Job opening
Friday, Mar 18, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller
Got this in the e-mail today. Maybe somebody out there is interested.
Personal PAC Job Description Executive Assistant
A bipartisan political action committee focused on electing pro-choice candidates to local and statewide office in Illinois, seeks full-time Executive Assistant to manage the operations of its east loop office. If you are pro-choice and are interested in being part of a fast-paced team in a dynamic organization, have a good sense of humor, have significant computer and Internet proficiency, are self-directed, are very organized, are comfortable in a small-office environment and want to help make a difference, email or fax 312-422-0122 with your resume and cover letter. Absolutely no phone calls accepted!
General Position Description:
Responsible for ensuring efficient and professional office environment and the support of all activities with donors, politicians, candidates, board members, associates, vendors and information sources. Help ensure the timely and successful development and completion of all projects and candidate services. Facilitate the President’s ability to function efficiently and meet the day-to-day and ongoing needs and concerns of existing and prospective projects.
Responsibilities: * Support the President in all activities including, but not limited to, Personal PAC’s candidate recruitment, media and government relations, direct mail program, election activities, legislative agenda, major-gift solicitation and fundraising. * Support all aspects of special-event planning and execution including, but not limited to, invitations, gift entry, volunteer recruitment, and day-of support. * Support all Board of Directors activities including, but not limited to, taking minutes at all Board and Committee meetings, scheduling meetings, tracking attendance, and updating the Board on all important developments. * File all necessary reports with the State Board of Elections to ensure compliance with all state campaign finance laws. * General bookkeeping, including payroll and bill payment. Produce and maintain financial reports, records and files. * Ensure that computer file/database and hard files are organized, up to date and contain all relevant information. * Provide assistance in the writing, editing and dissemination of proposals, correspondence and other materials. * Provide administrative support inclusive, but not limited to, handling all correspondence, and coordinating, scheduling and confirming appointments and meetings. * Help in the ongoing development and management of all research and information systems. * Support all activities with donors, candidates, politicians and associates. * Handle other duties as requested by the President.
Other Details: o Previous experience in office management preferred o Target start date June 15 - July 1, 2005 o Salary range $35,000/year negotiable and commensurate with experience o Health and Dental insurance included
Friday White Sox blogging
Friday, Mar 18, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller
I grew up a diehard Cubs fan. I watched faithfully as the Cubs stumbled through the late 1960s, the 1970s, the 1980s and the 1990s. At the turn of the century, I decided I was done with those pathetic Tribune Co. losers and switched my allegiance to the White Sox.
I’m never going back.
While that decrepit, dangerously crumbling, ought-to-be-bulldozed-into-the-lake antique on the North Side is jammed to sweaty over-capacity with wide-eyed surbanites, squealing tourists and drunk unemployed frat boys, the spacious, modern Sox Park is (not-so) filled with baseball fans, there to watch a game, not experience a mall-like “moment.”
Throughout the season, we’ll be updating the team’s progress, featuring players and coaching staff and maybe (if I decide not to move back to Springfield) do some live blogging from the stadium (think I could get a press pass for that?).
Meanwhile, here’s a little slice of Ozzie Guillen, another great reason to love the Sox.
The classic Ozzie Guillen moments are when the second-year manager is caught between frivolity and fury, laughing at his own joke one second and straightening his face to set the record straight the next.
There isn’t a subject Guillen isn’t able to joke about, which has proved to be a strength and a weakness. He is the most politically incorrect person in the White Sox’ clubhouse, and the best time to cover your ears is generally when his lips are moving.
Yet the king of crass isn’t just about one-liners in broken English. Guillen is about as lighthearted as they come, but he can shift into a serious gear so fast that it seems as though he might break the clutch.
Go Sox.
The school funding mess
Friday, Mar 18, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller
Big trouble ahead.
Mayor Richard Daley called Thursday for Gov. Rod Blagojevich to take the lead in improving state funding for schools, marking the latest example of friction between the two Democrats. […]
The governor has repeatedly said he would veto sales or income tax increases to boost education funding. But Daley said Thursday that Blagojevich and his “financial whiz kids'’ in Springfield must figure out where additional money can come from, even as he acknowledged the state has suffered financial difficulties.
“You know when you’re president, governor and mayor, you have to lead. You lead … especially (because) education is the only issue in Illinois. That’s the major issue. Forget about everything else. It’s education,'’ Daley said.
I really don’t see how the General Assembly passes a budget with just $140 million more for schools, as the governor has proposed. And here’s why:
Daley said the $140 million in new spending for public schools included in the governor’s budget could leave Chicago with as little as $16 million in additional funding in 2006.
After state-mandated early childhood education programs are factored in, only $5 million would be left to close the Chicago Board of Education’s projected $175 million budget gap, the mayor said.
Comments Off
Friday, Mar 18, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller
The Daily Southtown and the Tribune editorial pages both take up the subject of Governor Rod Blagojevich’s attack on Mayor Daley’s staff this week.
From the Southtown:
At times it appears that Gov. Rod Blagojevich wants some Democrat to step forward and challenge him in a primary next year when he’s up for re-election.
Since taking office, Blagojevich has done his best to rattle the cages of leaders in his own party, be they legislators, state officeholders, municipal officials or even members of his family. The latest example happened earlier this week when Blagojevich criticized Chicago Mayor Richard Daley for having gun-control lobbyists who, in the governor’s words, “need to show a little more energy and a lot less lethargy.” […]
If Blagojevich is so intent on working for gun control, he should blame his own aides and not Daley’s for being kept out of the loop.
And the Tribune:
He might as well have criticized Daley for not telling the governor the state legislature was in session that day. Lobbyists, including the governor’s lobbyists, are paid to know what’s going on in the House and Senate at all times. It was silly of him to shift blame.
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