Falling on deaf ears
Monday, Apr 11, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller
The Cross Blog comes down hard against an appeal of a recent court ruling:
Listen….I’m totally a ‘Root, Root, Root for the Hometeam kinda guy’, but if our party is to rebuild we need to get past stuff like this.
In the waning days of his administration, Ryan took care of 60 friends and allies, giving them state jobs and changing the rules so they would have only 60 days’ probation instead of four to six months as the previous rules stated. The hirings came 61 days before Ryan turned the office over to Blagojevich.
I know that he did nothing new and he was just ‘taking care of his friends’, but we need to be the party of ethics.
Let’s not let Blagorgeous raise the ’spector of George Ryan’ any longer. We need to move on. Don’t think for a minute that this won’t be in Rod’s poltical ‘pocket’….
“When George Ryan stuffed the Government with his cronies, I swept them clean!”
I can hear it now.
It’s time to Move the Party Forward.
But it doesn’t look like they’ll get their wish. The lawyer for the plaintiffs, John Kerley, told the Tribune that he would appeal.
Kerley said that he would appeal Friday’s decision to the Illinois Supreme Court and that he expects his clients to hold their jobs while the court considers the appeal.
By the time a final decision on the case is made, Kerley pointed out, the employees may have less than a year left in their four-year terms.
Almost without a doubt, this case is gonna get dragged into the campaign season.
- Anonymous - Monday, Apr 11, 05 @ 8:38 pm:
thats great news. while blagos opponents will accuse him of high crimes while in office, the fact remains that his administration has been free of scandal. he has obviously raised the spetacle by constantly claiming to be the “reform adn renewal” governor, but at the end of the day, itis the former governor of the other party who is on trial for RICO charges (among others) who packed the government with his pals paid by the taxpayers. peoples disgust in government will be renewed and the claims of dealing by blago will seem small by comparison.
the reality is that its time for both party’s to take a huge bath. voters must demand it. the time has come.