Woodward trounces Democrat in Berwyn
Tuesday, Apr 5, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Huge, huge loss for the Democratic organization in Berwyn as independent mayoral candidate Michael O’Connor trounced Democrat Michael Woodward. UPDATE: Dems got trounced in just about every other Berwyn municipal and township race as well.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 5, 05 @ 11:19 pm:
A blow for the regulars…and HDO?
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 6, 05 @ 12:36 am:
Armando Saleh did a terrible job as campaign manager.
This is a BIG blow to Martin “the Pig” Sandoval (Reyes is the Hog)
Sandoval is also known as “Fat Bastard” from Austin Powers.
HDO hurt Woodward
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 6, 05 @ 8:05 am:
Watch Ricardo Munoz run for Senate (Alderman from Chicago)
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 6, 05 @ 9:56 am:
Keep an eye on the Sandoval race. This is THE next major battleground for the future of Hispanic politics in the Chicago area. Could finally turn the tide toward the reformers…
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 6, 05 @ 10:10 am:
Most of you posters don’t seem to have a clue about what’s really going on. Reformers? The only genuine reformer out there is Senator DelValle and last time I checked he’s working with Sandoval, Iris Martinez, Ariel Reboyras and the rest of HDO because they have the communities best interest at heart.
The opposition is Joe Berrios, Louie “my wife is an ivestment banker give me some business” Guiterez and the rest of the criminals who have been taking advantage of their community for years.
It’s time to realize that there is a new paradigm in Hispanic politics and it’s not machine vs. reformers. HDO lost in Berwyn and Berrios/Louie lost in Cicero. Neither side had a good Spring.
But that’s because they are now fighting in unfamiliar turf. The suburbs are different. It is much tougher to persuade voters the smaller the electorate.
But as we move forward, the races move back into the city and the smart money goes with HDO. They have a proven track record in both Hispanic and multi-ethnic wards.
Finally, look for serious opposition to Mendoza if Rick Munoz gets into the senate race. The Berrios/Louie crowd has limited troops and this would force them to fight on mulitple fronts.
Prediction — Sandoval unopposed
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 6, 05 @ 12:17 pm:
Ricardo Munoz the so called appointed alderman was a coke dealer who had guns, THAT IS A FACT IN RECORD
and he admits he tried to hang out with the Latin Kings
Sandoval will kick his but
Saleh is not HDO but a washout from Commissioner Mario Moreno
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 6, 05 @ 1:06 pm:
Shouldn’t this read, “O’Connor Trounces Democrat in Berwyn”?
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 6, 05 @ 1:21 pm:
You can’t put a bunch of Hispanic Gang Bangers in a suburb.
HDO is a negative.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 6, 05 @ 2:58 pm:
Armando Saleh was a terrible campaign manager.
He also ran the failed campaigns for Commissioner Mario Moreno against Betty Loren Maltese and Ramero Gonzalez.
He is involved with the sleazy Victor Reyes and some wierd stuff in the 10th Ward with Waste Management.
Saleh lost it for Woodward. HDO killed Woodward.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 6, 05 @ 7:01 pm:
How are Susanna Mendoza and Alderman Ricardo Munoz linked?
I thought they were political enemies.
The Mayor could muscle Munoz and any other contenders out of the race against Sandoval. Munoz may not have the guts to stand up. Sandoval may not even have opposition.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 6, 05 @ 10:19 pm:
munoz wiull have a lot of support in a race against sandoval. he does nothing for his district and is nothing more that a pawn of hdo and daley. people are getting tired of the same old crap and are eager to send sandoval packing. munoz is the kind of young, fresh faced reforner who could do it.
sandoval will lose becauae he is a fraud and hdo is losing its grip. munoz will beat him like a drum.
- Anonymous - Sunday, Jun 19, 05 @ 11:08 am:
Any follow up on these HDO guys? I heard snadoval was in berwyn city hall begging O’Connor to help him win relection.