Poll follow-up
Monday, Mar 21, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller I’m getting a lot of comments and e-mails from people who say there is no way that Judy Baar Topinka can win a primary. She’s too pro-choice, too hated by the right wing, too connected to the old GOP establishment. I’ll post more results later this week, but these two questions were asked ONLY of respondents who were identified as Republican primary voters. That second question describes Topinka’s position. That being said, Topinka certainly has a problem with a portion of the Republican base. Check out the crosstabs for the head-to-head with Blagojevich. Topinka is backed by “just” 73 percent of Republicans. However, Blagojevich is backed by a “mere” 80 percent of Democrats. This could simply be a reflection of her lower name ID than the governor’s (84 percent for Topinka versus 98 percent for the guv). Notice also that a higher percentage of Dems are backing Topinka (15) than Repubs backing Blagojevich (11). When they just tallied the number of respondents who were aware of both candidates, Topinka leads Blagojevich 46 to 43.
Question of the day
Monday, Mar 21, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Blogging will be very light this week, as I’m taking a bit of time off. But here’s your question: Read this column and this one, too and tell me what chance Judy Baar Topinka has of beating Rod Blagojevich. UPDATE: The results for Topinka’s probable primary contenders are miserable, by the way. I saw them, but they were redacted out of the final copy I was given. Part of the usual trade-off for getting a story. UPDATE 2: The Southtown inadvertently left my column off the website on Sunday. It’s been moved off the editorial page because of a new deadline system, so that may have had something to do with it. The column is up now, so the above link is changed.