Question of the day
Thursday, Dec 1, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller How much benefit do you think there will be from Jim Edgar’s chairmanship of Judy Baar Topinka’s gubernatorial campaign? Explain. UPDATE: Comments closed. Today has made me realize that I need to get my new website up and running. That way, I’ll be able to ban certain words and phrases as well as ban certain idiots from posting and/or even accessing the site, as well as track them down much more easily so I can deal with them on a face-to-face basis. Thanks for making me work after hours you handful of clowns. Very much appreciated and I’m soooo sure I will be much more amenable to your side of the argument now. Not. Also, if you don’t like the way this site is edited, please, by all means, go somewhere else.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 4:29 am:
NONE, Jim Edgar lost all credibility with responsible voters with the way he held up the process this summer!
- DJ - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 4:30 am:
Edgar helps Topinka’s image with the suburban and downstate voter who pays attention to these things slightly, but not closely. He also helps give her credibility for fundraising and national support.
For those who are involved in the trenches of state politics that might be sitting on the fence, I suppose it could help Topinka sway some voters.
Having said all that, the reality is many Republicans also want to disconnect from the past and having a leader from that past may give some an incentive to oppose Topinka, not support her.
I know people who would have voted for Edgar, but won’t vote for Topinka in the primary.
- Goodbbq - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 6:37 am:
Topinka and Edgar are like old snow. When it is around too long, some new snow is welcome.
- Goodbbq - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 6:42 am:
Topinka and Edgar are like old dirty snow in the winter–new snow is a welcome sight!
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 6:53 am:
Yo, 4:29. Edgar has plenty of credibility with the majority of voters. How ’bout your boss?
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 6:54 am:
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- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 6:58 am:
6:54 - You must support the B Team.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 7:08 am:
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- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 7:12 am:
Just what Illinois needs a pretty boy with female traits against a female with manly traits.This ought to be one that will go down in history.Well at least it isn’t Hillary Clinton in the runnig.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 7:13 am:
Edgar helps her minimally
he is certainly a positive
but people vote for the candidate
not the Lite Gov or supporters
unless the supporter is someone bad and the media can make hay
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 7:23 am:
Rod, start packing your bags. You need to volunteer at your daughters school.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 7:28 am:
who’s nancy?
- JSM - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 7:33 am:
The average voter will not even know who the honorary chair is… A name means nothing.
Madigan and Jones can offer more resources to Blagojevich and deliver tons more votes. That is what counts.
At Topinkas stop yesterday, she actually said, “Governor Edgar, its not too late. You can still have it if you want.”
Totally uncomfortable and weird moment. Edgar didnt even know what to say… Not a great start.
- Cassandra - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 7:37 am:
Republicans may want a break from the past, but there is nobody viable to lead them to that paradise.
So, given the realities of Illinois politics, Edgar could probably help her more than any other moderate Repub politician.
A lot of people like him. Big Jim isn’t going to do anything…he has already been praising Blago and I think his firm represents Blago or someone in Blago’s admin.
And Gidwitz is a cypher. Kjellander had best keep quiet, although, I believe his last windfall came from Blago, not the Repubs.
As to appearance….JBT is no porkier than Hillary Clinton, widely favored to be the Dem Pres nominee next time.
Okay, meow, but we should get past the women have to look like models to get elected approach.
What is needed is for JBT to upgrade her campagin website. There is no place on it to CONTRIBUTE MONEY. HELLO.
- The Dude - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 8:05 am:
I agree with the earlier poster who said that the honorary chair is often a do nothing job. The exception is with Blagojevich. The House Speaker (also the chairman of the state democratic party) and the Senate President are active, engaged supporters who will generate support and votes for Blagojevich.
