Question of the day
Friday, Dec 2, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller It’s Friday, so let’s do something offbeat. Let’s say you owned a tavern, and instead of naming sandwiches after prominent politicians, you decided to rename various drinks for them. Have at it.
My friend, I’m gonna hunt you down like a dog.
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 6:33 am:
The Illinois Tavern Sweep.
No liquor because Rod needed it in New York.
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 6:55 am:
The “OMB”. You buy a shot, Filan hires a consultant to drink it, and Rod calls you a drunk.
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 7:20 am:
The “JBT”: Pilsner Beer, grenadine, and a shot of grain alcohol set on fire.
The “Obie”: Obie milk, mexican Kahlua, with a shot of Angostura bitters hidden inside and shot a Pepto Bismol as a chaser.
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 7:28 am:
The Bloody Weary
Prepared with the blood, sweat and tears (and the proceeds from fee increases for DUIs)of Illinois and served to the guv and his campaign contributors, while being filmed for PR spots by state workers.
- iwearshoes2 - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 7:29 am:
The ROD-A-Rita: The tequila isn’t bad. As far as presentation goes, it looks good. But it will take about 90 minutes for you to get it.
The Madigan Manhattan: Short and Strong
The Oberweis/Cuervo Combo: Wouldn’t you like to see that combination?
The Rauschenberger Royal: Not as strong as it looks, but totally mixed up.
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 7:32 am:
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- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 7:33 am:
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- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 7:43 am:
These come from a Republican:
Patrick Fitzgerald= The Slammer
1)George W.= Bush Light
2)Rod Blago = the Mel Martini
3)Alan Keyes= Date Rape Drink
4)Judy Barr Topinka= Red Bull-****
5)George Ryan= Poison Pina Colada
6)Karl Rove= Bourbon Hush
7)Mayor Daley= I Dunno Daiquiri
9)Al Sharpton=The Fire & Brimstone
10)Jim Oberweis= The Moo Merlot
11)Lisa Madigan= The “Whose Your Daddy?” Daiquiri
12)Rauschenberger= Reformation Rose’
13)Ron Gidwitz= Gadfly Champaigne
14) Emil Jones= Shot & A Beer
15)Hillary Clinton= Witches Brew
- Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 7:44 am:
OK, maybe this was a poor choice of questions. We already have two deletions, people. Slow down and think.
- diehard - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 7:47 am:
The Lisa. You sacrifice lots of ingredients to make it look good, and after one you drink it you become very arrogant and think you are better than dozens of more qualified candidates to be the AG!
Or the Blagoavitch all Jack Daniels garunteed to make you a pissed off mean drunk!
- The Dude - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 8:08 am:
The Ryan.
Any ingredients you choose, but those who drink it always lose.
- Cal Skinner - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 8:14 am:
A champayne should certainly be named after Judy. She’s so bubbly.
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 8:18 am:
How about the “political consultant”
Vodka and prune juice
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 8:21 am:
Rich, the two you deleted obviously came from the same guy since they were sent within a minute of each other. They should count for one deletion.
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 8:25 am:
Don’t shut it down yet, Rich. I have some real ones coming. Geez, guys, have fun with this one; don’t take yourselves so seriously.
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 8:31 am:
The “RODley-Temple”: Lot’s of Fruit and no Buzz. Afterall, isn’t he a little too young to be a responsible drinker anyway?
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 8:38 am:
Lisa Madigan: The “Hot-Buttered Madigan!”….Mmmmmmm!
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 8:41 am:
Can you post a final list and let us vote on the ones we like best? Maybe send the list to the politicians?
- Angry Jolietan - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 8:45 am:
The Anti-Rod: Red Bull, mixed with Fruit Punch Hi-C and Jolt. Served only to little kids to protest our Governor’s decision to get rid of junk food in Junior Highs.
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 9:13 am:
The Dunkin - a drink sostrong that just having the same name leaves you babbling nonsensically.
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 9:30 am:
The Blago: A bottomless drink (aka all you can drink). How low can it go?
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 9:40 am:
IB Topinka- a filthy fake red cup of Schaefer beer, served w/ 2 iron marbles on the bottom.
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 9:51 am:
Jeepers folks… I think the idea of this type of game is to cinge, but never burn.
Just have some fun, but don’t be a creep.
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 9:55 am:
Guiness and Irish Whiskey for everyone all night - just like they serve at the best party in Springfield -the Sullivan Caucus.
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 9:56 am:
Cinging and never burning seems to be the perspective of which side of the isle you’re on as well as how it benefits your own job. Or should I say the mental manifestation one has about job security based on personal politics rather than job perfomance.
- Tucker McElroy - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 10:06 am:
The Hoffman
1 pint of beer poured into a 32oz glass so there’s room for all that head.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 10:11 am:
LOL. Tucker, that was hilarious. I just called Huffman about it.
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 10:21 am:
The Rauschy- just Rum and Coke- because beer is yucky and RC is sweet like candy!
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 10:23 am:
The Hot Roddy - costs $15 million, looks great when you first order it, but leaves a bad feeling in your stomach once you’ve tried it. Good news is that there is so little to it, it’s not filling.
- Bluefish - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 10:24 am:
The Blagotini - 1 part rotgut Serbian liquor, 1 part grenadine, 1 part Red Bull, 2 parts hot air. Stirred by a highly paid spin doctor and served in chilled rose colored glasses. Garnish with a peanut butter and banana stuffed olive.
On the house. Your kids and grandkids will pay the bill for it later.
- Illinois Shadow - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 10:34 am:
The Gidwitless:
Red, white and blue food coloring
$3,000,000 olive
Serving suggestions:
Nobody wants it.
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 10:43 am:
The Rauschenberger:
Prior to drinking it, you’re considered a brilliant master of the budget, but once you drink it, you’re rendered a hapless statewide candidate that leaves you looking like John Cox.
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 11:07 am:
The MOnroe Flinn:
A beer in a brown paper bag (served only on the House Floor during a long legislative session night)
Rest in Peace Monroe.
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 11:33 am:
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- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 11:36 am:
Bloody Hyena-
a favorite of JBT
- Mongo - Monday, Dec 5, 05 @ 12:59 pm:
High Five Me - Seagram’s Seven on ice…named after whomever the Repubs eventually run against GRod because none of them will pull enough Republicans together to outvote all the pulled-together Democrats…so high five Rod now, unless he loses in the primary it’s over already.
- Yakob Smirnoff - Monday, Dec 5, 05 @ 4:56 pm:
The “Just some ice water, please.”
Also known as vodka on the rocks. Indispensable to many a legislator at the end of session and a handful from gavel to gavel. All the alums of legislative staff, secretaries, and even worldly pages know this concoction. No names in the interest of discretion.