Response coming
Tuesday, Apr 26, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller CMS will respond to the auditor general’s report today at 3:45 pm in a conference room on the 3rd Floor of the Stratton Building. Evidently, having the press conference in the Statehouse Blue Room was too much of an inconvenience.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 26, 05 @ 4:58 pm:
From the report pg 37b finding 4-9
CMS Response: “Again, the Department is ourtaged and embarrassed by these imporper payments, but the taxpayers of Illinois can rest assured that each and every penny that has been improperly paid will be recovered and that only properly payable amunts are reimbursed in the future.”
Auditor General Response to this Comment 92: ” The auditors are similarly “outraged” by the reimbursement by CMS of thse contractor expenses. For that reason, we do not feel that an “internal investigation” –as promised by CMS –is a sufficient remedial step. Consequently, we have turned over the information contained in this finding to the Executive Office of the Inspector General.”
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 26, 05 @ 5:15 pm:
I love that man!! I hope they audit every state agency especially IDOT!!! it is really f’ed up!
Holland for Guv 2006!!!!!!!!
- LarryMullholland - Tuesday, Apr 26, 05 @ 5:40 pm:
The blue room is used by Governor Press Releasavich. The CMS AUDIT is just that! A CMS audit.
A CMS audit discussion should be held away from the Governor and HIS blue room.
You see the BLAGO shift and spin has begun. CMS and Runmen own this audit not blago there fore it will be held on CMS turf not the blue room.
- Cal Skinner - Tuesday, Apr 26, 05 @ 6:03 pm:
The audit does say that CMS got direction from the Governor’s office.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 26, 05 @ 6:42 pm:
Actually, the last time the governor has been in the blue room was when he denied inhaling pot. He doesn’t control it; the statehouse reporters and, to a certain extent, the SOS does.
The governor does anything in his power to stay the heck away from there. I think there are a few reasons for that: A) I think other people in the Capitol outside of the press room can monitor blue room audio; B) he and his staff don’t have control over the premises (and dodging questions out the door, down the stairs and across the rotunda looks pretty ridiculous); and C) it’s some sort of power ploy that makes them feel like they’re “handling” the press.
All I have to say is, for whatever reason they’re doing it, it’s childish and ineffective. It’s even a bit ironic on a day when one of the major topics of discussion is efficient use of state facilities.
- the Other Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 26, 05 @ 9:26 pm:
We’ll see if this resonates with the public. In any event, this audit report and the subsequent questions it raises point out the flaw in the Blagojevich tactic of demonizing the “insiders.”
When you’re in trouble, you need people who’ll stick with you. Well, about the only people who will stick with you through thick and thin are also the people who have “special interests” — in other words, the insiders.
With a handful of exceptions, the same groups that could ordinarily be expected to stick with a Democratic governor through thick and thin have been alienated by this administration. The reaction to this audit from many Democrats is glee.
Blagojevich better hope that the procurement issues are too technical for ordinary folks to understand. But if this issue takes off (who knows), he’s in a world of hurt without friends.
- Roy Slade - Tuesday, Apr 26, 05 @ 9:49 pm:
Rich- I have several suggestions for your QOTD. 1) Who does the Governor blame (throw in front of the bus, point finger at, cast the mane of hair towards) for the CMS debacle? 2) How many days before he talks to the regular press, and not in a controlled setting? 3) What “major issue or initiative” will come down the pike, to hopefully throw the public & press off of this scandal?
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 26, 05 @ 9:57 pm:
It’s funny how this one CMS audit debacle can encapsule all that is wrong with the Blagojevich administration.
1) Incompetence - check
2) Fuzzy dollar figures - check
3) Secrecy - check
4) Denials and attacks - check, check
5) Possible campaign contributions for contracts mischief - check
6) feud with someone whose picture is in the first few pages of the illinois state handbook - check
7) forwarded to inspector general - check
p.s. matters little to those outside springfield - check
- DazedGovernor - Wednesday, Apr 27, 05 @ 12:18 am:
Reading all of this information has brought an equation to mind. Incredible stupidity + excessive arrogance = The Blagojevich administration.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 27, 05 @ 12:58 am:
Blago-CMS at it’s be they could look into some hiring “HEAT” and not a hiring freeze.Could be a federal law suit from down state. “HE” “HE” “HE”
- reddbyrd - Wednesday, Apr 27, 05 @ 9:04 am:
This post has been removed by the author.
- reddbyrd - Wednesday, Apr 27, 05 @ 9:04 am:
Informed sources at the CMS garage are reporting that bigger tires are being put on “the bus” to accomodate of all those about to be thrown under it
p.s. Audio from Blue Room can be piped all over the world and some are hesitant to have their voices carry that far.