:17 am:
The previous poster is factually challenged.
- Anonymous - Saturday, Mar 5, 05 @ 1:29 pm:
Hey Anon:11:17 please lead us to where the Ryans were something other than last in class on consumer issues? And while your at it remember Ryans was the guy who wanted to take over child support enforcement then chickened out and let the DuPage Clerk create the nightmare for thousands of IL single moms. Not my choice for hero. But we’ll wait for the “facts”
- Anonymous - Saturday, Mar 5, 05 @ 9:14 pm:
Last I checked $8 billion is greater than $100 million, or whatever it was you were bragging Lisa Madigan brought in. Tobacco settlement was greatest recovery by any AG in the history of Illinois.
But if you want to believe someone who barely was a lawyer now all of a sudden is the greatest AG ever, you go right ahead. I don’t want to interrupt your LSD trip.
- Anonymous - Saturday, Mar 5, 05 @ 10:27 pm:
The Tollway’s new slogan:
(your friends and political supporters)
- Anonymous - Sunday, Mar 6, 05 @ 6:23 pm:
ANON:9:14 As I said IL was one of the last states to join the national case. Of course the great moment there was that we mamanged to make Freeborn Peters & Fred Foreman multi zillionares for their heroic fight on a motion to dismiss AND their law suit seeking to increase their fees beyond their contract fees. Thanks for making my case that the RYANS as AG did squat.
- Anonymous - Sunday, Mar 6, 05 @ 7:12 pm:
As usual, your facts are off.
(Do you get anything right?)
Illinois was among the first 20 states to file a tobacco lawsuit.
Even with attorneys fees, still about $8 billion and mega millions more than anything Lisa Madigan has done or will do.
Where was the consumer queen on the SBC deal?
Don’t remember much from her on that one.