Tax cut idea
Thursday, Apr 14, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller
Drivers in Winnebago County would save roughly 2 cents on every gallon of gas if County Board members follow Chairman Scott Christiansen’s lead to temporarily suspend part of the county’s sales tax. […]
Christiansen will ask the County Board, by the end of this month, to suspend for six months the 1-cent-on-the-dollar sales tax on gasoline that is earmarked for a new jail and justice system upgrades.
Illinois tried a variation of this during George Ryan’s term, and it just about killed the budget. I hope they have better luck out there.
- BuckTurgidson - Thursday, Apr 14, 05 @ 11:34 am:
This would save the average driver pennies. Even if one drives a guzzler, and fill it three times a week, it still amounts to pennies.
You can’t brag to your friends about your hemi, and then cry about how much it costs to power it.
- Dan Johnson-Weinberger - Thursday, Apr 14, 05 @ 5:54 pm:
I think we should tax gasoline more, not less, but if there is any project that should get defunded it is the downtown four block jail. Downtown Rockford is blooming and a massive jail is not what you would call an attraction. They ought to cancel that project.
- Tom DeLay's Mom - Thursday, Apr 14, 05 @ 10:34 pm:
Raise taxes on gasoline even higher?! What about the folks who farm for a living and need to fuel their equipment to make a living? How about Livery?
I have no sympathy for the SUV and Hemi drivers - but there are plenty of folks who have their futures staked on the cost of gasoline…increasing that cost can result in severe economic conquences for the local economy.
- Dan Johnson-Weinberger - Thursday, Apr 14, 05 @ 11:20 pm:
Then for those sectors that depend on gasoline, do a targeted tax cut. With a tenth of the revenue. Cut income taxes for licensed cab drivers, or for farmers. And maybe farmers and cab drivers will buy more efficient vehicles, and all that oil money won’t fuel our terrorist enemies (pun intended).