The path to fame runs through a gallon of cough syrup
Tuesday, Mar 1, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller From the National Journal’s website today: WE HEAR . . . Stuck between Safire and Simpson. Not sure how I feel about that. (Thanks to Kristen for the heads up.)
Zorn nails it
Tuesday, Mar 1, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller
Tuesday, Mar 1, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller The Southern Illinoisan claims that if Sen. Barack Obama votes against the president’s “Clear Skies” initiative, he’s supporting outsiders over Illinoisans. Environmental groups, as well as fellow committee members U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer of California and U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton are no doubt pressuring Obama to see it their way when it comes to this bill. This may come as a surprise to the Southern’s editorial board (or maybe not), but some of those “other interests,” are Illinoisans.
Another one
Tuesday, Mar 1, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller From the Pantagraph: State Sen. Bill Brady of Bloomington today will take a step toward fulfilling his dream of becoming governor. Your thoughts?
That wacky Will County
Tuesday, Mar 1, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller From the “They never go away” department. Convicted arsonist Robert “Bobby” Tezak, a former Will County coroner and Republican Party powerbroker, has parlayed his auto racing connections into a development deal that could net him a commission. Don’t remember Bobby Tezak? Tezak, who could not be reached for comment Monday, once owned the UNO card game. He was a multimillionaire and a three-term county coroner during the late 1970s and early 1980s. His empire came tumbling down in the early 1990s when he was convicted in state and federal court for two arson-for-profit schemes. He served nine years in federal prison and one year on electronic home monitoring. His ankle bracelet was removed in October 2003. And how did he hook up with Menards? Bjekich said Tezak’s involvement is purely as a broker between the investors and John Menard, owner of the Menards home improvement chain. Everyone’s got a right to make a buck, and Tezak did his time. But what the heck is going on in Will County if a convicted arsonist and his pals could allegedly rush this thing through? Crest Hill Mayor Don Randich said a request for incentives to lure a Menards to the site was “… being railroaded down everyone’s throats.”
Cook on remap
Tuesday, Mar 1, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Political analyst Charlie Cook looks at the renewed push by Democrats to redraw congressional lines in a handful of states. He doesn’t think it’ll go very far. Democratic insiders say Louisiana is the state most likely to redraw its lines. National Democrats would like to see freshman Rep. Charles Melancon’s southern Louisiana district beefed up a bit (he won by fewer than 600 votes) and would like to hurt the GOP. The most obvious target would be Democrat-turned-Republican Rep. Rodney Alexander. […] Cook didn’t mention it, but as I’ve already told you, House Speaker Madigan is against the idea.
Idiot bigot
Tuesday, Mar 1, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller From the Sun-Times: Leaders of 11 south suburban public high schools said Monday their planned split from a 35-school athletic conference had nothing to do with race. I guess lesson number one would be, “always make sure you’ve completely hung up the phone before saying what you ‘really’ mean.” “. . . It’s getting to the point where I’m tired of the welfare, tired of the mentality that poor blackie because let’s give them a job so they can be supporting themselves and, be, make them work. You know, forget this I want to be a bum type of thing. I think it’s a forever problem in this country, you know, it’s never going to go away in this area here.” Jagmin denied it was her on the voice mail. Whatever. On a day when a federal judge’s family was slain, possibly by white supremacists, I’m in no mood to hear any excuses.