Gutierrez for mayor?
Monday, Dec 12, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller
Lynn Sweet fills us in.
In a move with deep implications for local politics, Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) has decided to run for only one more term in Congress as he explores a bid for mayor of Chicago and forms a Hispanic political organization designed to influence city, regional and national elections.
Gutierrez will file nominating petitions today for his eighth term as he launches a new chapter in a political career coming as Mayor Daley’s City Hall — and the Hispanic Democratic Organization Daley’s operation nurtured — are the subjects of federal corruption probes. […]
For now, Gutierrez has no plans to anoint a successor, which will touch off a free-for-all 2008 Democratic primary battle for the seat in the heavily Democratic district. Daley’s ability to influence the election will be limited with the meltdown of the scandalized HDO.
- Northsider - Monday, Dec 12, 05 @ 7:30 am:
Let’s make some odds on successors:
Manny Flores 2-1
Roberto Maldonado 5-1
Danny Solis 12-1
Victor Reyes 1,000,000,000,000-1
- Pat Collins - Monday, Dec 12, 05 @ 8:21 am:
Well, he became congressman when another alderman underestimated Daley (Juan Soliz?), and the Daley machine chose him to be congressman.
Guess he’ll need to sell the house he bought at tax auction and move into the city now.
Still, surely it’s a sign that Daley is wounded when a professional politician floats something like this.
- Wake up! - Monday, Dec 12, 05 @ 8:26 am:
I hope this story makes the people realize that it can no longer be assumed that the next mayor of Chicago will be black or white; there is clearly a third choice. I’m not saying that LVG is that choice, but any conversation for Daley’s succesor must include a Latino, just as it would include a Euro-American or an African American. Stop taking the Latino vote for granted people…
- VanillaMan - Monday, Dec 12, 05 @ 10:06 am:
He is very legit. Chicago’s voters will be open to an experienced congressman with ties to it’s hispanic communities. This is not a slight against Daley. It is just a fact that Mr. Daley has been in office a long time, and during his tenure, the demographics of the city have changed toward a different kind of mayor.
- Mohammad Wong - Monday, Dec 12, 05 @ 1:33 pm:
I don’t know, Vanilla. Recognizing that the calculus has changed in a number of ways, it is still imprudent to ignore the last sitting Congressman to take on DaMare - and no insignificant Congressman at that.
- cermak_rd - Monday, Dec 12, 05 @ 1:36 pm:
The demographics of the residents of the city has changed. The demographics of the voters in the city hasn’t changed all that much. Until Latinos start voting in numbers proportionate to their population, they will be marginalized.
- Northsider - Monday, Dec 12, 05 @ 4:12 pm:
The only thing mentioned here was a name — a name tainted by scandal and rightly so. It is common knowledge that HDO is NOT just about organizing Latinos, it’s about trying to use patronage and corruption to serve the needs a few Latinos. That doesn’t do the majority of Latinos any good. On the contrary, it make Latinos look as bad and corrupt as (some) white politicians. There’s nothing honorable there. Sorry if the truth hurts.
- paddyrollingstone - Monday, Dec 12, 05 @ 5:03 pm:
I do not know Gutierrez, but he does not come across as very likeable. He is also, I believe, Puerto Rican, so I do not think he can count on a monolithic Latino vote. I also seem to recall that he had a new home in his district and paid like no real estate taxes on it, so I think his attempts to be a “reform” candidate will not catch on. In short, I do not believe he will be our next mayor. I think Mayor Daley will win again and its anybody’s guess in 2011.
- BOBIO - Monday, Dec 12, 05 @ 5:05 pm:
If Gutierrez could capture the hispanic vote and the disenchanted white vote he could have a chance at the election provided that he tones down his near radical political thinking. He would need to appeal to white ethnic voters. Daley would get the machine vote and Jesse Jr. would get the black vote.
- Anon - Monday, Dec 12, 05 @ 9:39 pm:
A deal has already been cut for Alderman Danny Soliz to be the successor.
- nosweat - Tuesday, Dec 13, 05 @ 2:35 am:
I cannot believe that Solis would be the successor, he is soooo not liked in his own ward. I think Manny Flores might be the fella, I even heard a rumor that Susana Medoza would step in… not likely though