The goofiness continues.
A new push by Gov. Rod Blagojevich to tighten regulation of landfills has stoked a feud with his father-in-law, Ald. Richard Mell, and prompted some of the governor’s fellow Democrats in Springfield to question whether he is trying to divert attention from more pressing state problems.
“The governor’s office had to be aware that this legislation would resurrect the previous family battles,” said Rep. John Fritchey (D-Chicago). “That simply leaves the question why they want to revisit those issues at a time when southern Illinois is clamoring for medical malpractice reform, northern Illinois is clamoring for regional transportation funding and all of Illinois is looking for education funding reform.” […]
“The feud never ended. It’s just like a divorce–both of them are so emotional,” said one Democrat who has close ties to Blagojevich and Mell and asked that his name not be used. “They could have softened the language [about fathers-in-law] in the bill. Why do we need this in there?” […]
Charles Wheeler, an associate professor at the University of Illinois at Springfield and a longtime state government observer, said he doubted that Blagojevich’s attention on the landfill bill would provide him with a break from more substantive problems facing the state.
“To the extent that people are paying attention to the problems, the problems are so systemic and endemic that you maybe gain the equivalent of 10 minutes of relief, but the headache comes back,” Wheeler said.
This is a private feud. It should stay that way. I’m really disgusted by the whole thing.
By the way, do you want to lay odds on who leaked this story to the press?
A top aide to powerful Ald. Richard Mell (33rd) said Tuesday investigators probing the city’s scandal-ridden Hired Truck Program questioned him recently.
Chuck Lomanto, Mell’s chief of staff, said a subpoena from a grand jury prompted him to meet with investigators and discuss his former job as a general foreman of truck drivers in the city Streets and Sanitation Department.
Lomanto said the investigators told him that he is not a target of their probe.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 3:41 pm:
The primary reason this legislation was written is because Rod is bound and determined to find out if Alderman Mell has any interest in Frankie’s landfill. He desperatly wants to know. Ask yourself a few questions:
1. Why are landfills just targeted?
Why wasn’t the bill broadened to include all types of businesses that could, or presently do business with the state?
2. Why, in the draft legislation, are “father-in-law”, mother-in-law
etc., included.( I’ve never heard that in any legislation before).
It seems specificly directed at Mell.
3. Why is the draft legislation retro back to 1/01/05?Didn’t all the press about “Frankie” start around 12/28/05, when Dick was out of the country fishing,in Panama.
You should call Frank, who is honest, and a pretty stand up guy, at the dump (1-815-723-3000): he’ll give you an earfull. He’s been persacuted from the first day the Gov found out he owned the dump(late December 04′)and sent five, Springfield based, State Police cars to the dump to harass, stop, search, and re-direct all trucks away from the landfill.(also late December of 04′. Why did the Gov send 4, of 8 total EPA inspectors for the Northern Illin ois Region to Frankie’s dump.Why did the Gov direct IDOT to get involved? What a misuse of power. Call Frank.
- Tankman - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 4:18 pm:
Rich, here’s another good one for tomorrow:
As of the moment, you, nor anyone else can purchase a 2005 fishing license from the DNR.They are supposed to available in Feburary. They have been, and are unavailable. Called DNR and found out the delay is due to being understaffed because of the Gov’s firings. Result, many companies, stores, all bait and tackle shops, sport stores(like Ed Shirley’s in Skokie) are losing anywhere from $3,000 to $5,000 in merchandise sales, license sales, and more @.
In addition, there are a number of Illinois, spring fishing tournament that may have to canceled, or be held in other states. Most of these affairs draw anywhere from 100, to 1000 anglers, most from out of state. Tourist dollars and their taxes being lost.
- ArchPundit - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 5:34 pm:
Landfills are targeted because it is a bill that affects landfill regulation. Despite Mell’s complaining, the law is a general law that is needed by regulators to act on the public’s behalf. It doesn’t just include a restriction on relatives.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 6:58 pm:
Chuck Lamonto is a no talent hack. Blago is not even interested in him.
It is odd to include “father in law” in legislation.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 14, 05 @ 7:24 am:
There is more judgemental articles and cartoons on Mell than on any other political family.
Maybe they keep their business more in house.
But Mell has not asked for or done anything wrong.
- Anonymous - Friday, Apr 15, 05 @ 12:39 am:
Fritche is right.
Lamonto is not a bad guy.
The Sun Times treated Mell very unfairly.
- Anonymous - Sunday, Apr 17, 05 @ 2:39 pm:
Governor Blagojevich hates Chuck Lamonto for some reason.
The 33rd ward won’t even exist in 2 years.
- Anonymous - Monday, Apr 18, 05 @ 10:05 am:
Mell will never allow Lamonto to be alderman. Lamonto will lose the organization.
Rod will smell red meat and go in for the kill.
Jamie Andrade will probably be the next alderman and be able to work with Rod’s people.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 20, 05 @ 6:45 pm:
Dominick Longo and Frank Avila have to much time on their hands.They sould not say things about Chuck Lamanto he is a good guy. They are very bitter . Because they cant win a election.