Quote of the week
Tuesday, Mar 8, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller I know it’s only Tuesday, but this one is too good to pass up. Referring to Governor Rod Blagojevich’s plan to unveil a strict, wide-reaching ethics proposal that is undoubtedly designed to fail so he doesn’t have to stop taking money from government contractors, Democratic state Rep. Jack Franks had this to say: “He’s the kind of politician who would cut down a redwood tree so that he could stand on the stump to talk about conservation,” Franks said. “His rhetoric doesn’t match his reality when it comes to campaign finance.” Man. That’s harsh. I mean, really. Harsh. Is Jack Franks the new Denny Jacobs - the go-to Democrat when reporters need a frightfully candid quote about the governor from a member of his own party? It’s starting to look that way.
- ArchPundit - Tuesday, Mar 8, 05 @ 9:21 am:
Franks or the reporter should give Adlai the credit for the original quote.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Mar 8, 05 @ 9:29 am:
That’s one on me. But I looked it up and, of course, you’re right.
A hypocrite is the kind of politician who would cut down a redwood tree, then mount the stump and make a speech for conservation. - Adlai Stevenson
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Mar 8, 05 @ 9:49 am:
Jack Franks should examine how his own actions measure against his comments before he starts slamming anyone on such short comings. When it comes to hyprocrites, Jack Franks is living proof of the rule that states “it takes one to know one.”
Thanks for sharing Jack’s comment. It put a smile on my face this morning.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Mar 8, 05 @ 10:50 am:
Jack Franks is the perfect replacement for denny jacobs. In his ultra republican area, how can it hurt him to bash the democratic governor? the only thing that will hurt him will be his insistence to try to influence the administration to award contracts on behalf of companies represented by his law firm. Tsk, tsk, Jack –
the hypocrite calling the kettle black.
Franks for TREASURER!
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Mar 8, 05 @ 11:00 am:
Please, enough about Jack Franks. He says he is a Democrat but he panders to the right at every opportunity.
He says he’s concerned about vulnerable populations like people with disabilities but doesn’t back it on the floor when he votes. Some correlation between what he says and how he votes would be nice to see.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Mar 8, 05 @ 2:57 pm:
Is that you, Bradley? Maybe the Gov’s hacks like taking anonymous whacks and Franks ’cause they’ve heard the same rumor I have — that he’s got his eyes on a seat in the front row?
So, the million dollar question is, can Jack beat him?
I notice that no one is refuting the truth of what Franks said, but how far down into the public does that cynicism about the Governor reach, and can Franks resonate?
One thing is for sure, if the brain trust thinks that Rod is invincible because their raking in the dough, they should remember that Karl Rove and the U.S. Chamber have their eyes on Illinois. They could drop $15 million into a candidate in a heartbeat.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Mar 8, 05 @ 8:55 pm:
Franks has his eye on the front row? I have heard this, actually. I think that the time is right for Franks to srtrike. His legislative leadership has provided the perfect backdrop for a statewide campaign. Can he beat him and win the seat in the front row?
I believe that Franks could give Hynes a great race for the seat in the front row so that he may watch Blagojevich give State of the State addresses and State of the Budget addresses until 2010, at least. I think that its time for Franks to step out and formally announce against Hynes — strike while the iron is hot. Hynes is weak after his embarrasing Senate loss and he is trying to bolster his image at Blago’s expense. In doing so, he will without doubt expose his flank. Jack should be right there to take him out and be our next Comptroller.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Mar 8, 05 @ 9:47 pm:
Regardless, isn’t it refreshing to hear a politician in Illinois speak the truth?
- ArchPundit - Wednesday, Mar 9, 05 @ 3:15 am:
— That’s one on me. But I looked it up and, of course, you’re right.
Dude, Adlai is the like the last Democrat to come out of McLean County before me, Mike Kelleher and Tari Renner. I know his best material cold.
Not a terrible offense on Franks’ or Ramsey’s part, just pointing it out….
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 9, 05 @ 2:51 pm:
It sounds like Blagojevich staffers are getting a wee bit scared of Franks. Why is that? Could it be because Franks manages to get in excess of 60% of the vote out of a Republican district? Which could also mean that he would pull a lot of votes out of downstate and collar county districts; a hell of a lot easier than Blagojevich could ever. Not to mention he hasn’t pissed off nearly as many Chicagoans as Blagojevich. Franks has developed into a fine innovative legislator, by proposing many new policy initiatives since his first day. This includes drug importation from Canada, which undoubtedly was heralded by Blagojevich has his own idea. Franks is a true Democrat who intelligently undertakes the ideals most important to everyday citizens of Illinois. And by the way, he manages to carry his own comb.
- Anonymous - Saturday, Mar 12, 05 @ 9:15 am:
You can bet that Franks is aiming higher than Comptroller, friends.
“I carry my own comb.” That’s a helluva campaign hook.
- Anonymous - Monday, Mar 14, 05 @ 7:58 pm:
speaking from mchenry county i tell you jack franks is one of the worst.
its not just blagojevich he bashes, jack routinely refuses to lend any support to other local democrat candidates. he votes for eduction but never for the money to pay for it. he’s more conservative than his republican counterparts, Althoff and Tyron.
if hes got his sights set higher than mchenry county, please dont support him. its unfortunate that the best people for office arent the ones who would seek it.