Roll Call looks at Illinois
Wednesday, Mar 9, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller
Stu Rothenberg opines in Roll Call about whether it’s time for a political comeback by the Illinois Republicans (subscription only). Rothenberg looked at the prospects for a comeback by the out of power parties in three big states, Ohio, New Jersey and Illinois.
Of the three big states, Illinois looks like the least likely to turn around anytime soon.
The state GOP is in shambles, though newly elected state party Chairman Andy McKenna brings some much-needed respectability. Still, he isn’t likely to save it any more than a Band-Aid is likely to cure pneumonia.
The state party is deeply divided along ideological grounds, with outspoken conservatives apparently preferring the election of Democrats to moderate Republicans. […]
Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D) has taken criticism recently for alleged ethical lapses, and Illinois’ financial position is not good. Further problems could weaken the governor, giving the Republicans a shot at the top office. But right now, the governor is favored for re-election.
That looks about right for now, but if Governor Blagojevich can’t get a handle on these ethical problems, then a strong Republican candidate would have a good shot.
- ArchPundit - Wednesday, Mar 9, 05 @ 10:01 am:
I will probably write about this later, but I think defeating Blagojevich might be the worst thing for the Republicans in the long term. Beating a flawed incumbent is a lot different than building a party structure. I think a lot of hard choices may be avoided by such a win.
- Pat Collins - Wednesday, Mar 9, 05 @ 10:40 am:
Well, one might say the reverse is true also, moderate repubs would rather see democrats elected than conservatives.
There is no doubt that Blago is vulnerable - but not now. I don’t think the avergae Joe knows how bad the state’s condition really is. The bomb that is ticking will blow up next term. That is when the Guv is vulnerable. Not so much now.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 9, 05 @ 8:46 pm:
Well, if more stuff like the link below happens, I’d say, um, Blago is pretty darn vulnerable. This is just plain bizarre. Blago has bad, bad luck or he’s dealing with intellectual capacity problems. Either way, it’s another crash-and-burn.
- Pete Giangreco - Wednesday, Mar 9, 05 @ 10:12 pm:
Its hard to see the FDA action denying safe affordable drugs from Canada as anything but Bush’s FDA acting as the wholly-owned subsidiary of the big drug companies. The fact that Governors Blagojevich and Sebelius are joined by the Republican Governor of Missouri in taking a responsible approach around the phony FDA ban shows how out of step the drug companies and their FDA servants are.
Cheers for Mr. Phil Flavin, the 57 year old disbaled man, who is not letting the FDA bully him out of I-Save Rx. That’s real courage.
Anonymous should have the guts the admit that he/is just a GOP shill without 1/100th the courage of Phil Flavin.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 9, 05 @ 10:14 pm:
The greater likelihood is the Repubs may get one or more IL chambers in 2006 if the Dems are complacent. Oddly, the GOP could lose 1-2 IL seats in the US Congress at the same time. This is due to demographic changes - Chicago suburbs becoming more Democrat and the rest of the state (except for a few of the older cities) , especially the southern part ,going GOP. Whoever runs the better field operation will win, putting egg on some legislative leaders’ faces.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 9, 05 @ 10:28 pm:
Tell me how the story linked above is bad for Blago? Is it bad that he has gone out and found a way to get prescription drugs for seniors at significant discounts? Is it a foolhardy plan if he managed to get 5 other states to join him? Is it better to be on the side of those who are trying to stretch a dollar and afford their drugs, or on the side of the FDA intercepting peoples prescriptions, which they chose to order on their own, with no justifiable reason?
Blago wins on this because he is helping people afford prescription drugs just as he promised during the campaign.
- Pete Giangreco - Wednesday, Mar 9, 05 @ 10:31 pm:
It’s hard to see the FDA action denying safe affordable drugs from Canada as anything but Bush’s FDA acting as the wholly-owned subsidiary of the big drug companies. The fact that Governors Blagojevich and Sebelius are joined by the Republican Governor of Missouri in taking a responsible approach around the phony FDA ban shows how out of step the drug companies and their FDA servants are.
Cheers for Mr. Phil Flavin, the 57 year old disabled man, who is not letting the FDA bully him out of I-Save Rx. That’s real courage.
Anonymous should have the guts the admit that he/is just a GOP shill without 1/100th the courage of Phil Flavin.
- Pete Giangreco - Wednesday, Mar 9, 05 @ 10:34 pm:
It’s hard to see the FDA action denying safe affordable drugs from Canada as anything but Bush’s FDA acting as the wholly-owned subsidiary of the big drug companies. The fact that Governors Blagojevich and Sebelius are joined by the Republican Governor of Missouri in taking a responsible approach around the phony FDA ban shows how out of step the drug companies and their FDA servants are.
Cheers for Mr. Phil Flavin, the 57 year old disabled man, who is not letting the FDA bully him out of I-Save Rx. That’s real courage.
Anonymous should have the guts the admit that he is just a GOP shill without 1/100th the courage of Phil Flavin.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 9, 05 @ 11:48 pm:
I don’t know if I buy that the FDA seizing old people’s drugs makes Blagojevich look bad to anyone but those who already don’t like him or already think the I-Save-Rx program is flawed.
But Pete, while you’re here, could you tell us what you think about this article?
Are there any plans to do what Madigan suggests and give the money back? Just wondering. Have a good one.
- Anonymous - Saturday, Mar 12, 05 @ 4:06 pm:
The Republicans fried themsevles.
To blame the conservatives is not completely accurate or fair.
George Ryan is the main culprit.
- Anonymous - Sunday, Mar 13, 05 @ 10:27 pm:
Blago should not return one nickel of the money he has raised. He rasied it according to the rules (or lack thereof) and therdfore should keep what he has raised. im sure that madigans suggestion to return the cash was his honest attempt to help the Governor (from the party which Madigan is the chairman) avoid negative publicity. blago better not cave in to madigan on this. he batter remain strong on this and push for the comprehensive campaign finance overhaul.