Claypool gets two big endorsements
Monday, Dec 5, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller
Phelan and Simon support Forest:
Former Cook County Board presidents Richard Phelan and Seymour Simon are endorsing Forrest Claypool’s bid to be elected to their old job.
Mr. Claypool, who is to formally announce his candidacy Monday against incumbent board President John Stroger, also has signed up former League of Chicago Theaters President and CEO Marj Halperin as his campaign manager.
Not bad, but it’s like that old saying, “How many soldiers does the Pope have?” Claypool has $1.5 million on hand. Not bad, but not nearly enough yet to mout an effective TV ad campaign.
- Randall Sherman - Monday, Dec 5, 05 @ 10:54 am:
All I will say at this point is that Commissioners Claypool and Quigley have to decide between themselves who is going to stay in the race against Stroger, and who steps aside (and presumably puts himself in line to replace John Daley as County Board Finance Committee Chairman).
If both Claypool and Quigley stay in the race, then Stroger gets re-nominated, despite his pitiful performance in office.
Secretary/Treasurer, Illinois Committee for Honest Government
- Anon - Tuesday, Dec 6, 05 @ 12:19 am:
Stroger will win, he’s got the money and the machine. That’s all you need. Good luck to Claypool though.