Doesn’t look so bad from here
Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller
This seems kinda quaint, considering Illinois has a fleet of state planes and a Tollway helicopter.
Gov. Bill Richardson found a surefire way to bypass traffic while heading to a bill-signing ceremony in Albuquerque last spring: Instead of driving the 60 miles south, he hopped aboard a speedy state police helicopter.
The New Mexico governor has taken 40 trips on the sleek state-of-the-art chopper since December 2003, when the state bought it for $3.8 million.
There’s nothing illegal about the governor’s flights — which take place, according to his administration, only if the aircraft is not needed by police.
But some Republicans accused Richardson, who is often mentioned as a possible Democratic presidential candidate, of showboating.
Showboating? What about this?
Bobby Rahal helped Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich open three new Open Road Tolling lanes on Dec. 11. The lanes allow drivers with I-PASS to get to their destinations faster on I-294 because they no longer have to slow down or stop at toll booths.
Rahal drove a red 2005 Indianapolis 500 Chevrolet Corvette Pace Car through the new Touhy Avenue Plaza.
“Thanks to Bobby Rahal for coming out today to dramatize how Open Road Tolling lanes will allow motorists to get to their destinations faster,” Blagojevich said. “I’ve been coming out for each Open Road Tolling opening because I want drivers to know we are doing everything we can to reduce congestion.”
Now that’s showboating, my friends.
- Bill - Wednesday, Dec 14, 05 @ 6:48 am:
Well, Rich, I guess we know how you feel as if we didn’t before. Kudos to the Governor and his fine staff for getting the word out on Open Road Tolling in the most effective way possible and for the initiative itself which will make traveling much easier, safer, and more efficient on the Ilinois tollway system.
- Tessa - Wednesday, Dec 14, 05 @ 7:11 am:
Does this mean we can race on the tollway now, too? Like people don’t already act like it’s a speedway out there. Sheesh. I don’t know, but having an Indy driver take the Gov through a toll plaza in an Indy pace car sends the wrong message for me.
Of couse, Bill, you know, I used to like the Gov, but I don’t anymore, so I’m sure I’ll hear about that. This was just wrong, plain and simple. He didn’t need to do this to open a toll plaza.
- Yo - Wednesday, Dec 14, 05 @ 7:34 am:
Heh…wait until the toll authority starts issuing speeding tickets that pass through two consecuive toll booths too quickly. Your iPass convientily reports a timestamp as to when you pass through toll booths, so it is trivial to determine you were speeding. Also, since if your bank account or charge card is on file with the toll authority, they can just automatically deduct the fine from your account. They’ll make you agree to this in the terms of agreement for using the tollway. Of course, legislative changes will need to be made in Springfield, but that is trivial.
And if you don’t pay, your iPAss account is frozen and you will lose your tollway driving privlidges. And god help you then if the cameras detect you on the tollway.
Also, I think it is nifty that they can pretty much turn any road into a tollway now. All they have to do is set up the sensors & cameras.
- Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Dec 14, 05 @ 8:12 am:
The Tribune recently ran an article stating that completed tollbooth/speedpass areas were still cordoned off until the Governor could arrange for a press conference/grand opening. But the giddy glee of speedpass and increasing tolls and extending the life of the tollways into the next millenium masks some problems that have been poorly addressed.
The tollway fiasco of increasing truck fees has been ignored in all of this. Just travel up and down Rt. 41 in Lake County after 8:00 p.m. and dodge the speeding trucks running the red lights while they avoid payment of tolls. Truck traffic has dramatically increased there since the toll increases. I.D.O.T. has attempted to minimize the danger by posting electronic signs telling trucks to stay in the right lane (routinely ignored). Earlier signs were posted telling trucks not to use their noisy air brakes. (Both provisions the result of Senator Garrett’s efforts.) Now the slower traffic has gravitated to the left lane to avoid being tailgated by trucks, and the speeding trucks now pass them on the right. The right lane has numerous turn lanes and driveways for traffic slow downs, adding to the problem.
