Umholtz announces for AG
Tuesday, Dec 6, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller The announcement didn’t go as smoothly as most of the stories indicate.
I had to do a radio interview yesterday, so I missed the announcement, but reporters who were there said Umholtz repeated the “perception” line over and over again, particularly as it related to corruption. Reporters then had a little fun with him, asking Umholtz how he felt about the “perception” of his alma mater’s former nickname, the “Pekin Chinks,” and where he stood on Chief Illiniwek. “I can tell you that we worked very hard in our community to overcome that perception,” he said about the old Chinks nickname. He said about the Chief, “In our country, we’ve been an embarassment about how we’ve treated Native Americans in our history.” Nobody, however, asked Umholtz why he hasn’t filed a campaign disclosure support since June 15, 2000.
- Randall Sherman - Tuesday, Dec 6, 05 @ 9:21 am:
No campaign disclosure reports? Even assuming he ran unopposed the last time out (in 2004) one would think he would kept a campaign committee going so that he could at least provide assistnace to his fellow Republicans running with him.
Couldn’t the GOP find anyone better? Lisa Madigan will win overwhelmingly without even breaking a sweat.
Pingback Peoria Pundit » So, what about those campaign disclosure statements, Mr. Umholtz? - Tuesday, Dec 6, 05 @ 10:28 am:
[…] Rich Miller comments on Stewart Umholtz’s announcement that he was running for Illinois Attorney General. Reporters had a little fun with Umholtz, but … […]
- Anon - Tuesday, Dec 6, 05 @ 10:49 am:
Reportedly none of the media giants asked about his view on gaming & expansion. Since he is busy busting a local mayor who had to use a city credit card to feed the gaming habit and will soon prosecute another official who need cash to hit the boat, one would think it might come up
- anon - Tuesday, Dec 6, 05 @ 11:06 am:
C’mon anon at 10:49. At this point it looks like we’ve got the better part of 11 months to delve into Mr. Umholtz’s views. Heaven forbid we save a question or topic for the next Umholtz appearance, you know that one after he actually files petitions and becomes an official candidate.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Dec 6, 05 @ 2:07 pm:
As I mentioned elsewhere, either Umholtz is the worst fundraiser ever, or he’s got alot of explaining to do.
You can bet if he did raise and spend, there’s going to be some serious investigating going on over at the State Board of Elections.
Thanks for the reminder, Rich
- Political Hack - Tuesday, Dec 6, 05 @ 9:00 pm:
Besides Peoria, did Stu get any play. I feel bad for the guy-who gets beat worse Rutherford or Stu. Should be a question of the day.
- David - Thursday, Oct 19, 06 @ 8:29 pm:
I ran for student government on the same slate at Stu back in 1980 at the University of Illinois. When I saw his name I recognized it immediately. When I saw his picture, however, I did not. I haven’t seen him in a quarter century, so I suppose I shouldn’t be that surprised, but if I passed him on the street I’m pretty sure that I wouldn’t recognize him. He’s totally gray now!