Edgar is widely known for not helping anybody but himself. As for JBT, its clear that she doesnt have the fire in the belly for this race. Her opponents show no signs of backing down right now. If one or two of the conservatives drop to lower positions on the ticket, and Gidwitz stays in, she will lose the primary. Wnatever the outcome, the certainty here is that she will be brutalized in this primary. Everything will be exposed — federal investigations, ties to GRyan (Andy Shaw’s footage of Judy doing a two step with GRyan on yesterday’s news was a classic that will definately appear in many primary television commercials), as well as her positions on guns, gays, and abortion. She also waffled on the question of raising taxes.
How can a candidate with this record win a republican primary?
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 8:20 am:
I do not believe that Jim Edgar will be detrimental to Judy Barr Topinka’s campaign but I fail to see how he will be a great asset. Judy will be judged on her own merits. Perhaps, to some Jim Edgar will be seen as detrimental since he will be perceived as “business as usual” amongst the GOP that want a “clean slate” in Springfield politics. In spite of the media hoopla, JBT will have her work cut out for her. Many moderates and conservatives still remember how she quickly chose to bury Jack Ryan when his campaign faltered even though as the Illinois GOP Chairperson it was her duty to help him. With friends like JBT, who needs enemies. JBT looks out for JBT. There is too much of that in Illinois politics. I guess that is called self-interest.
- Cal Skinner - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 8:25 am:
Guess who is on the list of those receiving personal checks from Mickey Segal?
Go to
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 8:26 am:
Iron Balls Topinka!
- Cal Skinner - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 8:26 am:
Think Edgar is on the list of those who received personal checks from Mickey Segal? Illinoize or McHenry County Blog can tell you.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 8:32 am:
Although I have been concerned about JBT’s non-position on taxes, I think it needs to be pointed out that Blago’s create the program now and worry about the money later policies (Allkids is the star example) will undoubtedly lead to higher taxes…..not to mention his raid the pension fund scheme.
So, effectively, Blago IS in favor of raising taxes, especially on the already overtaxed middle class. We haven’t heard him advance any progressive taxation schemes.
- leigh - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 8:43 am:
If you know Southern Illinois at all, I think you would agree that Edgar is a big asset to Topinka. They love Jim Edgar down there and they don’t like Rod. I am not sure Topinka would be their first choice, but Edgar could go a long way in helping her down there. If I were going to run as a Republican for Governor, (no this is not a veiled announcement:) I would know that the south is where the victory is to be won and I would want someone noteable pulling for me there.
- Ray Coleman - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 8:46 am:
I can’t speak for the rest of the state, but around the metro east JBT is getting a good bounce within the African-American community being attached to Gov. Edgar. I was one of the coordinators for the St. Clair County Minority Coalition for Edgar in 1990, and 1994. I got several calls yesterday as the news was breaking about Edgar’s association with JBT. I imagine once JBT gets out of the Republican primary, Democrats like myself will not hesitate supporting her. Jim Edgar did an excellent job of garnering votes in the East St. Louis area among African-American democrats. Democratic State Treasurer candidate Alexi Gianoulias will get good support from the metro east as well. Word is already out on the street that Jesse Jackson Jr. has endorsed him. I plan to be in Springfield on Monday Dec. 5 at 3:00 p.m. when Gianoulias will make his formal announcement. I am making no secret, I am going to do all I can to persuade African-American democrats and other elected officials and voters who are being dictated to and not allowed to have a decent opportunity to select the best candidate our party has to offer to no longer accept the dictatorial candidate screening process. I know many Democrats get upset with my open support for Republicans. And I say to them, everthing about the Democrats is not all right, and everything about Republicans is not all wrong. The Democratic party will never stop taking our votes for granted if they feel we will not cross over. I wish the Republicans would give African-American more reasons to support them. When the right Republican comes along we must be willing to acknowledge them, and not be afraid to stand up for what’s in our best interest and look past party affiliation is. Let’s face it the Blagojevich democrats have not been so user friendly.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 8:51 am:
I think it ought to benefit her immensely among Kemper employees and retirees.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 8:55 am:
In California, Gov. Schwarzenegger just hired a prominent Democratic woman (and she’s gay, no less!) to be his chief of staff.
