Another spam-related death
Monday, Apr 11, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller
Rep. Chapin Rose is flooded with spam. From an e-mail last week:
Dear Friend,
I am very sorry, but do to the inordinate amount of spam related materials hitting my inbox, I am no longer able to publish my email address. In its place, constituents of the 110th district may go to and complete an online constituent service form. Upon submission, this form will be immediately reviewed by my staff. Please note that in order for the form to work properly you must accurately submit your zip code indicating residency within one of the five counties served by the 110th legislative district. […]
Thanks again and please visit
Chapin Rose
State Representative
I received this e-mail because he’s on my e-mail subscription list. I hope he gives me his new address soon.
And, Chapin, it’s “due,” not “do.”
- Rich Miller - Monday, Apr 11, 05 @ 3:18 pm:
FROM: Tom from NJ
COMMENT: I’ve noticed a lot of sites posting email addresses sort of written out to prevent spammers and spam searching software.
So maybe posting something like, email me at ChapinUNDERSCORERoseATmailDOTillinoisDOTassembly
If you put a little explainer there, most people that are savy enough to find you and try and email will be able to.
There is also a way to encrypt the html coding for instance publish a jpg or gif with the address on it. Spam search won’t grap that since they’re looking for @ symbols and such.