Tuesday, Apr 12, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller
This is pretty old news, but the Tribune finally got around to it, so here it is:
James Laski, Chicago’s city clerk for the last decade, said Monday he is “leaning very strongly” toward running for state treasurer if Judy Baar Topinka decides to vacate the office to run for governor.
“Everything is based on what [Topinka] does,” Laski said. “She is the incumbent and I personally like the woman.” Although Topinka is a Republican and he is a Democrat, “I have a good relationship with her and I think she does a good job,” Laski said. […]
Laski recently terminated his Laski for City Clerk political fund, transferring the money it contained to a new James J. Laski Jr. Campaign Committee. He has about $400,000 on hand.
Laski, 51, acknowledged that he is not well known Downstate.
“That’s the point of getting into it early,” he said.
What do you think of his chances?
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 12, 05 @ 4:30 pm:
He would be fine, but he also won’t be scaring anyone else out if they want to run.
Kind of a “ho-hum” story, IMHO
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 12, 05 @ 6:54 pm:
A lot of committeeman hate him but may want to get him out of the way to
1. open up the City Clerks office
2. make sure he does not run against Dan Lipinksi
- RepublicanJoe - Tuesday, Apr 12, 05 @ 7:33 pm:
Did I hear that Mike Boland was interested, and that he polls well among dems? Another downstate versus Chicago match up. Where does Quinn stand on a Boland candidacy?
- NW Nose - Tuesday, Apr 12, 05 @ 9:35 pm:
I hear Veteran State Rep. Mike Boland, a close Quinn ally, is this/close to pulling the trigger on State Treas. Boland would bring about 65% of the downstate vote because downstaters are sick of a CHicago dominated state ticket. Plus he has ties to Quinn and lots of Chicago progressives.
For my money, he’s the guy to beat.
But he has to get off the fence to start this train a moving.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 1:43 am:
Boland would have to show some courage before I’d believe he’d run statewide.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 1:53 am:
Funny, I’ve turned my map every which way and can’t figure out how Mike Boland qualifies as downstate.
Boland has dropped his name for just about every office. If Denny Jacobs were dead, he would reach his hand from the grave just to make sure Boland lost, he dislikes him so much. Unfortunately for Mike, Denny is very much alive . Denny is well-liked south of I-80 on both sides of the aisle, especially since he started ripping the Gov. They’ll pick Mike’s pocket.
I think Dart would have another shot first. If anyone is the downstate candidate, it’s Hoffman or Granberg.
My question to Laski is, why would you give up the sweet job you have now? What’s the City Clerk make, about $100,000 a year? Sign me up.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 2:59 am:
So, Boland would run as an anti-Chicago downstater but still count on large numbers of Chicago votes? Good plan, Mike.
Boland, IMHO, is a political coward. No way does he make this run.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 9:09 am:
Keep an eye on Laski, he’s a fighter with an independent streak. He may not scare anyone but he won’t be pushed aside easily.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 10:15 am:
Boland has gotten earned media in just about every county in the state. No way would Granberg or Hoffman be able to stand up to that!
Also, Boland has inroads to Chicago (via Quinn and other progressives) that Granberg and Hoffman don’t.
You all are thinking way too inside the beltway with your comments. Plus Boland is a true believer on consumer issues and reform and investments in communities. Can you imagine Granberg or Hoffman trying to sound genuine on those issues?
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 10:27 am:
I suppose Laski has a shot…but it’s hard to predict because as the only slot on the ticket w/out a Dem incumbent, the primary field for Treasurer is going to be crowded. Doesn’t the Dem ticket need a downstater? I’m willing to bet both the Gov and the Speaker would be pleased with a non-Chicagoan in that spot. I don’t know if they’ll want to get their hands dirty to make it happen. And I don’t know enough about Boland to say whether or not he’s the right guy.
- PrairieStateDem - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 3:39 pm:
Ill remind Yellow Dog that downstate is everything except Cook and the Collars…The 96 Counties that make up downstate need to get over the north south thing and start thinking as a political unit cause we are all in it togther.
