Question of the day
Wednesday, Apr 13, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Some members of the “Comment Posse” (trademark pending) have asked that I post a dangerous question so they can satisfy their bloodlust and commence mass deletions. They really want to kill something. Bad. However, I’m not ready to tempt the fates just yet. I’m liking this new civility and don’t want to provide any temptation to the handful of morons and hooligans who were populating the comment section before the crackdown. I’ve told the posse to go with their gut feelings here and delete comments they feel are offensive. Everyone has their own views of what is and isn’t offensive, but I’m curious what you think should be the limit. So, the question today is, how far should the Comment Posse go? Posse members are, of course, encouraged to post as well.
- The Inside Dope - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 6:59 am:
Reckless and anonymous commenters have been the bane of my existence over at The Inside Dope. They’re relentless and beyond aggravating.
I’ve recently had to go to a registered users only policy. Like shining light on cockroaches, this tends to cause them to scatter and go elsewhere. But whenever I open it up again, they come back with a vengence.
The threshold for deletion? Mine is if they take a pot shot without providing any justification or reasoning for it whatsoever.
Or if they accuse me of lying or other things without backing it up.
Or if they’re simply stupid, witless, and have no redeeming value at all.
If they’re critical but witty and with at least a minimum amount of respect, I’ll let them stand and welcome it.
I’ve even had a comment asking why I can’t have a “real” blog like Rich Miller. heehee. That’s a legitimate question, and I let that stand and replied.
But comments that amount to “This blog sucks, it’s worthless, irelevant, a waste of time, stupid, etc.” or “You suck” without any explanation of why they’ve come to that conclusion (though they show up every day and comment) get zapped immediately.
I think after a while, you get a good feel for who is saying something informed and worthwhile, and who is simply leaving brain droppings around the site.
Good luck!
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 8:34 am:
How about deleting any off-topic comment. These are too often posted to change the subject or simply smear someone.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 9:26 am:
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- Mongo - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 9:28 am:
as a posse member I am not blood thirsty
I liked the inside dope comparison to cockroaches…squash ‘em before they scatter
so far I have deleted zero!
- BuckTurgidson - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 9:31 am:
I (respectfully) disagree with the “off-topic” reasoning. Sometimes the comments take on a life of their own, and veer into interesting debates that range in degrees from the original topic.
Vicious ad hominem attacks, vile personal comments…maybe these should be bumped. But I think it should be a loose screen because it adds flavor, and exposes the morons in most conversations.
As one who has steered clear of the aforementioned style of commentary, I am just glad comments are back…
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 9:50 am:
Guys, do yourselves a favor: don’t agonize over the “rules and regs.” Many a blog has deteriorated when self-appointed “posses” debate endlessly about “comments” and “protocols.”
Just roll with it and trust that your readers don’t care one way or the other. The only thing that folks care about is the obviously offensive stuff — the sort of comments that you know when you see.
I agree, too: off-topic is fine. Just whatever keeps the blog rolling and comments flowing. You’ll lose a significant chunk of readership if you focus too much in public about the comments.
Been there, done that. Move along. There’s nothing to see here.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 9:54 am:
My rule of thumb: if I’m not sure if I’m on Capitol Fax or Illinois Leader, delete.
Like that guy.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 10:17 am:
Rule of etiquette:
no name calling, no personal slams, no offensive language.
- the Other Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 11:10 am:
I think context matters a lot.
The reason you have so many anonymous commenters is that many folks here are posting opinions that do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the emloyers/clients/etc they represent. So, keeping comments anonymous — paradoxically — enhances honesty on this site.
The main role of the posse should really be to preserve civility and prevent libel. So, I think it’s fair game to post more scathing criticism of a top elected official (let’s call this person Bob Radojevich); it’s not so fair to post rumours and scathing attacks on a person with a lower profile.
Whatever the posse does, it should encourage people to debate and disagree. Sometimes, the comments on your blog are just as good as the main entries.
- Ralph - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 11:14 am:
“However, I’m not ready to tempt the fates just yet. I’m liking this new civility and don’t want to provide any temptation to the handful of morons and hooligans who were populating the comment section before the crackdown.”
I resent that.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 11:20 am:
I agree, do not become like the morons and hooligans who post at the Illinois Leader. It use to be a fun site, now its all xxx!!!????.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 12:48 pm:
Good whining Dope, just like your blog.
- PrairieStateDem - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 12:53 pm:
While the posse is on the lookout for slanderous comments to round up, we are just really deputized to assure a good and relativley civil time can be had by all….
Now in the spirit of Illinoisan Marshal Wyatt Earp.
No Brawlin, No SHootin and Happy Postin
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 12:55 pm:
Other Anonymous:
By “lower profile,” whom did you have in mind exactly? A state representive? A private citizen who dabbles in politics? And what makes something a “rumor?” Is it “rumor” merely because the media hasn’t reported on it (e.g. an arrest record?). The postings from this site have actually created news stories because they turn out to be true. We should welcome the anonymous tipster who does their part feeding into the media food chain.
I think the posse should just use the old Supreme Court dictum about pornography as applied to offensive postings:
“You may not have a definition for it, but you know it when you see it.”
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 1:16 pm:
If a comment concerns a pols private life, that certainly isn’t effecting his job, don’t post it. We can’t know what goes on behind closed doors with anyone. People always think the worst and so far all of the rumors have proved to be false.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 1:25 pm:
And this — from the site — is a good guide to blogging and anonymity. Some of the stuff posted on the CapFax blog actually falls under “protected speech” categories.
This makes blogging about government — especially as posted by anonymous government employees — interesting. And certainly it all makes for good reading!
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 3:10 pm:
Thanks for all the comments.
- Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 3:27 pm:
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
- Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 3:28 pm:
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- the Other Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 4:57 pm:
When I used “lower profile” I meant that there’s a lot more leeway to discuss issues (and perhaps be biting) the higher up the food chain.
So, I think it would be entirely inappropriate to post (for a hypothetical) that private citizen Bob Radojevich was seen double-parking, but it is appropriate to post that Governor Bob Radojevich was seen double-parking.
A state representative or a citizen who dabbles in politics falls someplace in between.
As for what separates rumour from fact: a rumour is something unproven and undocumented. I don’t think it matters much whether the information has been reported in other places.
Mostly, I agree with your assessment that posts subject to deletion are like pornography: I’ll know it when I see it.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 6:56 pm:
Rich has been very inconsistent on deletions.
- EvilTerry - Wednesday, Apr 13, 05 @ 10:29 pm:
“On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty, to God & my country, and to”….oh…I need to add “Rich’s blog” to that statement.
Rich is right, I am absolutely bloodthirsty and SO ready to *zap* somebody’s inappropriate posting. So, keep it civil, keep it fairly germane, and it will definitely help if it is funny!
- Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 14, 05 @ 10:44 am:
What started this in the first place
- Cool Daddy - Thursday, Apr 14, 05 @ 8:28 pm:
To Evil Terry I say what Archie Bunker once said; “What’s the Germans got to do with this?”
- Anonymous - Friday, Apr 15, 05 @ 12:38 am:
What did start this in the first place?