This after ALL of his referenda failed in October.
As California goes, so goes the nation eventually. The lesson here for the rest of the country’s Republicans is that they have to get off the wacky far right kick if they want to be electable.
Those of us who want a viable alternative to the dominant radical left Dems like Blago and
Hillary and Barack are hoping
the Repubs learn something from California.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 9:05 am:
From the Springfield Journal Register:
In a poll of 600 registered voters statewide, interviewed Nov. 15-16 by McKeon & Associates of Joliet, Gov. ROD BLAGOJEVICH defeats each of four GOP candidates placed in head-to-head competition with him. And the numbers are similar. They show Democrat Blagojevich over Brady 40-29; over Topinka 40-31; over businessman JIM OBERWEIS 40-30; and over state Sen. STEVE RAUSCHENBERGER of Elgin 41-28.
- Wildcat - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 9:13 am:
Quick - name the chairs for both candidates in each of the last three generals. Maybe some bloggers here might be able to, but the average person doesn’t know and doesn’t care.
Where Judy may benefit from Edgar’s formal involvement is that he’ll feel obligated to help her raise money, which I still think he can do.
Also, if he’s very visible he may be able to help her get through the primary. I think a lot of mainstream (moderate) GOPers still like Edgar a lot and might be more motivated to get to the polls to elect a candidate who could actually win statewide in the general.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 9:19 am:
Judy will win the primary and then the General
- Randall Sherman - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 9:25 am:
Edgar’s support will help a bit. It will likely help Topinka in and around Edgar’s home area of Coles County (to the chagrin of Sen. Brady).
- Pat Hickey - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 9:25 am:
I’m a Democrat. I like Judy Topinka and loath Edgar. Judy danced with George Ryan which speaks well of her. Edgar danced a jig around Ryan’s difficulties and he may well need to pay the very same piper.
I like George Ryan a great deal. I have watched him at wakes and funerals. Who the Feds want to put in jail, I am completely unfamiliar with. It will speak well of Topinka, if she too speaks well of Ryan. BTW - I never voted for George Ryan; I wish that I had.
- loyal democrat - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 9:36 am:
Ray Coleman doesnt even control enough votes to win his state central committee race.
Support Topinka. We dont need or want you. She wont give you a promotion either!
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 9:48 am:
Can somebody please tell Cal the Sock to quit plugging his own blog here? Or at least to quit doing it multiple times?
- Team Sleep - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 9:48 am:
Edgar will provide a good bounce because he will (hopefully and actively) campaign for her. I don’t remember him doing that for Jim Ryan. When he gets his name out and attaches it to her, Edgar will give JBT’s campaign a boost and a familiar face. It’s interesting when people say that MJM and EJJ will do wonders to Blago’s chances but that Edgar will somehow hinder JBT. How? MJM and EJJ aren’t necessarily the most popular figures even though they are in powerful positions. Trust me: MJM and EJJ are NOT well-liked in Southern Illinois.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 9:49 am:
Topinka will need at least one more big name in her corner to put her over the top. I would say that name should be either Kjellander or Cellini. Both are close pals of hers — both have done quite well as a result of her tenure in office. They should be made honorary chairs of her campaign as well.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 9:53 am:
Team Sleep, look at the niumbers. Whatever votes blago loses downstate, he will make up in multiples in Cook county with Madigan and Jones. You really are asleep.
- diehard - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 9:58 am:
Topinka will start Illinois trending back Republican. She will solidify her base and get a lot of crossover Democratsthat are not happy with the joke that is Govenor now!
Most of Balgoavitch’s top people are not even from Illinois are they?
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 10:05 am:
Name one thing that Topinka has done for Southern Illinois as a legislator or Treasurer.
