The Supremes
Friday, Dec 2, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller
Some of the actions taken yesterday by the IL Supreme Court:
•Upheld a 2001 law imposing a $120 million settlement on challenges to Illinois Bell’s rates for business services. […]
•Upheld the conviction of a woman who argued her lawyer never should have stipulated that the substance found in her car was cocaine.
•Rejected the arguments of a mother who said the state’s child-welfare agency had no authority to cross the border to take custody of her newborn son at an Indiana hospital.
•Ruled prosecutors did not act improperly by calling a murder suspect’s actions “pure evil.†It also allowed use of the suspect’s confession, which was obtained during repeated interrogations over two days.
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 8:50 am:
This is interesting I wish more people would comment on the connection between policy/court cases.
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 2, 05 @ 9:27 am:
This is interesting.
However, in the child welfare case, somebody must have goofed up. Local law enforcement or child welfare in Indiana could have taken custody and then arranged to have the child picked up by Illinois authorities. It happens all the time around the country.
Sounds like the Supreme Court is setting a precedent for a national child protection system whereby any child protection worker from anywhere can take custody of your kids anywhere in the country. Before judicial review.
Given the traditionally poor education, training, and competence of child protection workers, and the extraordinarily disproportionate representation of African American children in the foster care system nationally and locally, this is not a good