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Question of the day

Monday, Apr 25, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller

Let’s switch gears a little bit today.

I’d like to know, particularly from the hardcore Blagojevich critics that comment here, what you most like/admire/respect/etc. about our governor.

And, please, if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t waste our time with your negative comments. There are plenty of other posts where you can air your gripes.

I’m genuinely curious about the responses to this one.


  1. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 12:48 am:

    I guess I qualify as a critic, so I’ll break the deafening silence.

    First, my disclaimer, I’m sure that plenty of rod’s employees will be masquerading as critics here so they can throw him lollipops.

    I can’t prove i’m not one of them, but here goes…

    I’ve always believed that our greatest strengths are also our greatest weaknesses, and vice versa. I think most would agree rod’s greatest weakness is blind ambition, and I think the reverse of that is his determination, or grit.

    Like him or not, Rod got into the governor’s race and stuck it out when many thought he was in over his head.

    Like it or not, he’s stuck (more or less) to his no new sales/income/property tax pledge.

    And no matter how badly the budget comes out for him, he still seems to eek out more money for FamilyCare, child care and education, his top three priorities.

    So I guess what I’m saying, while rod may be in over his head, he campaigns and governs like he doesn’t realize it, and sometimes that kind of moxie is enough.

  2. - Anonymous - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 2:01 am:

    I dont consider myself a critic of the governor because I am a true democrat and believe in what he is trying to do. And, no I dont work for him, but know people who do.

    Blago is fighting for democratic ideals and has kept all his campaign promises. He has expanded healthcare coverage, given more money to our schools (especially early childhooh ed), raised the minimum wage, and passed a law to make sure women recieve equal pay as men. Not to mention that he has reduced the 5 billion dollar deficit (Thanks GOP!) by well over half.

    He talked about all this stuff while campaigning and he accomplished them without raising taxes. Getting all this done with the situation he was handed deserves credit.

  3. - Anonymous - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 5:17 am:

    He kept his promise (so far) not to expand gambling.

  4. - Anonymous - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 5:59 am:

    He has basically kept his word on gambling. We hope he does not techinically “not” expand gambling with the extra license. We would oppose the Rosemont license.

    Jaffe and Simon are good picks and surprising to some.

    He has not expanded gambling and has appointed some good people.

  5. - So-Called Austin Mayor - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 6:15 am:

    The work Blagorgeous did to finally get the GLB/human rights bill passed and signed was, in my opinion, the high point of his first(?) term.

    Civil-rights legislation like that is why I keep voting Democratic.

  6. - Tessa - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 6:15 am:

    I hate having to think so early on a Monday morning.

    He has expanded healthcare for the less fortunate in Illinois. Expanded KidCare, which is good.

    He has shown he will stay true to his words, whether or not it’s good for the rest of the state. But then again, he also reserves the right to change his mind, but he has stuck to his words on a lot of things (it’s a perception thing).

    He did increase moneys for school, but I’m not sure how much actually made it to help the kids.

    I lost a lot of respect for him, and I had such high hopes. You had to start the week off with a hard question, didn’t you, Rich?

  7. - reddbyrd - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 6:24 am:

    His best accomplishment is that he still is not a RYAN. He does not remember the gaming promise and wants oh so badly to up the ante! If he can just the media to doze off again — aka leave Mell alone — he should be able to set his cruise control and head for the victory circle.

    I have to ask Tessa:”what would be an easier questions — guess GRod’s favorite color”

  8. - the Other Anonymous - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 7:32 am:

    I agree with Tessa — it’s Monday, way to early to start with brain teasers!

    I’m one of those people who supported the Governor early in the primary, enthusiastically in the general, and became disillusioned and disappointed in the first year. So, I’ll give the answer in three parts.

    I supported Blagojevich early on because I believed he had the ability to bring together the most unlikely coalitions solely on the basis of his personal likability. His early supporters included people as different as Dawn Clark Netsch, Ald. Banks, Jesse Jackson, Jr.

    I also believed that Blagojevich knew his limitations and was able to work with staff in a way that he was never in over his head.

    As it turns out, Governor Blagojevich has lost the ability to bring people together and seems to be way in over his head. But I still believe that he has the one-on-one personal skills to bring consensus among the most unlikely people, if he wanted to.

    As for issues, I’m glad about the order on pharmacists dispensing emergency contraception, signing of the gay rights bill, and increases in child care and home care worker allowances. However, I’d be remiss to say that it should not have taken until the third year of his administration to get the gay rights bills passed and signed. Gov. Ryan took far more political risks on the issue than Blagojevich.

    Last, Blagojevich may still get my unenthusiastic vote next year simply because he’s not a conservative right-winger. Said to say, Blagojevich’s greatest political strength is that most of the alternatives are even worse.