All she cares about is corrupt DuPage County. She helps whoever Rove and Kjellender tell her to help. And neither one cares about Southern Illinois.
Topinka is bought and paid for. She has sold he soul for corrupt Rove money.
- reddbyrd - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 10:09 am:
Edgar get JBT zero.
Besides he is starting to look old.
What really does her in is her lamebrain comment about W coming to Illinois to campaign for her.
No one else wants Bush why would she?
Looks like another break for GRod
- Bluefish - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 10:17 am:
Has anyone polled to see what percentage of voters who traditionally vote Democrat will switch over to vote for JBT? 25 years ago that put Reagan over the top by a big margin and I think that same movement could come into play in 2006 in Illinois.
Let’s be honest all you hardcore Blago supporters posting here. There are a lot of regular Dems out there who are absolutely disgusted with Blago and are not turned off by the thought of a Governor Topinka. And having Edgar on her team certainly helps with those voters.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 10:21 am:
It’s heartbreaking to watch the Republicans in this state walk around like blind ghosts towards defeat…
- Bill - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 10:49 am:
Hey Ray,
Based on past results you can’t speak for the metro east area either.
Bring it on.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 10:57 am:
The Dude said: “Edgar is widely known for not helping anybody but himself.”
The Dude stumbles upon a telling irony. I would consider his statment to be inaccurate, but I do know someone who expressed the same sentiment–Judy Baar Topinka!
In 1994, the year of the historic Republican electoral successes, Topinka was on the same ticket as Edgar. I saw her in public one month before the election, and she was unabashedly grousing that Edgar and company were giving her no help whatsoever in her campaign, compared to other candidates, intimating that sexism was at play. Of course, Topinka and the ticket won. Perhaps Topinka was the unwitting source of The Dude’s negative comment.
Anyway, I am amused to see Topinka tap “no help” Edgar as her Honorary Chairman. Smacks more of desparation and opportunism than a reflection of a true, heartfelt coalition.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 11:15 am:
anon 9:05
isn’t it interesting that all of the super-fans of polls on this blog including Rich forgot to mention this particular poll. Thank you for pointing out the results!
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 11:18 am:
Edgar’s backing is a plus, especially in the primary. He is an asset PR-wise and is a comfortable familiar face welcomed in most Illinois voters’ homes. There was a sincere longing for him to return to Springfield as there is a longing to return to the good old days before 2003. Being with Edgar is a good thing for Judy.
Finally, lets get something straight about the direction this country is going politically. While California was a bellwhether state during the last half of the 20th Century, it no longer is. Just as Western Europe is tanking, so is California and the US Northeast. So are we.
Illinois has got to dump the old industrial socialist model of government to survive. Blagojevich can’t even reform himself. We need a real reformer as soon as possible.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 11:47 am:
It doesn’t matter. She’s just padding her retirement portfolio and keeping it respectable for the national party so U.S. House seats don’t come into play.
Nothing say “reform” like a white ethnic joint in Cicero. Ignoring the Cicero that is 90% Hispanic and votes 60% Democratic doesn’t help with the crossovers she needs to win.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 11:58 am:
Edgar acted like he didnt even want to be with her yesterday. JBT does not have the fire in her belly.
She is corrupt and forces her state workers to campaign for her.
All because Dems see Blago as unfavorable does not mean that they wont vote for him.
Voting for Topinka is like voting for the Ryan and the Republican Regime. All Dems should remember those times. Do we really wanna go back?
- reddbyrd - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 11:59 am:
Hey let’s start a tally. How many days will Blinky Jim be spending on AccordianGal’s quest including yesterday?
My guess is 2 — yesterday and that pathetic, last day before the primary, death flight GOPers always take.
We can check his UofI time sheets to authenticate
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 12:11 pm:
Do you think that edgar is accounting for his time in 15 minute intervals like his fellow administrators at U of I?
