The wallflower attacks
Thursday, Apr 7, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller
Bradley fires back:
For the second time in less than a year Rep. John Bradley, D-Marion, is on the offensive against Gov. Rod Blagojevich.
The latest conflict began following a morning radio segment aired Tuesday on the Illinois Radio Network where Blagojevich claimed legislation introduced by Bradley to eliminate the state’s nine riverboat casinos was nothing more than an attempt to raise taxes. Bradley’s House Bill 1920, a plan that eliminates riverboat gambling in Illinois and provides retraining to former employees, sailed out of the state government administration committee last month by an eight-to-one margin.
“Of course I expect the governor to object to my legislation,” Bradley said. “Just last week he announced his proposal to increase the state’s reliance on gambling. It is ironic that last year he attacked me because I wouldn’t support his tax and fee increases, and now he is claiming I want more taxes. He and I disagree on the way government should operate.
“For me, this is about public policy and what is best for the future of this state. This is absolutely not an attempt to increase any tax or fee on the hardworking residents of Illinois.”
The governor’s office then responded with a written statement:
“The Governor’s comments were not directed at Representative Bradley, he was simply answering a question about his position on legislation that would eliminate all of the riverboat casino licenses.”
- Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 7, 05 @ 9:38 pm:
Yo 9:00. Go back to kissing Roddy’s butt, or maybe you should come up for air. I believe when you are printing someone else’s published work, a reference to its origination is in order. Therefore one will not be accused of plagiarism. (You know that word?)
All you Blago apologists should give it up. The people are catching on to the phoney boy gov. Your priggish language has no place on this blog. If you want to accuse a respected journalist of “prostituting” himself, start your own blog.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 7, 05 @ 9:49 pm:
Rod Blagojevich is a person of low to no character
Gambling is not good for Illinois
Addicts are up
Crime is up
Debt and bankruptcy are up
real jobs and manufacturing are leaving the state
- Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 7, 05 @ 10:44 pm:
Gambling is in Illinois to stay. And adding positions does not perpetuate gambling any more than what we currently have.
Yes, the state felt fallout from the Sept. 11 attacks. But Illinois was no more affected than any other state in the country. What’s hurting our state right now are pessimists like Whitley and Watson who have more to gain being cynical, than recognizing the gains the state is making.
- Atlas Blogged - Monday, Apr 11, 05 @ 5:34 pm: