Think Poe! He might sound slow but he is sharper than G-Rod. Talk to the downstate county D chairs (you know the only ones who got jobs from the Gov.). They are all PO’ed because they can’t get 50 more jobs for their families.
Poe’s one plus in the race is his fried chicken, other than that I agree with the previous posters, talk about all the personality of a manilla envelope.
The idea that Poe would attract downstate dems to vote for the republican gubenatorial ticket is just plain wrong.
Downstaters will happilly go vote for the R ticket in 2006 sick because they just plain hate Blago and all the accompaning corruption and antics.
Katuria is the gentleman with the turban who ran for the GOP Senate nomination last year. After the lunch today provided compliments of Poe catering, I’d say Ray’s support among his House Republican colleagues is solid.
Why would anyone in Decatur, Peoria, Rockford, Champaign, Chicago ever vote for Poe when he hates representing Springfield so much?? All he wants is farm areas.
Considering Kathuria finished DFL in the Senate primary I think it is quite posible that Poe will beat him.
Especally since Kathuria’s liturature is the same as his senate stuff with a few words changed. If you read it, it sounds like he wants Illinois to start a space program
I can think of 54 House Republicans who have built up better credentials than Poe. Ok, well, maybe that’s an exaggeration, but seriously, what does that man do, exactly?
He hasn’t pushed a meaningful bill all session to my knowledge. He’s the ultimate placeholder. If he wins Lt. Gov. nod, it’s because of the weakness of his opponents, not his own strengths.
Actually, the LG nominee for the GOP will not have to go up against Quinn. In the general election, the Gov and LG are elected a ticket, so, that’s like saying that the Vice Presidential candidates face off. Yeah, I guess, sort of, they do, but it does not matter. If Blago loses, so does Quinn. And THAT assumes that Quinn wins his primary.
- Bo - Friday, Apr 15, 05 @ 8:00 am:
How does it go? Slim to none, and slim just left town.
Know your place.
- Anonymous - Friday, Apr 15, 05 @ 8:14 am:
Not good. No name recognition outside of Springfield, no money, and not much of a personality.
Although I dont see people lining up for this office…
- Anonymous - Friday, Apr 15, 05 @ 8:24 am:
He and Obie can run on the roasted chicken and ice cream ticket.
If noone of any substance steps up, he may get it. Of course, he has no business being there.
- Anonymous - Friday, Apr 15, 05 @ 8:40 am:
I like his chances . . . he will get the money, and work harder then his rivals.
He also brings balance to any ticket. Remember, Blago is not loved outside of Cook. Having Poe will bring in a lot of those downstate dems.
Perhaps a better question is why is Obie running . . . . again?
- TheNEEF - Friday, Apr 15, 05 @ 8:46 am:
Think Poe!
He might sound slow but he is sharper than G-Rod. Talk to the downstate county D chairs (you know the only ones who got jobs from the Gov.). They are all PO’ed because they can’t get 50 more jobs for their families.
- Anonymous - Friday, Apr 15, 05 @ 9:33 am:
Right now with no opponent, I kind of like his chances.
- BuckTurgidson - Friday, Apr 15, 05 @ 10:11 am:
“Quoth the raven, ‘nevermore’” is the easy pun.
But we’d barely heard the name “Carl Hawkinson” before election 02…so who knows?
- Anonymous - Friday, Apr 15, 05 @ 10:36 am:
Absolutely no way, Jose! Poe’s ego far exceeds his ability.
- IlliniPundit - Friday, Apr 15, 05 @ 10:56 am:
I think, barring a surprise opponent hand-picked by JBT or LaHood, that he’ll win pretty handily.
- PrairieStateDem - Friday, Apr 15, 05 @ 11:28 am:
Poe’s one plus in the race is his fried chicken, other than that I agree with the previous posters, talk about all the personality of a manilla envelope.
The idea that Poe would attract downstate dems to vote for the republican gubenatorial ticket is just plain wrong.
Downstaters will happilly go vote for the R ticket in 2006 sick because they just plain hate Blago and all the accompaning corruption and antics.
- FightforJustice - Friday, Apr 15, 05 @ 11:30 am:
The only opponent so far is “Baboo” aka Chirinev Kathuria. I say Poe beats Baboo.
- Anonymous - Friday, Apr 15, 05 @ 11:46 am:
- FightforJustice - Friday, Apr 15, 05 @ 12:11 pm:
Katuria is the gentleman with the turban who ran for the GOP Senate nomination last year. After the lunch today provided compliments of Poe catering, I’d say Ray’s support among his House Republican colleagues is solid.
- Ralph - Friday, Apr 15, 05 @ 12:51 pm:
Quoth the raven, “Nevermore.”
- Anonymous - Friday, Apr 15, 05 @ 12:55 pm:
Why would anyone in Decatur, Peoria, Rockford, Champaign, Chicago ever vote for Poe when he hates representing Springfield so much?? All he wants is farm areas.
- BuckTurgidson - Friday, Apr 15, 05 @ 1:10 pm:
Come on, Ralph, I already wrote that…;-)
- OneMan - Friday, Apr 15, 05 @ 1:14 pm:
Considering Kathuria finished DFL in the Senate primary I think it is quite posible that Poe will beat him.
Especally since Kathuria’s liturature is the same as his senate stuff with a few words changed. If you read it, it sounds like he wants Illinois to start a space program
- Anonymous - Friday, Apr 15, 05 @ 2:01 pm:
Have you tried that chicken? I’d vote for him in a second.
- PrairieStateDem - Friday, Apr 15, 05 @ 3:07 pm:
Wow, an Illinois Space Agency! Im all for it on the condition our first one to be sent on a mission is Blagojevich.
All the expense would be worth it, and our probelems would be one step closer to being solved if we lost touch with the Blago-naut.
Hmmm I knew there was a reason Illinois is now home to Boeing.
- Anonymous - Friday, Apr 15, 05 @ 5:46 pm:
Let’s not forget that the Republican Lt Gov candidate is going up against Pat Quinn, NOT Blago. There IS a difference!
- AmyEAllen - Friday, Apr 15, 05 @ 5:50 pm:
It’ll be Dillard.
- Anonymous - Friday, Apr 15, 05 @ 6:45 pm:
I can think of 54 House Republicans who have built up better credentials than Poe. Ok, well, maybe that’s an exaggeration, but seriously, what does that man do, exactly?
He hasn’t pushed a meaningful bill all session to my knowledge. He’s the ultimate placeholder. If he wins Lt. Gov. nod, it’s because of the weakness of his opponents, not his own strengths.
- Anonymous - Friday, Apr 15, 05 @ 9:05 pm:
I think I can sum it up in one word.
- Anonymous - Saturday, Apr 16, 05 @ 4:59 pm:
Actually, the LG nominee for the GOP will not have to go up against Quinn. In the general election, the Gov and LG are elected a ticket, so, that’s like saying that the Vice Presidential candidates face off. Yeah, I guess, sort of, they do, but it does not matter. If Blago loses, so does Quinn. And THAT assumes that Quinn wins his primary.
- Anonymous - Sunday, Apr 17, 05 @ 2:22 pm:
No one has heard of Quinn, either.