- Will - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 12:15 pm:
It will help Topinka in Springfield with all the Republican state workers who want a return to the good old days of Edgar/Ryan. Otherwise, it will make it easier to tie Topinka to the Edgar/Ryan tradition of Republican patronage and corruption. If Republicans want to run on a clean government theme against Rod then Topinka is the last person they should nominate. But go ahead, be my geust.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 12:32 pm:
I think Edgar’s influence depends on his level of involvement. If this is a role in name, then the average voter will not be swayed one way or another by his involvement. However, if Edgar takes an active role in this campaign then I think the impact downstate will be huge. Whether you liked him or not, his popularity in that region is undeniable.
The only reason Blago is Governor right now is due to downstate, primarily AFSCME, support. If memory serves, he didn’t even win the primary in Cook - that went to Vallas and it was downstate that turned the tide in his direction.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 12:35 pm:
I LOVE the video of Topinka and George Ryan dancing together that aired on Channel 7 last night.
It is an instant classic.
It sums up the chummy-chummy relationship that Topinka has with Geroge Ryan, Bob Kjellender, and Karl Rove.
Just look at her. Can you honestly tell me you trust her?
Just hope the media does not fight to unseal her divorce records… You thought Jack Ryans was bad. Ooooh boy!
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 12:43 pm:
Reading some of these comments from these Blago lovers sounds like chicken little running around screaming the sky is falling.We have a good ticket to go after what some people has deemed to be the worst governor in our state history.As far as corruption your boy Blago has a whole bunch of that tied to his coat tails.She will carry downstate,state employees and cross-over Dems out of Chicago.Hey that’s how Blago got in.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 12:51 pm:
anon 9:49, Judy will have to keep looking since Kjellander is doing just find with Rod’s as Gov i.e. the Bear Stean’s deal and Cellini’s Good Government Council dontated at least $20,000 to him this year already. Sounds like they already found their friend.
Edgar will help some but ultimately it is hers to win or lose. SJ-R pole numbers nothwithstanding, Rod if very vulnerable but that doesn’t mean he’s lost. Someone will have to prove they can lead and its up to Judy to show swing voters that she can.
- Pat Collins - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 12:52 pm:
Just hope the media does not fight to unseal her divorce records
And I thought it was unusual to have sealed divorce records? Sure hers aren’t open?
If they are sealed, she’s safe as long as she doesn’t run against Prince O. His opponents seem to have their divorce problems pop up.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 1:10 pm:
Yes, Jim Edgar will help out the Topinka campaign. Has he ever hurt a candidate he’s backed? Some of these comments are seriously outrageous and half don’t answer the question given to them. GOODBBQ…have you ever tried yellow snow?
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 1:13 pm:
why are we attacking JBT already?…admit it you dems know blagos days are numbered. Please, enough with the divorce records…you guys sound soooo desperate!
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 1:27 pm:
anon 9:05: I couldn’t find that poll on the S-J-R website–do you have a link?
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 2:07 pm:
Poll Link:
By the way, as a Blago supporter, we are not afraid of Topinka. That is laughable. The subject matter of this post if her campaign, so guess what? We WILL call her out for the fake she is.
I dont even think she will make it out of the primary.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 2:15 pm:
We’re not so deperate, we’re sooo confident… to the point I found it heartbreaking watching these people slowly go down in flames. It’s not even that entertaining, like the video, but it’s inevitable.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 2:18 pm:
She’ll make it out of the primary… as a crawling dying animal.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 2:36 pm:
Anon 12:11
Do you think that edgar is accounting for his time in 15 minute intervals like his fellow administrators at U of I?
What a great idea.
Think one of those Daily Illini or maybe they should change their name to Daily Illinoize wander to time sheet hall and check it out.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 2:49 pm:
Anon 1:10 said: “Yes, Jim Edgar will help out the Topinka campaign. Has he ever hurt a candidate he’s backed? [Claims to the contrary] are seriously outrageous.”