  9. - Anonymous - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 8:01 am:

    This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. - Anonymous - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 8:14 am:

    The sad part is that, for a guy who wants to be deperately known as the greatest leader in this state and a national figure, the accomplishments already stated (some are not truly accomplishments but “qualities” - and not great qualities either) are just about everything he has going for him.

    Suffice it to say if that’s all he’s got then we have to admit this guy is a disappointment, an underachiever and a guy who could have (should have) accomplished so much more by now.

    During elections, one can only hope that the candidate with the best promise actually achieves that promise when elected. I am with those who had the highest hopes and faith in Blago. I am now in the camp of those who are bitter and disappointed that he delivered so little.

  11. - Anonymous - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 8:19 am:

    ……his hair, his complete sence of self absorbtion, his total disregard for anything resembling a work ethic and his having no interest in learning how to do his job better. I admire these traits, because if we all had them, we too could go around acting like a character in Alice in Wonderland.

  12. - Roy Slade - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 8:27 am:

    My mother always told me “if I didn’t have something nice to say about someone…..”- thus, I have no thoughtful, provocative answer to this question. He does have nice hair.

    That isn’t enough to get my vote, again. I am deeply disappointed with our governor and the legislative branches.

  13. - Shelbyville - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 8:53 am:

    Nice things: He does “try” to help.
    (video games, prescription drugs, flu shots). It is just that he keeps shooting himself in the foot.
    He doesn’t seem to be getting good advice from his staff.

  14. - Pat Collins - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 9:17 am:

    As a Right Wing Extremist ™ I can admire how well he sticks to the Clinton playbook.

    Much as I hate to admit it, that approach STILL works, and works well when you have the discipline to stick to it.

  15. - Anonymous - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 9:43 am:

    I do think that if the gov wins a second term, he needs to clear out his staff and bring on — however distasteful it may be — some senior staff. Surrounding himself with out-of-state greenhorns doesn’t score any points with me.

    To hear his staff extol the virtues of the “southern” part of the state — as if they’d never realized it — is truly bizarre. Illinois has a rich history — and lots of colorful politics — but I’d like to see folks in charge who seem to understand and respect the history of the state.

    And, please: stop bragging about being mediocre. There are a lot of students in our state who are *not* mediocre — and who work and study extremely hard — and it’s repugnant to hear the top elected official brag about getting a “C”.

  16. - Tom DeLay's Mom - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 9:59 am:

    After racking my brain for the past 90 minutes - here’s what I’ve come up with:

    (1) He knows how to work a room.

    (2) He often wears spiffy, sensible shoes.

    Sorry, that’s the best I could do.

  17. - Rich Miller - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 10:04 am:

    C’mon people. Let’s not devolve into negativity. Stay positive.

  18. - Anonymous - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 10:09 am:

    At least he keeps his shoes tied…

  19. - Tom DeLay's Mom - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 10:11 am:

    Being able to work a room properly as actually a pretty important skill, Rich.

  20. - Anonymous - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 10:14 am:

    I think what I respect/admire most about the Governor is his willingness to lay out a set of themes and stick to them. We all can disagree wildly with how his administration mismanages, which is a function of an ineffective staff at times, but one has to admire his stubborn insistence on sticking to a set of themes regardless of the political attacks.

    That quality will help him more than hurt him in 2006.

  21. - Rich Miller - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 10:26 am:

    I wasn’t talking about you, TDM. It was the post above you. You’re so sensitive. Sheesh. Your son’s troubles must be getting to you. ;)

  22. - Anonymous - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 10:26 am:

    If Rod Blagojevich can ever acquire leadership skills, he could become a formidable force, not just in Illinois, but regionally. Right now, however, I think the public generally sees an emporer with no clothes. That being said, the governor has been successful in two things: 1) he has been able to get two budgets passed, largely in the way he wanted, and 2) he has been extraordinarily successful at claiming credit for measures he opposed but signed into law nonetheless…(SBOE reform, for example). However, in all of this, Rod Blagojevich has sacrificed his base … he has blamed state employees, the very people who worked tirelessly to get him elected for many of the ills facing the state, and that may be enough to lead to his downfall.

  23. - Hubert - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 10:27 am:

    When Filan talked at the City Club in March, it was the first time I think I he clearly explained the premise of their fiscal efforts. As he presented it, Filan wants to eliminate the structural deficit by going after our out of control pension debts which have been unpaid for decades.

    This was a good moment for Governor Filan. However, in my opinion it still does not justify their opposition to the tax swap. I think both sides of the ledger are out of whack in our state, and we need revenue as well as debt reforms.

