Signs of the times
Tuesday, Mar 8, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Do yard signs matter? Chuck Sweeny takes a look. I love campaign yard signs in early spring. They add some spectacular colors to the dirty, brown landscape. More importantly, they get people thinking about the election. […] Sweeny has written a deceptively light piece that takes a hard look at whether signs are a factor. Worth a look.
- GooGoo - Tuesday, Mar 8, 05 @ 11:04 am:
Hey Rich,
Why didn’t you give any opportunity to post under your new column highlighting state legislators? Dunkin is the biggest a-holes produced by Jesse White’s organization and foisted upon an unsuspecting public. The Regular Machine really screwed that one up, but what does it matter, since the media ignores this embarassment to Illinois. Seemingly detested by most in Springfield, but you choose him first for a puff piece? What gives?
By the way,is Donna Summers really Dunkin’s favorite performer? Does he like the Village People, too?
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Mar 8, 05 @ 11:09 am:
You post a comment like that and ask me why I turned off comments? Kinda answers itself, don’t ya think?
The idea behind all of this is to drive more traffic to the blog. One by one, if I have to, kicking and screaming some long-forgotten Donna Summer lyrics.
- BuckTurgidson - Tuesday, Mar 8, 05 @ 1:20 pm:
Damn straight.
Rich works hard for the money.
So hard for it, honey.
He works hard for the money so you better treat him right.
That’s right.
- GooGoo - Tuesday, Mar 8, 05 @ 4:56 pm:
See, if you left the comments section open these Donna Summer jokes could be told in their proper place. Half of the reason people will visit is to see the funny rips on the legislators that are foolish enough to be interviewed here.
Lookin’ for some hot stuff baby this evenin’
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Mar 8, 05 @ 8:39 pm:
As long as we’re posting irrelevent stuff here, why did you say the Born Alive bill was going to Judiciary 1 today in the Fax today, Rich?
Pretty big fact error… Everyone knows Tuesdays are Med Mal subject matter in judiciary, and Wednesday is bill day.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 9, 05 @ 9:31 am:
“Everyone knows Tuesdays are Med Mal subject matter in judiciary, and Wednesday is bill day.”
Don’t know about “everyone” but someone needs to get a life.