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Playing in the primary?

Tuesday, Dec 13, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller

A commenter pointed out yesterday that it almost seems as if Governor Blagojevich is deliberately trying to engage Jim Oberweis and provide him free publicity. I don’t know if that’s really the case or not, but I can see how some might feel that way.

Republican gubernatorial candidate Jim Oberweis, who was widely criticized for his tough stand on illegal immigration when he ran for the U.S. Senate last year, suggested Monday he was ahead of the curve on the issue and voters now might agree with him.

“I was too early. People weren’t ready for that issue,'’ he said after a news conference in which he criticized Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s plan to launch a new mortgage loan program designed to help poor and immigrant families buy homes. “But it’s a serious issue. People are starting to understand how serious it is.'’

On Sunday, Blagojevich’s office outlined his proposed Opportunity I-Loan program that would allow Illinois to provide state-guaranteed mortgages to people without traditional credit histories.

But Oberweis characterized the program as little more than an effort to assist illegal immigrants. “Break our laws and we’ll reward you with a home. That’s the message Rod Blagojevich is sending out,'’ he said.


  1. - WAY DOWNSTATE - Tuesday, Dec 13, 05 @ 6:38 am:

    No Rich this is another headline and an attempt at better poll numbers.It is to the point of absolute stupidity.While the rest of the nation is trying to combat illegal immigration our governor is condoning and encouraging it.This really makes the people of Illinois look like a bunch of loonies out in left field.This is the very reason they can not run on his record.I wish there was some way to add up the cost of all these election headlines his people are putting in effect and I hope we can elect someone who will roll them back.

  2. - Mike Monseur - Tuesday, Dec 13, 05 @ 10:01 am:

    A few weeks back I wrote about the practices of the current administration and what I personally saw while I was at IDOT under the current administration before I resigned. When I read the story in the State Journal Register today regarding blog posts traced to campaign computers I had to write back. Yes, staffers working on state time were always instructed to write letters to the editor or post comments to help their political cause. Again, this is well known in the current administration and for them to alude that a volunteer may have had access to the computers is mind boggeling that they will go to any means to point the finger at someone else. These folks are unreal and need to own up to the fact that they got busted!!!!! They are scared of Judy Baar Topinka and are trying to stirr up trouble in the Republican Party to take votes away from her by bringing up Oberweis with ficticious support blogs. That’s not surprising that they would stoop to such lows. The Blagojevich camp is on the run and are trying to cover their tracks but are only digging themselves into the hole deeper and deeper. Just think, these are the type of charaters running our state. That is scarey.

    Thanks Rick, keep on top of this.

  3. - Goodbye Napoleon - Tuesday, Dec 13, 05 @ 10:23 am:

    Most Republicans I know don’t think of Obie as a good or legitimate option, and he’s not a team / party player. He’s more like the bull in the china shop, he’s the one who could do the most damage to Judy even without beating her. The Blago New Yorkers probably view him as their best vehicle to tarnish her so badly that after the primary her negatives will be as high as the governors. That’s their goal here, to get Obie more visibility and keep him in the race.

    When was the last time the Chicago TV media covered Oberweis? What issue would make a TV reporter stick a mike in his face? Immigration! Genius move Brad. Let’s do some more immigration policy stuff - maybe next we can have the state departments of Agriculture and also Financial Regulation to crack down on dairy farmers and tycoons who run mutual funds and that will really get the guy some TV time . . .

    Good topic Rich (thanks me)!

  4. - Saluki - Tuesday, Dec 13, 05 @ 11:14 am:

    waydownstate- really for Obie’s ideas? or just another poser?

  5. - Cassandra - Tuesday, Dec 13, 05 @ 11:21 am:

    The emphasis of the Blago Secret Bloggers on Oberweis would suggest that the campaign, to the extent that they represent it, thinks he would be the easiest candidate to beat. And the comment
    one of them made on state employees would suggest that the administration is becoming uneasy about how that bloc will vote. Oberweis, to his credit (I’m not a supporter) has raised the issue of modernizing and streamlining the state workforce,
    and I guess the Blago campaign workers want to
    make sure state workers conclude that their candidate by contrast is more state worker friendly.

    Leaving aside the complex issue of immigration reform, the basic question with respect to cheap housing for illegal immigrants, pension raids, raises for state employees regardless of performance and almost-free health care for kids is financial. The Blago administration is basically setting our financial priorities in this state for decades, without being honest about what these numerous programs and initiatives may ultimately cost–indeed, we don’t have much input even into the priorities (Allkids got rammed through the veto session, making real public comment and discussion virtually impossible). Looks like, in effect, he HAS raised our taxes. The wise taxpayer would start saving now if they plan to remain in Illinois…either of the leading candidates is likely to have to preside over a huge tax hike, courtesy of Blago.

  6. - Anon - Tuesday, Dec 13, 05 @ 11:41 am:

    Is it a bad thing that Obie isn’t a party player? We’ve seen the party players… and frankly we need someone who isn’t a party player.

