Roskam on a roll
Friday, Apr 1, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Peter Roskam moves closer to being the consensus GOP candidate to replace Henry Hyde. U.S. Rep. Judy Biggert (R-Ill.) is supporting her former adversary, state Sen. Peter Roskam (R-Wheaton), in his race for the 6th Congressional District.
- Anonymous - Friday, Apr 1, 05 @ 1:16 pm:
Good riddance. DC can have him!! Any chance he can take Lauzen with him?
Rich: Who would be the consensus to replace him in the Senate?
- Anonymous - Friday, Apr 1, 05 @ 1:38 pm:
Both Hultgren and Dunn say they are going to run
- Anonymous - Friday, Apr 1, 05 @ 2:17 pm:
Then who replaces Hultgren?
- Anonymous - Friday, Apr 1, 05 @ 2:41 pm:
Jim Ryan Jr. replaces Roskam, Hultgren is moving up in leadership and will not take a paycut to go to the Senate. Dunn has zero personality and would lose.
- Anonymous - Friday, Apr 1, 05 @ 7:29 pm:
Good riddance. DC can have him!! Any chance he can take Lauzen with him?
Yea, and leave the GOP Senate to the real intellectuals, like um ?
- Anonymous - Saturday, Apr 2, 05 @ 1:58 pm:
Sounds like it’s all sewn up for Roskam. He’s a solid candidate that the Democrats know they can’t beat. Good luck to him in Washington, DC where he can leave the cesspool of idiocy in Springfield behind.
- Anonymous - Saturday, Apr 2, 05 @ 3:44 pm:
Whoever orchestrated this bloodless handover to Roskam should be commended. Given what happened in the 8th and in the 10th a few years ago, it seems someone intended all along to avoid a logjam.
- reddbyrd - Sunday, Apr 3, 05 @ 9:41 pm:
You guys are funnier than when Saturday Nite Live was funny. Only in DuPage would Lauzen and Roskam pass for intellectuals — Drumroll
And then GOPers give IL another Ryan - yipee
You are forgetting Brickhead Joe will get the Hyde seat
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 20, 05 @ 11:26 am:
Peter Roskam is a dynamo with a real heart for people. I have seen him go to bat for folks who can never be of any use to him, just because it was the right thing to do. You won’t find anyone more compassionate, honest, and energetic than Roskam.