More open seats
Monday, Mar 7, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller
These guys really need to find someone to handle board and commission appointments (perhaps certain fundraising types are too busy these days):
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. An economic development program has been on hold for six months because of inaction by Governor Rod Blagojevich…
Blagojevich signed legislation last year to create the Southeastern Illinois Economic Development Authority, which can issue up to 250 (m) million dollars in bonds.
At the time, Blagojevich said creating jobs was — quote — “crucial.”
But he has not appointed anyone to the authority’s 10-member board. As a result, it can’t conduct business.
The administration says it is still looking for high-quality people to serve.
How difficult can this be?
- Anonymous - Monday, Mar 7, 05 @ 7:23 pm:
This is his new way of donig business. Make a big announcement in the Chicago press, but nothing happens. I wounder how many programs he has announced, but have gone unfunded or staffed?
- Anonymous - Monday, Mar 7, 05 @ 7:47 pm:
I also wonder how many “money-saving programs” actually ended up costing the state money. Mortgage on the State of Illinois Building — oops, can’t do it, but we still paid lawyers a lot of money to prepare the documents. Flu shots that can’t be imported.
And my personal favorite, the corporate sponsorship program. Add the costs of consultants and new CMS hires to administer a program that, so far, hasn’t generated many receipts. If that’s not bad enough, it’s downright tacky to start selling the state seal and government for corporate sponsorships.
- Anonymous - Monday, Mar 7, 05 @ 8:04 pm:
It shouldn’t be difficult to staff these programs one would think. Perhaps Rezko has run out of flunkies to appoint, I mean recommend for the jobs. But, considering the stiffs that GRod put into place at DCEO it’s easy to see he has no clue what it takes to build the state’s economy.
As for the announced then abandoned/discarded programs my guess would be about 99% have been ignored/hot air/fluff/crapola/get my face on TV projects. Nothing else. But… I thought it was the legislature’s fault these projects weren’t funded?
- Blue State - Monday, Mar 7, 05 @ 9:07 pm:
I hail from NW Illinois and have to commend the Governor and his staff on making some wise selections for DCEO over here. So far, the regional director is doing a good job & there are few complaints.
- IlliniPundit - Monday, Mar 7, 05 @ 10:34 pm:
Maybe the campaign contributions haven’t cleared yet?
- Anonymous - Monday, Mar 7, 05 @ 10:36 pm:
why is it so hard to believe that its difficult to find good people to take important state jobs or serve on a board or commission? the repiblicans have used the last 25+ years making public service dishonorable. Why would any respected person want to subject himself to the scrutiny of a cynical, scandal hungry whore of a press corps, and a distrusting public. what the republicans did to the trust of the illinois voters is tantamount to what nixon did to the nation with watergate.
now, innovation is viewed as manipulation, and political opportunism is viewed as moral high ground. its sad, really, that the best this state has to offer will often pass on the chance to serve. we will have to settle for the hacks who fill the bars in springfield, or those cowards who drew democratic ballots in the 2002 primary because they saw the writing on the wall. live to fight another day. idealism is dead in this state.
thats why the boards are unfilled.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Mar 8, 05 @ 7:44 am:
Hmm…Cynics 12,000,000, idealists 0.
- PrairieStateDem - Tuesday, Mar 8, 05 @ 11:53 am:
How Typical!
Matches right up there with the “Oppertunity Returns” fiasco
If you look on the State’s website the 10 Regional Plans are all a cut and paste job.
Part of the problem other than the fact that Rod’s staff doesnt care is that they dont evven understand where the region is.
here is the Blago Staff Challenge…..
Name 10 Counties outside Cook and the Collars.
Id bet good money that most of those flunkies couldnt pass. They can definetly tell you where the best sushi place is in soho or LA is though.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Mar 8, 05 @ 12:20 pm:
The last blogger is an idiot — not even worthy of a response.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Mar 8, 05 @ 4:37 pm:
Another example of the Gov telling the people to listen to what I say and pay no attention to whether I follow through. Board appointments have been a problem since the beginning, and will continue to for the rest of the administration. Case in point is the Illinois Finance Authority. The Gov has had since June 03 to find suitable members and to this date still has 4 vacancies.