The whole U of I system has been feeling the effects of Blagojevich’s cuts to higher education funding. Therefore, the booers probably had a reason why they were doing so.
The booing link is awesome. the booing is hillarious too. Although I agree with Drew Hibbard’s comments, there is no way that the students at that rally were booing because of Blago’s awful higher education record. It’s more likely they were booing him for being a bandwagon jumping, script reading, phony baloney walking press whore.
Wow, Blago can get more negative press than any Gov. I’ve ever seen. He needs better handlers or he needs his wife by his side. He doesn’t have a clue. How many days until he’s through?
Chicago State University, which has gotten much larger funding increases than the UI since Blago/Emil took over. It was an issue in the Jakobbson/Feinen race here in 2004.
More writing on the wall. This guy got elected by promising a lot for downstate and never delivered. There’s going to be a downstate rebellion against Blago. It can happen in the primary or it can happen in the general election, but its going to happen either way.
This release in particular seems borderline desperate. I understand what’s going on — but this is almost FOX-news like in its weird, twisted rhetoric. Even for a news release it’s … smarmy.
To the 3:37 anons. It seems as if you can’t tell the gov anything. He is hopeless, and he has shown it. I don’t know if it is character flaws or ego that gets in the way of his lack of intelligence and judgement. It may be all those things but in another order. Who can tell, he is a mess.
To So-Called Austin Mayor. Ryan did get a tremendous amount of nasty press, but most it was after his bones started falling out of the closet. Blago asks for it. Its like he is wearing a “Kick me” sign on his back.
I was at the SIU game and it is not even a close call. He was resoundly booed. They distrust and dislike him immensly downstate. And they should. He is the anti-higher education governor. He is also the Einstein who destroyed the winery is Southern Illinois only to come back two years later with a big plan to attract tourism. What a dope. Does he really believe that everyone south of 80 is stupid?
I do believe he thinks everybody south of I-80 are stupid or don’t care what he does north of I-80 - even when it impacts them.
As I will continue to say, the profoundly stupid people are so stupid they always think they are smarter than everybody else. They are just too stupid to know they aren’t.
I’m one of Rod’s most vocal detractors - not an ounce of respect for that empty suit - but have to admit, I felt a *little* bad for the guy when he was getting booed. That had to hurt.
Yes, he deserves many, many, many boos for his inept administration, for surrounding himself with self-serving hangers-on as advisors and the constant and blatant mugging for the press…among other things.
But he showed-up to join a celebration for the state of Illinois’ university basketball team - bandwagon or not - he IS the governor (unfortunately for us) and he should have been there (but should’ve left the miserable stump speech in Bradley Tusk’s lunchbox).
My point is that the guy made an effort to try do the right thing and didn’t deserve boos in that particular setting (even if he was really only there because he knew that every camera crew in the state would be at the event)…
That said, I’d boo the Governor just about anywhere else…
Hmm, was trying to throw the guy a sympathetic bone but he’s so pitiful I couldn’t even do that favor for him! Oh well…
- Drew Hibbard - Wednesday, Apr 6, 05 @ 3:01 pm:
The whole U of I system has been feeling the effects of Blagojevich’s cuts to higher education funding. Therefore, the booers probably had a reason why they were doing so.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 6, 05 @ 3:32 pm:
I watched it on WAND news and I booed from home!!
- Hubert - Wednesday, Apr 6, 05 @ 3:34 pm:
The booing link is awesome. the booing is hillarious too. Although I agree with Drew Hibbard’s comments, there is no way that the students at that rally were booing because of Blago’s awful higher education record. It’s more likely they were booing him for being a bandwagon jumping, script reading, phony baloney walking press whore.
- IlliniPundit - Wednesday, Apr 6, 05 @ 3:34 pm:
Thanks for the link!
And if you’re searching for irrational discussion and name-calling, I highly recommend Illiniboard.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 6, 05 @ 3:37 pm:
One guy in the thread keeps talking about “Chicago State.” What is Chicago state? Does he mean Chicago in general?
The fact that Blago showed up was a little, er, odd. He’s a walking campaign commercial. Someone oughta explain that to the governor.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 6, 05 @ 3:37 pm:
Wow, Blago can get more negative press than any Gov. I’ve ever seen. He needs better handlers or he needs his wife by his side. He doesn’t have a clue. How many days until he’s through?
