Election stuff
Tuesday, Apr 5, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Cook County’s election results page is not working well. Overloaded, apparently. If you’re still checking the blog, use the comments to report results and discuss. In the Aurora mayor’s race, it looks like Tom Cross’ candidate lost big. Peoria Mayor Ransburg is said to have lost, but haven’t found the link yet (just started to look). Republicans picked up the mayor’s job in Moline by a narrow margin. Looks like a bad day for incumbents.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 5, 05 @ 9:57 pm:
A former Madigan staffer is running the winning race in Aurora. Hard to beat that training. The Cross candidate was highly pumped by the Turn Illinois website. Cross’ people know the internet game, but name do they lack the skills when it comes to the grassroots. Looks like Madigan’s team showed them a think or two.
- AmyEAllen - Tuesday, Apr 5, 05 @ 9:59 pm:
In Dupage County, Irvin is running about 56-44 and in Aurora proper, about 35-65.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Apr 5, 05 @ 10:15 pm:
Actually, Irvin is down 56-44 in DuPage.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 7, 05 @ 5:33 am:
Actually, Gerry Galloway, formerly of Pat Quinn’s office, ran Tom Weisner’s campaign.
And Cross’ guy got spanked pretty good. A negative flier so outrageous that the candidate had to publicly apologize a week before the election sealed the deal. (Nice job, Jake.)
Really though, Irvin wasn’t going to win because the local GOP folks didn’t appreciate Cross and Ingemunson picking their candidate for them. It might have helped if their candidate had actually lived in town for more than a couple years too.
- Anonymous - Friday, Apr 29, 05 @ 11:57 pm:
Galloway did a reasonable job with a “blah” candidate in Weisner.
Irvin self-destructed, but I don’t think it was because of Cross and other advisors.