Actually, Edgar as Campaign Chairman has one very recent, substantial campaign defeat on his resume. He was the state chairman for Bush-Cheney ‘04, and despite the President’s national victory, he performed dismally in Illinois. Edgar did nothing to increase the vote for Bush in Illinois, and, indeed, just simply did nothing. Hence his “prestige” did nothing to move Bush’s vote up.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 2:52 pm:
I’m not a big fan of Topinka’s willingness to support “gay rights” anymore than I would be happy if she supported “child molestor” rights, but she’s not the only person who has been fooled into this illogical thinking. I’m also not a big fan of Topinka’s tenure as Republican Chair.
But, Edgar’s support does have value and makes her more mainstream than not. Edgar and Topinka may be part of the past, but some people out there will also view that as experience. Edgar may not have a big effect, but he doesn’t hurt anyone. He’s popular and would defeat Blago if the election were held today.
I won’t vote for Topinka in the primary, but if she wins, I’ll certainly take her over Blago.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 3:28 pm:
Edgar can’t help Topinka in southern IL.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 3:31 pm:
The only experience that Topinka has is how to run the state into 5 billion hole and how to cut the insider deal.
She did nothing while the Republicans sent billions into DuPage County. Screw the rest of the state.ursuh
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 3:35 pm:
So I’m sure that all of you who love the film of Judy and George dancing must also love the photos of Rod and Dominic Longo all smiles and arm in arm.
Glass houses baby, glass houses. And the glassiest one is on the northside of Chicago.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 3:40 pm:
The skid mark on Judy’s knickers will be exposed!
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 4:03 pm:
Joe Public doesnt know who Longo is… Plus that picture looks like it was taken back in the 80’s.
However, Ryans mug is commonly known and will be instantly recognizeable in an ad.
I bet her staff is wishing that video had disappeared… kinda like the hotel debt she tried to wipe away for Cellini.
- reddbyrd - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 4:24 pm:
ok work force let’s wash up and get ready for the $5 buckets of pabst.
it has been a tough day at the job site.
taxpayers really got a full load today.
don’t forget to wear your dancin’ shoes tomorrow. or your bowlin’ shoes. TGIF is just over the horizon
ready set go!
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 4:30 pm:
RedByrd is the Monroe Flinn of the Capitol Fax blog.
“Mr. Speaker, I move the previous question!”
- illiniforever - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 4:40 pm:
Ms. Topinka tried to sound like she is real tough and competent in her opening speach; however, her actions speak MUCH louder.
She proved incompetent when trusted with the state’s finances, and the baggage from her past will come back to haunt her.
We need new blood in this race, but she is not the answer. How about a fresh start with a candidate who doesn’t have her baggage who can also help us get beyond the troubles of the Blago administration?
Can we do better on either the Democrat or Republican side? Let’s hope.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 5:23 pm:
to anon 2:49: I believe Bush won re-election…so, he backed a winner, correct? we are getting way of the point here. Edgar will help her through the primary and then through the general election. Don’t agree with me, then thats coo!
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 6:05 pm:
My oh my. There seems to be a lot of desperate posts here today. Even if Edgar helps her just a teeny tiny bit she will cream Blago. With the latest SurveyUSA numbers, plus all his past sterling numbers, our gov is not intensely popular in Illinois.
When the crap hits the campaign fan and with PFitz crew’s press releases, does anybody think Blago will be fit to win a percinct captain’s post after the ‘06 election? I don’t.
Blago will = a small footnote in Illinois history.
- iwearshoes2 - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 6:39 pm:
I think Edgar helps Topinka. But, I also think that Topinka helps Topinka. Blago is hemorrhaging south of I-80. Not a partisan comment…just an observation from the latest polls.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 7:00 pm:
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- Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 7:06 pm:
Why do peope think that a post that will only be alive for two minutes before it’s deleted will make any difference whatsoever? Idiots. Go away!
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 1, 05 @ 7:16 pm:
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