Good job
Tuesday, Apr 5, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller
The Illinois Times ran one of the best interviews of a state legislator that I’ve ever seen last month. I missed the interview of Rep. Larry McKeon at the time, but noticed the link over at DownLeft last night. A few quick highlights:
After all, McKeon has for years publicly taunted his allegedly closeted colleagues in the Legislature, whom, he says, number about a half-dozen. He has claimed many times that he is “not the only gay man in the General Assembly but the only one to tell the truth about it.â€
Stopping short of naming names, he adds that there are enough gays and lesbians in the Legislature to form a caucus representing both chambers and both political parties.
“It’s already widely rumored and well-known who these people are,†McKeon says. “Who are they fooling, other than just themselves?†[…]
McKeon says that he only wishes he could garner such interest from Gov. Rod Blagojevich, whom he supports but describes as “untrustworthy,†“extremely poorly advised,†and “quite inaccessible.†[…]
McKeon accepted a teaching a post at Roosevelt University but found himself increasingly unable to function. That’s when he performed what he now refers to, with some morbid amusement, as the “stupid tie trick.â€
“I tried to hang myself on a closet rail with a bunch of silk ties,†he says. “All I did was pull down the closet, and all the books that were on top of the closet, and ruin a very good silk tie.†[…]
He describes Daley, who began his own political career in the Legislature, as “a short little dude†who “always pokes me in the chest.†McKeon told the mayor about his plans to run for Kazak’s seat: “And he looked up at me and says, ‘I don’t know anybody in their right mind who would want to be in the Illinois General Assembly.’â€
Read the whole thing.
- Bill Baar - Tuesday, Apr 5, 05 @ 6:08 am:
So we’re obligated to tell the “truth” about our sexual thoughts? And the truth about the sexual thoughts of our children? And Politicians should tell the truth about their colleagues sexual thoughts should they chose to not reveal them? What is “truth”? It’s truely an appalling position to take on public life.
- Craig - Tuesday, Apr 5, 05 @ 8:21 am:
I’ve known Larry for many years and he is one of the straightest ( no pun ) shooters in politics.
When people ask me who he is, I tell them, “he’s the big dude in the little car.”
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 5, 05 @ 9:02 am:
McKeon’s selective outing is troubling. Our society remains homophobic. Using it as a club only fuels that homophobia. All public officials should be out in order to prevent this sort of blackmail. Singling out family members to boot is crossing the line. McKeon has helped us take two steps forward. Unfortunately, he’s also leading us a step and a half behind.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 5, 05 @ 12:28 pm:
the legislators who are gay and are in the closet are doing what they need to stay in politics.
Do we to know how, when and to what extent straight legislators have sex? Nope.
- Rich - Tuesday, Apr 5, 05 @ 12:35 pm:
Having seen a few legislators-
I would not WANT to know how, when and to what extent any of them are having sex- regardless of orientation.
Seriously- I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 5, 05 @ 12:48 pm:
No doubt - I agree with rich. I don’t want to know the sex life of any legislator, whether straight or gay. Remember when Cowlishaw made that comment on the floor about how to keep a man happy. That made me throw up in my mouth.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 6, 05 @ 12:42 am:
McKeon may oust a Republican County Commissioner
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 6, 05 @ 8:09 am:
McKeon says that he only wishes he could garner such interest from Gov. Rod Blagojevich, whom he supports but describes as “untrustworthy,†“extremely poorly advised,†and “quite inaccessible.†[…]
Who is the Republican County Commissioner that McKeon may out?
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 6, 05 @ 9:06 am:
I’m assuming that the Illinois Times story about Rep. McKeon is the first in a two-part series? Known for it’s objectivity, the Times will in a future edition, I’m certain, feature a hard working, moderate to conservative member of either chamber, of either party, who tells it like it is and who is having a difficult time (repression? oppresion? a phobia of some sort?) with reasonable legislation being CONSIDERED due to intolerance on the part of the majority? Senator Jones burying tort reform in the Executive Committee comes to mind.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 6, 05 @ 12:27 pm:
I do not think McKeon will out a Republican County Commissioner.
- DownLeft - Wednesday, Apr 6, 05 @ 3:44 pm:
Thanks for posting the link, Rich.
Didn’t you have a column in that same issue of the Times? Yet, you didn’t notice the cover story. haha