Another gas tax holiday proposal
Friday, Apr 29, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller WBBM NewsRadio has been all over the gas price story, even adding a brief feature that encourages motorists to call in and report which stations have the lowest prices. So, this looks almost like a tie-in story to their promotional feature. Will the Illinois legislature pull through with relief from high gas prices? […]
Question of the day
Friday, Apr 29, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Very busy day ahead of me today. Need to change my drivers license, have phone and cable installed in the new house, check my storage locker, pick up the moving truck and drive north. So, I doubt I’ll be posting anything. I’ve been getting this question a lot this week, so I’ll post it here. Should I require that people choose a nom de plume when they post comments to eliminate all of the posts from “anonymous”? People could still keep their true identities secret, but requiring user names would allow us to more easily follow a conversation thread. I’d especially like to hear from the people who post as “anonynmous.” UPDATE: SBC showed up early, but I’m still waiting on the cable guy. So, I killed a little time by reading your comments on this post. The debate has already produced one result. I’ve added timestamps to the comments, so people can now refer to, for instance, “anonymous 8:30am.” The change should make it easier to follow the thread. I’m still undecided about requiring user names, however. UPDATE 2: I’ve decided to continue to allow anonymous posting for now. But I strongly encourage everyone to pick a screen name. It’s no big deal and very easy to do.
Maybe not
Thursday, Apr 28, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller All the hooplah about the Third Chicago Airport progress may be premature. State Senate Majority Leader Debbie Halvorson and Will County Executive Larry Walsh have both told 1340 WJOL News that what was widely reported in media outlets earlier this week about Congressman Jesse Jackson Junior perhaps winning his Peotone airport battle with Will County is extremely misleading. This was after the Illinois Departmnet of Transportation forwarded a tenative plan to the Federal Aviation Administration. […] There’s more fighting on the way.
Mixed signals?
Thursday, Apr 28, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Two different media takes on CMS’s intentions. From the AP: The Blagojevich administration is still doing business with a politically connected firm that billed the state for parties, candy and other improper expenses. Copley’s version: A politically connected company criticized in a state audit for seeking payment for questionable expenses could lose its $25 million contract, a Department of Central Management Services official said Wednesday. […] I think the two men basically said the same thing. But their tone must have been different for the two reporters to come away with such different perspectives.
It’s all coming back to me now
Thursday, Apr 28, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Many years ago, a Quad Cities newspaper used a photo of me in a story about a local murderer who was captured in Texas. So, I guess I can relate a little to this story: Two men claim photographs in the Chicago Tribune misidentified them as high-ranking mobsters, prompting one of the men Wednesday to sue the newspaper. I didn’t sue when this happened to me, but I didn’t tell the editors my intentions right away and they were more than a little freaked out when I mentioned that my mother lived in their circulation area. Actually, Mom thought the whole thing was hilarious, and one of the paper’s columnists ended up writing a great little story about her, so it all worked out OK as far as I was concerned.
Question of the day
Thursday, Apr 28, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller As I noted in today’s Capitol Fax, the biennial “Taste of Chicago in Springfield” is next week and Mayor Daley will be in town for the festivities. What do you think of the job that Daley has done so far? Is he one of the nation’s greatest mayors, as Time Magazine claimed, or is he something else? Be specific. (PS: I’m closing on my house today, and will be busy as heck with many related tasks, plus dealing with the session, so blogging may be light after mid-morning. Comment Posse, please keep a close eye on things.)
Redfield on the audit
Thursday, Apr 28, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Kent Redfield’s take on the CMS audit fallout. An auditor general’s report that is critical of financial mismanagement in Illinois government could lead to stronger campaign finance laws for the state, according to political studies professor Kent Redfield. […] If they’re buzzing about an auditor general’s report in Quincy, this thing is getting noticed a lot more than the governor’s office may have expected. Then again, the Herald-Whig is an excellent small-town paper that takes its politics seriously.
The gang that couldn’t shoot straight
Thursday, Apr 28, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller The Blagojevich administration is caught in another prevarication. State prison officials backed away from claims that they need $18 million in emergency funds because of a costly union contract Wednesday as lawmakers grilled them about the budget. At a time when the administration desperately needs to be seen as credible so it can back up its claims that it was shafted in the CMS audit, the geniuses pull something like this. Not a good thing.
Wednesday, Apr 27, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller When the facts contradict the legend, print the legend. This Sports Illustrated writer/blogger is absolutely clueless. The White Sox were “number 1″ on his recent list of the “Top five worst teams to root for.” Though they haven’t won the World Series since 1917, the Sox can’t win for losing. The Cubs, who have been title-less almost as long, are lovable, the Sox are overlooked. The Cubs have Wrigley, the Sox have a character-less barn. The Cubs had Harry Caray, the Sox have Ken Harrelson. This journalistic cretin is living in the past. The Cubs aren’t “lovable.” They’ve so jumped the shark. You can only play people for chumps for so long, and last year was the worst yet. Good idea forcing Steve Stone out just because he told the truth about what a bunch of pathetic losers that team was last year. The team’s fan base is mostly comprised of suburban tourists who go to the stadium for the “experience.” The truth is, Wrigley Field is a crumbling dump that ought to be bulldozed into Lake Michigan before somebody gets hurt. Sox Park is spacious and clean, and the ownership has done a good job lately of remodeling what was admittedly a drab stadium (apparently, SI has no travel budget). And Harry Caray is dead. I liked him, too, but he’s gone to that great press box in the sky. What do they have now? A couple of colorless nobodies who can’t speak their minds because of what happened to their predecessors last year (although the team’s radio play-by-play guy is the best in the business). Hawk has his problems, sure, but he’s a living legend, not a dead one. Has this sports writer actually watched a White Sox game this year? They are, right now, one of the most exciting teams in baseball. What an idiot. (PS: I don’t really hate the Cubs or Wrigley that much. “Most hyperbole inserted for effect.” I do, however, absolutely despise hack writers who refuse to notice when the world changes.)
Looking ahead
Wednesday, Apr 27, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Now that the governor and his administration have been thoroughly raked over the coals regarding the disastrous CMS audit, I wonder how long it will be before editorial writers demand that the Senate not confirm Paul Campbell, the governor’s choice to become the new CMS director. It’ll definitely be a heckuva floor fight. But this could be decided before the nomination even reaches the floor. Does the governor really want this confirmantion fight? Does he want the committee hearings? The rancorous floor debate? I kinda doubt that the governor relishes subjecting himself to this very public meatgrinder. Campbell could wind up telling the guv he wants to, “Spend more time with my family.” More in tomorrow’s Capitol Fax.
Question of the day
Wednesday, Apr 27, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller I’m going to be pretty busy today. A speech this morning, session this afternoon, TV appearance later and maybe a radio interview on top of all that. Blogging will be light, but I’ll try to get some posts up later. (Message to the Comment Posse: please watch the comments closely today - I deleted a couple of bad ones last night.) The question today is, do you think that yesterday’s CMS audit will have any real impact on the state’s political world? Why or why not? Have fun.