  7. - Skeeter - Tuesday, Dec 13, 05 @ 12:50 pm:

    The Opportunity I-Loan program is vote pandering by Blago at its worst. The privileges US citizens enjoy were won by the blood and sacrifice of our forefathers, and for generations earned through hard work. Programs such as this that simply give away the benefits of citizenship to illegal immigrants degrade this nation’s sacrifices and cheapen the importance of character and moral development. Why bother to work towards something if the government is going to give it to you? Besides that, how can we afford it given the already precarious nature of Illinois’ budget (let alone the impact that ALLKIDS has already added to the situation)?

  8. - WAY DOWNSTATE - Tuesday, Dec 13, 05 @ 1:17 pm:

    Saluki I am not for this governor giving everything me and the rest of the working people have busted our butts for or that great big tax increase it is going to take to pay for his failed election.If any canidate repub or dem agrees so be it.I am a state employee who is one of the many that want this idiot out of office.Oh before someone jumps up it’s my day off.

  9. - Papa Legba - Tuesday, Dec 13, 05 @ 2:43 pm:

    There is a dandy Editorial in the Chicago Tribune today regarding Blago’s Opportunity I-Loan program. It is very good at explaining all of the problems associated with this program. It just about says that the plan is totally idiotic without going as far as stating that fact flat out.

    Another winner for Blago. God help us!

  10. - Goodbye Napoleon - Tuesday, Dec 13, 05 @ 3:23 pm:

    papa legba - great nickname!

  11. - Papa Legba - Tuesday, Dec 13, 05 @ 3:30 pm:

    Thank you Goodbye Napoleon. I guess in keeping with the nickname I should keep my comments polite, or at least semi-civil.

  12. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Dec 13, 05 @ 4:14 pm:


    The privileges US citizens enjoy were won by the blood and sacrifice of our forefathers as they were killing those we now call illegal aliens.

    Doesn’t everyone deserve the privileges that we have?

  13. - Lovie's Leather - Tuesday, Dec 13, 05 @ 4:28 pm:

    Blago just thinks that facing Obie in the general election is his best chance to win reelection… and he is right…

  14. - muletown - Tuesday, Dec 13, 05 @ 5:57 pm:

    Whether the Governor is trying to get the Dairyman in or out is insignificant. I am just tickled he is taking MILK out of the schools!!! We need a generation of children with ricketts so that they can appreciate how there great grandparents lived. Homes for illegal aliens and children with ricketts is a legacy no other Governor has ever achieved. I do Think Leon Trotsky might have had this plan but I need to check my European history from the 7th grade.

  15. - WAY DOWNSTATE - Tuesday, Dec 13, 05 @ 7:00 pm:

    Just read the article about the growing number of homeless teenagers.What a shame the governor ignores American born homeless kids so he can give away houses to illegal aliens trying to get more votes.Does anybody know if these kids are entitled to Blago’s free insurance.

  16. - Old Elephant - Tuesday, Dec 13, 05 @ 7:22 pm:

    I am wondering what the Governor’s advisors were thinking with this one.

    At least with driver’s licenses for illegal residents, one can argue that it protects law-abiding citizens by forcing people to take a driving exam and to buy insurance. The main beneficiaries of this program would seem to be the banks that will be protected if they lend money to illegals.

    Unlike the licenses, this is a tax dollar-subsidized program, meaning that law-abiding citizens are being asked to put their tax dollars at risk to protect a bank that loans money to an illegal resident.

    Out of curiousity, I looked up the rate of homeownership in Illinois. According to the census bureau it’s about 67%. So now, I wondering how that 1/3 of the population that have to rent will feel about having their tax dollars used to subsidize persons who are in this country illegally. And, since most homeowners aren’t in government subdized or guaranteed programs, I’m not sure there will be much sympathy among homeowners either.

    The only rationale I can figure is that Blagojevich’s people looked at his numbers and decided that he can’t go any lower downstate and maybe this will somehow help solidify the base in Chicago. Seems like a risky proposition to me, since I just don’t see this as a winner in the bungalow neigbhorhoods either.

    I’m sure they polled on this one, but I can’t imagine it as a winner. I’d love to see how the question was asked.

  17. - Paul Powell - Tuesday, Dec 13, 05 @ 11:02 pm:

    Don’t count my man Eisendrath out! Blago possibly will have to face a tough primary. It will be so funny watching Bradly and crew having to kiss some serious butt! GRod might not be the democratic candidate after March. People I talk to on a daily basis (democrats) are getting sick of all these give away the farm programs. Politics is a constant pendulum swinging left then right hardly ever stopping in the middle. I sense a feeling in the forest that it is getting closer to the right rather quickly.

  18. - goodbye napoleon - Wednesday, Dec 14, 05 @ 12:10 am:

    see! I told you milk would be next. now he’s going to get the dept of financial regulation to go all Spitzer on the mutual funds - keeping Obie in the spotlight . . .

  19. - Bill's buddies - Wednesday, Dec 14, 05 @ 7:51 am:

    Paul P.,

    Your shoe box better be extremely full.

    Bring it on!

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