- IlliniPundit - Wednesday, Apr 6, 05 @ 3:39 pm:
Anon 3:37
Chicago State University, which has gotten much larger funding increases than the UI since Blago/Emil took over. It was an issue in the Jakobbson/Feinen race here in 2004.
- DownLeft - Wednesday, Apr 6, 05 @ 3:39 pm:
More writing on the wall. This guy got elected by promising a lot for downstate and never delivered. There’s going to be a downstate rebellion against Blago. It can happen in the primary or it can happen in the general election, but its going to happen either way.
- So-Called Austin Mayor - Wednesday, Apr 6, 05 @ 4:18 pm:
Blago can get more negative press than any Gov. I’ve ever seen.
You never saw George Ryan?
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 6, 05 @ 4:42 pm:
To change the subject (slightly), my question is how can anyone write these things with a straight face?
This release in particular seems borderline desperate. I understand what’s going on — but this is almost FOX-news like in its weird, twisted rhetoric. Even for a news release it’s … smarmy.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 6, 05 @ 4:43 pm:
Whoops — sorry about that link. Too long for the column. Hope I didn’t mess things up.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Apr 6, 05 @ 6:10 pm:
Awesome link guys. Like I said in another thread, the folks at U of I are well aware whose been goring their ox.
Not mentioned yet is that the Gov reportedly got the same treatment at an SIU-C game earlier in the season.
Has there been any press coverage beyond the blogosphere yet? Please provide links if you see them.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 6, 05 @ 8:08 pm:
Check out the last line of the Tribune story. Not much, but still there.
- IlliniPundit - Wednesday, Apr 6, 05 @ 9:11 pm:
Jim Dey, who writes for the News-Gazette, blogged about it here.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 7, 05 @ 12:12 am:
To the 3:37 anons. It seems as if you can’t tell the gov anything. He is hopeless, and he has shown it. I don’t know if it is character flaws or ego that gets in the way of his lack of intelligence and judgement. It may be all those things but in another order. Who can tell, he is a mess.
To So-Called Austin Mayor. Ryan did get a tremendous amount of nasty press, but most it was after his bones started falling out of the closet. Blago asks for it. Its like he is wearing a “Kick me” sign on his back.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 7, 05 @ 8:13 am:
Yellow Dog, you apparently weren’t at the same SIU game I was at and have season tickets to. The Gov. was NOT booed at C’dale.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 7, 05 @ 10:07 am:
I was at the SIU game and it is not even a close call. He was resoundly booed. They distrust and dislike him immensly downstate. And they should. He is the anti-higher education governor. He is also the Einstein who destroyed the winery is Southern Illinois only to come back two years later with a big plan to attract tourism. What a dope. Does he really believe that everyone south of 80 is stupid?
- Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 7, 05 @ 2:39 pm:
I do believe he thinks everybody south of I-80 are stupid or don’t care what he does north of I-80 - even when it impacts them.
As I will continue to say, the profoundly stupid people are so stupid they always think they are smarter than everybody else. They are just too stupid to know they aren’t.
- Tom DeLay's Mom - Thursday, Apr 7, 05 @ 5:56 pm:
I’m one of Rod’s most vocal detractors - not an ounce of respect for that empty suit - but have to admit, I felt a *little* bad for the guy when he was getting booed. That had to hurt.
Yes, he deserves many, many, many boos for his inept administration, for surrounding himself with self-serving hangers-on as advisors and the constant and blatant mugging for the press…among other things.
But he showed-up to join a celebration for the state of Illinois’ university basketball team - bandwagon or not - he IS the governor (unfortunately for us) and he should have been there (but should’ve left the miserable stump speech in Bradley Tusk’s lunchbox).
My point is that the guy made an effort to try do the right thing and didn’t deserve boos in that particular setting (even if he was really only there because he knew that every camera crew in the state would be at the event)…
That said, I’d boo the Governor just about anywhere else…
Hmm, was trying to throw the guy a sympathetic bone but he’s so pitiful I couldn’t even do that favor for him! Oh well…