Unhappy people
Wednesday, Mar 2, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller The Civil Justice League is freaking out about a particularly pesky commenter. Yesterday, our newest “reader” spent 16 hours, 16 minutes, and 21 seconds on our Blog. Definitely a committed visitor!!! Here we go again. Meanwhile, the Justice League claims that former Missouri insurance regulator Jay Angoff may not be what he seems. Angoff testified to a House committee last week about the inherent conflict of interest with the same lobbyists representing the Medical Society and the group’s medical malpractice insurance company. They dug up this story from Forbes, back when Agoff worked for Ralph Nader. When American Tort Reform Association former president James Coyne asked Nader about his plaintiff attorney funding at a press conference in Washington, he stormed from the podium and his supporter, Jay Angoff, rushed over and punched Coyne in the eye.†And, while we’re on this topic, the Belleville News-Democrat writes about yesterday’s tort reform hearing. Robert Uhe, House Speaker Michael Madigan’s chief legal counsel, specifically inquired about more than $1 million in outstanding loans ISMIE Mutual Insurance Co. gave its executives according to federal documents the company filed in February 2000. There’s more to this, but it will have to wait until tonight.
Schakowsky wants map redo
Wednesday, Mar 2, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Cong. Schakowsky may be calling in some chits with her old friend the governor soon. Two of the three announced candidates for Democratic Caucus vice chairman are making a strong pitch to their fellow lawmakers that Democrats need to swipe a page from the Republican playbook and initiate some pro-Democratic redistricting in Illinois, New Mexico and New York. The governor’s office has reportedly not looked at the issue yet, and I get the feeling from talking to people over there that they’d rather not deal with it now. Either way, at last check, Speaker Madigan is still against it.
Go there
Wednesday, Mar 2, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller If you want some good background on fascist supremacist Matt Hale and his band of central Illinois thugs and their possible connection to the murder of Judge Lefkow’s husband and mother, Peoria Pundit is definitely the place to be. He’s always good, but he’s never been better than he has on this story.
Question of the day
Wednesday, Mar 2, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Now that Bill Brady has announced and Obermilk is on the verge of jumping in, I have a question. Which candidate, announced yet or not, will be the first to drop out of the governor’s race?
Wednesday, Mar 2, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller This is somewhat weird. Illinois State Historical Society members are concerned and angry over the continued theft of historic markers from sites important to Illinois history. […] Half? What the heck is going on down there? Musgrave theorized it might be the perceived value of the signs’ metal that has prompted the theft. To fight against the lure of thieves salvaging the metal from plaques for cash, the historical society will install the first non-metallic composite marker in Springfield later this week. It is hoped thieves will find the new markers less attractive. LOL You gotta be kidding me. Stealing signs for the metal? I guess we’ll find out when they put up the new ones.