Just for fun
Tuesday, Apr 12, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller
Here’s Dick Mell’s full statement about the governor’s plan to forbid his relatives from owning landfills (via the Sun-Times):
Once again, Gov. Blagojevich is using the power of his office to have state legislators introduce a bill aimed at the mistaken notion that I have a financial interest in a business owned and operated by a relative of my wife, Margaret.
According to sources in Springfield, a bill on a specific industry will be sent to the state Legislature which, if enacted, will unfairly target owners of the landfill industry. I have been told that the Illinois EPA scoffed when they saw the first draft, saying it was too riddled with problems to even be considered.
Although I am not a lawyer like the governor, it seems to me such laws are unconstitutional or border on such. Perhaps this maneuver is meant to deflect attention away from the real issues concerning citizens of the State of Illinois: overcrowded classrooms and inadequate resources that threaten to doom another generation of our young people.
The crisis at the Chicago Transit Authority demands action, yet the governor is noncommittal about assistance from the state. The alternatives are grim. Drastic service cuts or massive fare increases face a ridership dependent on buses and trains to get to school, shopping areas and, most importantly, work.
Somehow, the governor does not see the urgency in these matters, yet is so consumed with a single issue that he is laser-focused on our own family tragedy instead of serving the interests of the 12 million others he is supposed to represent. If this were a melodrama, the situation would be comical. But there is no laughter.
I truly sought to have this matter melt from public view. However, the governor’s pollsters have obviously convinced him that there is still mileage in this diatribe. Many years ago, I accepted the fact that all publicity — good or bad — went with the territory of being an elected public official. But I never imagined this.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 12, 05 @ 4:15 pm:
“our own family tragedy”
“Tragedy” is a really poor choice of words. Tragedy is loss of life or limb — not a public pissing match with your in laws.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 12, 05 @ 6:54 pm:
It may not be tragic but it is sad.
Mell is a good guy and “made” Rod.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 1:59 am:
Tragedy is when a fatal flaw is a man’s undoing.
Is the Gov a tragic hero? No. A tragic fool? Maybe. Many Democrats certainly feel his first couple of years have been a tragic loss.
That said, someone once mused “Where there’s life, there’s hope.” Was that from ‘The Princess Bride’? The Rod still might turen it around. A couple more fights with the right guys on the right issues that he can win, like pharmacies and the pill, and he might bring dems back to the fold.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 7:01 pm:
Will Governor Blagojevich try to get Chuck Lamonto in trouble on Hired Trucks.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 14, 05 @ 7:29 am:
Lamonto has no ties to Hired Trucks. That is ridiculous.
His only “crime” is that he is loyal to Mell.
Chuck is a neighborhood type of guy who is into motorcycles and Masons. He gets a lot done for the people in his ward.
Rod just wants to destroy the 33rd Ward.
- Anonymous - Friday, Apr 15, 05 @ 12:42 am:
Why is Rod trying to humilate Rod?
Why does Rod want to destroy the 33rd Ward?
- Anonymous - Friday, Apr 15, 05 @ 5:44 pm:
It does seem that Rod is trying to humiliate Mell. It is very sad.
- Anonymous - Saturday, Apr 16, 05 @ 10:51 pm:
It is a tragedy when any family fights.
In what should of been Mell’s proudest moment, it becomes a destructive swan song.
- Anonymous - Sunday, Apr 17, 05 @ 4:37 pm:
Good or bad, Rod will win in this battle with Mell.
Mell lacks sympathy and is the past.
The only assurance to Mell is that he knows the truth and Rod will never be elected President.
Rod is like Clinton in morality and ambition but lacks the intelligence or hard hard work.