SO keep turning your map Yellow and you will find even Rockford to be downstate.
A downstater is most definetly needed this time out, as one of the most persuasive arguments the republicans were able to wadge was all of the Dems minus Sen. Durbin were from Cook.
Boland would be an excellent canididate his strong background of consumer advocacy and history of fighting for working famlies makes him a stong contender.
However the last candidate former State Rep. Tom Dart really has right of first refusal on this one. If he declines to run, then we can talk about others. Tom is a hard worker, a great campaigner and carried the dem banner against the most powerful Repub in the state. If he wants it, the office is his for the taking.
- ILPundit - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 4:44 pm:
Anybody who has been elected citywide in Chicago is a formidable primary opponent. When that person has about 400K on hand, he becomes more formidable.
Laski wouldn’t clear the field, but he would certainly start as the man to beat.
There is no right of first refusal in Illinois politics. Dart lost…badly…because he couldn’t raise money. No one is clearing the field for him this time.
- NW Nose - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 4:55 pm:
To Ill Pundit -
Baloney! Tom Dart ran a great race, especially when you consider the powers that be (Madigan, etc.)bumped him out of the AGs spot into the spot facing the toughest GOP opponent (Topinka). Add to that fact, there was basically no coordinated campaign since Blagojevich and Madigan cared about little except themselves. In fact, Durbin was the only real leader in that rac, helping Tom Dart at the ticket’s tail.
So you’ve assessed Tom Dart wrong.
Secondly, the democratic party has to realize that it needs to be a statewide party; thus a downstater should be given serious consideration if Dart says no.
Laski is a non-starter because he would make the entire statewide slate Chicago.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 10:50 pm:
Can you see Jay Hoffman running for State Treasurer?
Yeah, “whatever the trial lawyers in Madison County wants” would be his reply!
- Political Know It All - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 10:52 pm:
I hear from some pretty good sources that Mike Boland is this/close to starting mtgs around the state with party leaders about a statewide run. The only thing holding him back is that he has requested some sort of leadership appointment from the Speaker of the Illinois House, and they would like him to stay put to protect his 50-50 district.
Watch for a Boland announcement after he and his wife take a cruise and the session ends.
Sources say he can put the money and team together for a good statewide bid.
Stay tuned folks!
- Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 14, 05 @ 12:09 am:
If State Rep. Mike Boland is your guy for State Treasurer, fine, we desperately need a downstater to run for that office. And I suspect downstate county chairs will not open their doors to anyone from Chicago, with the current ticket so Chicago-loaded.
I’m not sure the Chicago wannabes like Jack Lavin and Laski understand that.
But tell Boland to get off the fence and start moving! He should not waste another week on this matter. It’s his to lose, but he has to move quickly.
- Anonymous - Friday, Apr 15, 05 @ 12:41 am:
What happened to his fat Ray Drish?
Didn’t a bunch of his guys get fired for golfing on City time?
- Anonymous - Friday, Apr 15, 05 @ 5:43 pm:
Ray Drish is not fat anymore.
Don’t make fun of him because you think you are better looking.
- Anonymous - Saturday, Apr 16, 05 @ 10:49 pm:
With Zalewski as committeeman, Laski has a good chance of taking over the 23rd ward.
- Anonymous - Sunday, Apr 17, 05 @ 4:36 pm:
23rd Ward is done
- Anonymous - Sunday, Apr 17, 05 @ 4:38 pm:
Having served with Boland for the past four+ years in the House, I think he would make an excellent candidate for State Treasurer! His consumer advocacy-firendly stance on most issues regarding the state’s taxpayers make him a ginuine choice for the job. Jay is a great guy but his close relationship with the gov makes him too vulnerable. Lastly, the Dems need a strong downstate candidate. The one plus Laski has is the distance he has put between himself and the Mayor of Chicago. That should help him if he decides to run. But I’m still bettin’ on Boland.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 19, 05 @ 12:24 am:
Drish was in the paper again today.
What an embarassment.