  24. - Anonymous - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 10:29 am:

    C’mon people stop blaming the GOP for the state’s budget woes. ALL of Ryan’s budgets were passed by Mike Madigan’s Democratic House.

    And it’s been three years now…….

  25. - Hinkley Dawson - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 10:29 am:

    Maybe this is Carville’s grand plan for Rod — anyone who inspires such simultaneous loyalty and enmity is probably doing something right.

  26. - PrairieStateDem - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 11:07 am:

    This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. - Anonymous - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 11:13 am:

    Substantially increasing health care coverage for low-income citizens WITHOUT raising income taxes.

    Any time the governor implements an important social initiative without raising taxes, he deserves enormous credit.

    Of course, he could implement many more important initiatives without raising taxes if he tried, but we need to give him credit for what he has done.

    His idea for using a computer softward tax (and closing a loophole) to fund more grants to the CTA is also laudable. The income tax doesn’t go up but a loophole is closed.

    As to giving more money to schools, it’s a politically attractive idea, but I suspect
    that a lot of that money just goes to increase the already excessive salaries and pensions of public schoolteachers and administrators.
    It doesn’t go to the kids. Has any body not read the story of Thomas Ryan, School Dist. 168 administrator, who has, for the past 8 years, been paying his kids’college tuition directly out of school district monies, claiming that it’s being paid out of “unpaid vacation time.” But…nobody is keeping track of his vacation time. It’s probably an extreme example, but there are
    a lot of ways taxpayer money is being wasted in the school systems.

  28. - Anonymous - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 11:16 am:

    Wait..where is this Rod getting an 18 on the ACT coming from?

  29. - Anonymous - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 11:21 am:

    He push through the minimum wage increase which not only raised wages for minimum wage earners but many others who were making lower wages. For instance my daughter works part time for Wal-Mart while going to college, when the minimum wage increased their wages increased the same amount.

    He has balanced budgets without raising our income or sales taxes and all the while providing health care to thousands more men, women and children who could not otherwise afford it.

    I have never been an employee of any government agency and have worked in the private sector for thirty three years.

  30. - Rich Miller - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 11:22 am:

    PSD, you went negative instead of positive. Please try again.

    And to the above anonymous, the governor admitted he scored an 18 on the ACT during the Lincoln Museum dedication ceremonies.

  31. - Anonymous - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 11:57 am:

    The strengths are obvious and substantial. A willingness to be open, honest, and frank in discussing all key issues. It is truly refreshing to have a leader who is not the least bit defensive about the actions of his administration which are clearly enhancing the image of our state. He will take the heat as he puts the public interest ahead of his own ambition. There is nothing wrong with ambition but does anyone really think his actions are helping him in that regard-they are simply right-not necessarily popular.

  32. - Ralph - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 12:09 pm:

    The best reason to like him: He doesn’t want to live in Springfield. That’s a sure sign of good judgement and clear thinking.

  33. - Ralph - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 12:12 pm:

    “C’mon people stop blaming the GOP for the state’s budget woes. ALL of Ryan’s budgets were passed by Mike Madigan’s Democratic House.

    And it’s been three years now…….”

    When you stop blaming Clinton, we’ll stop blaming Ryan…

  34. - DownLeft - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 12:12 pm:

    I’m a critic of the Governor because I’m a true Democrat and I expect Blago to act like a true Democrat.

    I do like some good things he has done for unions, especially SEIU and AFSCME. More workers in home care, day care, and local government will now have union representation and/or better pay and benefits.
    Of course, those unions had a lot to do with him getting elected, but I’ll take a good deed even if it was done with an eye toward the next election.

  35. - Anonymous - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 12:15 pm:

    I’ve been critical of the governor too. But I really like that he has not raised the income tax. He promised he wouldn’t and he hasn’t.

    At the same time he has provided more healthcare to children in the state and some early childcare education. When he can eke more money out, it almost always goes to healthcare or education or some other high priority.

    He got the equal rights bill passed and increased the minimum wage.

  36. - PrairieStateDem - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 12:27 pm:

    Positive? There have been a couple minor things such as Human rights Bill signed into law and increase for home health care workeres. Neither of these came from Blago..he just signed them so I guess thats a positive.

    Maybe its his willingness to reduce the unemployment of california and new york by putting lots of them on his staff?

  37. - Mongo - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 1:08 pm:

    asleep at the wheel today

    The Gov does, as an anonymous poster noted, pick and stick to a theme. I met him at a fundraiser and he immediately went into a rant about raising taxes (whether income, sales, or heck even local property taxes) and how that just can’t happen.

    It is positive that he has and is sticking to a theme.

    It is unfortunate he can’t think beyond the theme.

  38. - CutlerCrew - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 2:41 pm:

    He ran the River to River Relay Race!!

