Maybe not
Thursday, Mar 17, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Bernie Schoenberg’s column today talks about a possible candidate for Rep. Raymond Poe’s seat, William “Billy” Cooper. Poe is running for lieutenant governor. Cooper told me this week that he moved from Arlington Heights to Williamsville about a year ago. He is also remodeling a house on Springfield’s north end, where he and his wife and two children plan to move within perhaps six months. He said he owns about 17 houses that he rents out. Cooper may have a problem, however. Williamsville is in Rep. Rich Brauer’s district. The Illinois Constitution, Article IV, Section 2, Paragraph C states: To be eligible to serve as a member of the General Assembly, a person must be a United States citizen, at least 21 years old, and for the two years preceding his election or appointment a resident of the district which he is to represent. In other words, if Cooper doesn’t live in Poe’s district now (and I’m not 100 percent about that without knowing his exact address), he can’t run for Poe’s seat next year, unless the home he’s been remodeling has been his permanent address since last November. But even that’s kinda iffy.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Mar 17, 05 @ 8:05 pm:
Do you think for a second Mike Madigan’s top notch staffer Mike Thomson is going to allow to allow a guy like this to run? You don’t get to the head of the Madigan class by recruiting amateurs. Cross and his friend Parillo better be on the look out. Can you say “Perfect Storm” in the 99th?
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 18, 05 @ 7:33 pm:
seriously, who cares.
- Willy Nilly - Saturday, Mar 19, 05 @ 8:26 am:
The residency requirement did not stop Schock from running in the 92nd. Not until this fall will he meet the residency requirement. Something this small could have kept him out of Springfield. Sorry we mised it. Oh well as president of the Peoria School Board he is proposing a .18 property tax increase that I ‘m sure Leader Cross is thrilled with. $1 million worth of ads comming your way about tax increases.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jun 10, 05 @ 12:52 pm:
- Anonymous - Friday, Jun 10, 05 @ 12:54 pm:
Ive heard that he has the support