Friday White Sox blogging
Friday, Mar 18, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller
I grew up a diehard Cubs fan. I watched faithfully as the Cubs stumbled through the late 1960s, the 1970s, the 1980s and the 1990s. At the turn of the century, I decided I was done with those pathetic Tribune Co. losers and switched my allegiance to the White Sox.
I’m never going back.
While that decrepit, dangerously crumbling, ought-to-be-bulldozed-into-the-lake antique on the North Side is jammed to sweaty over-capacity with wide-eyed surbanites, squealing tourists and drunk unemployed frat boys, the spacious, modern Sox Park is (not-so) filled with baseball fans, there to watch a game, not experience a mall-like “moment.”
Throughout the season, we’ll be updating the team’s progress, featuring players and coaching staff and maybe (if I decide not to move back to Springfield) do some live blogging from the stadium (think I could get a press pass for that?).
Meanwhile, here’s a little slice of Ozzie Guillen, another great reason to love the Sox.
The classic Ozzie Guillen moments are when the second-year manager is caught between frivolity and fury, laughing at his own joke one second and straightening his face to set the record straight the next.
There isn’t a subject Guillen isn’t able to joke about, which has proved to be a strength and a weakness. He is the most politically incorrect person in the White Sox’ clubhouse, and the best time to cover your ears is generally when his lips are moving.
Yet the king of crass isn’t just about one-liners in broken English. Guillen is about as lighthearted as they come, but he can shift into a serious gear so fast that it seems as though he might break the clutch.
Go Sox.
- Chris Rhodes - Friday, Mar 18, 05 @ 12:40 pm:
nice. Had no idea you were a white sox guy.
- BuckTurgidson - Friday, Mar 18, 05 @ 1:17 pm:
All right, Rich!
Losing Magglio and Carlos Lee chapped my hide more than a little bit, but I am still inexplicably excited for the 2005 campaign.
And though I know there are plenty of upper Bungalow-Belt Slats Grobniks long suffering with the Cubs, I will still always contend the Sox are just more real.
- PrairieStateDem - Friday, Mar 18, 05 @ 1:17 pm:
Thanks Rich! Thats more like it much better than that Topinka Blogging stuff….
Is this in any way connected to your desire to move to beverly?? We would be happy to have you as a southsider.
Here’s to a great year for the Sox!
- Rich - Friday, Mar 18, 05 @ 1:17 pm:
Congratulations on seeing the light.
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 18, 05 @ 1:33 pm:
- Ralph - Friday, Mar 18, 05 @ 1:48 pm:
I’m also part of that distinguished group known as “recovering Cub fans.”
But c’mon, becoming a Sox fan? That’s going from pathetic to downright evil.
- reddbyrd - Friday, Mar 18, 05 @ 3:29 pm:
And of course if you move to SPI you can slide over to the Cardinals — once and future world champeeeen!
- Ed Murnane - Friday, Mar 18, 05 @ 3:31 pm:
Saw first Sox game in 1953 (they won); watched Ted Kluczewski hit two home runs in opening game of ‘59 World Series (Sox won, 11-0).
How could I be anything but a Sox fan?
- Doug Miller - Friday, Mar 18, 05 @ 3:44 pm:
How can you be a SOX fan? Jeesh. I became an American League guy when I moved to Dallas, but still to this day am a Cubs fan.
My son, your nephew, is also a Cubs fan.
Have you ever been to that mess they call a Stadium on the south side of Chicago?
Try sitting in the upper deck.
What a waste of concrete!!!!
And what about that owner? What a joke. He kept the Rangers from being bought by a TV Guy because he was afraid of the revenue they would get, and then went and put the Sox on WGN.
And don’t even get me started on their TV Crew.
I have officially disowned you as a brother.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 18, 05 @ 4:36 pm:
That’s OK, I disowned you years ago.
Go Sox!
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 18, 05 @ 5:11 pm:
Ah, the White Sox…a small-town team in a big town, led by a nice, small-minded man who thinks the team is little more than a Rockford shopping mall. Hokie marketing, hokie (and annoying) background noise (which Wrigley does not have), the hideous designated hitter rule, and hokie announcers that somehow make Ron Santo sound almost competent. I am a Yankee hater, who slowly stopped being a Mets fan, but real baseball, even with all the paltroonness and pathos, is played and displayed at Wrigley. Yeah, the Cubs lose, but at least to teams better than the Twinkies. There’s a reason why it’s easy to into a Sox game…
- Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 18, 05 @ 6:09 pm:
Blah, blah, blah. Go Sox. Mall teams suck.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 18, 05 @ 6:33 pm:
Reddbyrd, I wouldn’t be a Cardinals fan if you paid me.
Ralph, release the evil, you Colorado goof.
Prairie State, you may regret that invitation.
- OneMan - Friday, Mar 18, 05 @ 10:08 pm:
Right on Rich… I can see myself sitting there now, the smell of a good Polish with some grilled onions, Hmmmm Polish…
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 18, 05 @ 10:26 pm:
“hokie (and annoying) background noise (which Wrigley does not have)” BS. Is there anything more annoying than having to listen to Lincoln Park Jimmy talk to Lincoln Park Suzie on a cell phone? Wrigley is nothing more than a yuppie tourist trap museum. Give the Trib more money if you must but for me…Go South Side Hit Men.
- reddbyrd - Saturday, Mar 19, 05 @ 8:12 am:
This post has been removed by the author.
- reddbyrd - Saturday, Mar 19, 05 @ 8:15 am:
And the other good thing about not being a Cardinal fan is that you will generally have your fall available to follow either the Mopes of the Midway or the mighty Black Hawks.
Perhaps another reason is needed?
Why not try red clashes with my bloodshot eyes.
- Anonymous - Monday, Mar 21, 05 @ 8:18 am:
How wonderful to click on you this morning and discover that not only do you know politics, you know baseball. I have been a White Sox fan since my first Sox doubleheader back in the 50’s. When I moved to Springfield I was shocked to discover that White Sox fans are few and far between. Don’t fall for those people who say they love both the Cubs and Sox. They know nothing about baseball and are beneath contempt. GO SOX!!!
- Anonymous - Monday, Mar 21, 05 @ 10:32 am:
Does anyone else note any irony in “Chris Rhodes” support of the Sox? The hardscrabble, hard-working, blue-collar and most genuine nature of a White Sox fan is in complete opposition to the Cross Boys’ beliefs. They march to the mantra of “Let’s hear it for the working man,” as long as that working man is a corporate executive or a medical practicioner. Not exactly the typical South Sider.
Of course, at the same time, Rhodes, the Chicago resident,is bashing Chicago in his posts on Join Cross and screaming in delight while Wilco sings songs disparaging George Bush, so go figure. Maybe he’s just in the closet.