  39. - Anonymous - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 3:12 pm:

    he doesn’t cower to some psuedo-media types like madigan does?

  40. - Anonymous - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 3:25 pm:

    the way he licks his lips before he “stretches the truth”- a tell I picked up on durring the debates.

  41. - DownStateBoyInChicago - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 3:40 pm:

    didn’t mean to log on anonymous, was downstate this weekend and had 2 horseshoes in 48hrs. must have clogged more than my arteries!

  42. - PrairieStateDem - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 4:31 pm:

    Mmmmmm…….Horseshoes (ala Homer Simpson)

    Maybe that could be a future ? of the day…the best Horseshoe in all of Illinois.

  43. - |_a5a||e - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 4:53 pm:

    He Reopened Sheridan!!!

  44. - Mongo - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 4:53 pm:

    yeah, best horseshoe…

    ‘cuz we’ll have a better discussion there than trying to make up positive stuff about the Governor…

    I feel like a staff member!

  45. - Rich Miller - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 5:01 pm:

    Mongo only pawn… in game of life.

  46. - Tessa - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 5:08 pm:

    I’d rather talk horseshoes too, and I can’t even remember where I had my first one. It was in Springpatch. Loved it. Felt an artery clog, but it was worth it.

    Much safer territory than trying to find more positives about Rod today. I was amazed to come back here and see that people actually came up with more. Or I’m just too lazy and full of disgust or something towards him to find the good (I was a big fan before *sigh*) anymore.

  47. - NumbersGuy - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 7:32 pm:

    I’ll second Tessa. I really gave this some quality time and couldn’t come up with squat. Now let me tell you about those horseshoes at the Red Coach Inn…

  48. - Anonymous - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 10:04 pm:

    the cross blog says that franks will challenge blago in the primary. has anybody got any good info on this? you cant raise money in secret, and you cant run without raising money. is he raising money? is he seeking endorsements?

  49. - Anonymous - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 10:12 pm:

    Re Franks: You don’t need money to run on if you have enough hate for the guy you’re running against

    p.s. Is anyone else dying to find out what admirable qualities Bill Holland finds in Blagojevich tomorrow?

  50. - Anonymous - Monday, Apr 25, 05 @ 10:46 pm:

    He has positioned himself as someone with something for everyone…He has progressive stances on some issues, like the pharmacy thing, promoting low-cost drugs for seniors and fighting for education dollars. He has “Reagan Democrat” conservative stances on some issues like holding the line on taxes and reducing the number on the state payroll. Although it’s largely poll and focus group driven, he is not a dogmatic political thinker, and campaigns (I do not say “governs”) from a pragmatic perspective.

  51. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 26, 05 @ 1:15 pm:

    He works a room better than any other politician I’ve seen.

  52. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 26, 05 @ 1:57 pm:

    1) Speaking of Sheridan - he had the good sense to keep Deanne Benos in the state after she left the Gov’s office and make her the number 2 person at DOC. 2)He put Tom Lamont in as interim at IBHE (where he should stay, but probably won’t)so there is competence AND experience there. 3) He hasn’t put anybody in as Chief Counsel, since that is probably a job no sane person would accept. 4) He has kept his promise to expand Family Care. 5) He has made several other good appointments, including Barry Maram and Brenda Russell. 6) He raised the minimum wage. 7) He responded to intense pressure and kept housing on the state agenda.

    I was hoping for 10 things, to prove that I am capable of being positive about this Governor, but I just can’t get past 7. (I couldn’t go with the hair.)

  53. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 26, 05 @ 2:43 pm:

    As a former employee of the Blagojevich administration who left because of their gross fiscal irresponsibility and undying belief that if the numbers do not work out in their favor it is ok to just make up new ones, I certainly believe that I qualify as a critic. However, most of my criticism is based on the incompetence of John Filan, not G-Rod. There is something admirable about the way Blagojevich has stuck to his campaign promises regarding taxation and budgeting issues. He had a vision, made promises, and is determined to keep them. It is not his fault that the incompetent leadership that he installed at the Office of Management and Budget refuses to recognize the facts in front of them and continues to use smoke and mirrors to appear solvent while digging a deeper hole for their successors (and our children) to deal with. It is not G-Rod’s job to run through the numbers himself, that is why the OMB (and its more legitimate predecessor the BoB) exist. G-Rod can only act on the information that he has been provided, and he has held an unwavering position in that regard. Do I disagree with the way that he proposed to clean up the budgeting and accounting situation in Illinois? YES. Do I believe that Filan and his minions are committing crimes against math on a virtually daily basis? YES. Do I believe that G-Rod is acting in the manner that he believes is best for the state of Illinois based on the information that he has been provided? YES. So at least he has that going for him

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