Soon a minivan filled with kids will be crushed on Rt. 41 and as Yogi Berra would say, “it’s deja vu all over again.”
Louis G. Atsaves
- WAY DOWNSTATE - Wednesday, Dec 14, 05 @ 8:27 am:
He got what he wanted.HEADLINE HEADLINE HEADLINE.i’m waiting for his big headline GOVERNOR DEFEATED IN LANDSLIDE VOTE.
- David @ ilcampaign - Wednesday, Dec 14, 05 @ 8:58 am:
It’s all relative and depends on the culture of the state. People in Ohio are calling for Gov. Taft to resign because he forgot to report some golf games on his ethics disclosure forms. Illinos has a very high threshold for outrage; voters here put up with a lot that other states would not tolerate.
- Can't imagine - Wednesday, Dec 14, 05 @ 9:20 am:
The Open Road Tolling is a positive for Tollway users. The OVER WHELMING NEGATIVE is the way Rod choses to take credit for everything in Illinois. It is hard to imagine the arrogance of this Gov closing the Tollway so Rahal and Hartman can drive a sports car across the line. It looked like a sceen from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and Rod was the principle that was always out smarted and looked like a fool. Well after the election both the Gov and many Tollway peole will be parking cars.
- steve schnorf - Wednesday, Dec 14, 05 @ 9:35 am:
I think maybe the Governor directed the Tollway to sell it’s helicopter some time ago.
- Randall Sherman - Wednesday, Dec 14, 05 @ 9:42 am:
I agree that having a race car zoom thru the new I-Pass lane is stupid. But it doesn’t shock me. It is just another example of the immaturity of the Governor and his top aides.
As for the comments about Gov. Richarson’s use of a helicopter in New Mexico, it should be noted that New Mexico is more than twice the size of Illinois, with the Rocky Mountains running right thru the middle of the state. A helicopter might be the only practical way to get around that state quickly.
- Rod Blagojevich - Wednesday, Dec 14, 05 @ 10:17 am:
Rich, you are absolutely right. Sorry about all of my goof ups as the Governor. I promise it’s not me, it’s my staff and I just don’t have the ordasity to tell them to stop showboating, stop violating state laws and stop playing politics on the state dime.
You know what I’m going to do Rich since you brought it to my attention; I”M GOING TO CLEAN HOUSE SOON!
- zatoichi - Wednesday, Dec 14, 05 @ 10:34 am:
“Thanks to Bobby Rahal for coming out today to dramatize how Open Road Tolling lanes will allow motorists to get to their destinations faster,†Blagojevich said. “I’ve been coming out for each Open Road Tolling opening because I want drivers to know we are doing everything we can to reduce congestion.â€
How about getting rid of the tollbooths all together and stop charging tolls? That would be huge step to reducing congestion.
- shelbyville - Wednesday, Dec 14, 05 @ 10:48 am:
Rod Blago clone - Thanks that was funny!
- Gassius Powers - Wednesday, Dec 14, 05 @ 11:37 am:
Good Lord. They constant wailing and gnashing of teeth over EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING. It is so pathetic. And the segue from Richardson (not an Illinoisan, by the by) using a helicopter to an elected politician (GASP) trolling for easy headlines. Oh the humanity! Every time people here froth over the silliest little things, a little more credibility is chipped away from the blagojevich detractors (who could certainly make plenty of easy cases without these petty items). Better be careful - Disney now owns the rights to Chicken Little. They’re apt to sue for moving in on their gig.
- just goes to show ya - Wednesday, Dec 14, 05 @ 11:41 am:
that Rod still has higher aspirations. NASCAR? Smells like Red-State suck up to me.
Commisioner of Baseball, my backside…nice try in the press conference Monday.
- Team Sleep - Wednesday, Dec 14, 05 @ 11:48 am:
In reference to Bill Richardson’s usage of a helicopter reminds me of the ultimate liberal mantra: do as I say, NOT as I do. I’m starting to remember the old limosine liberal jokes…
- NumbersGuy - Wednesday, Dec 14, 05 @ 11:49 am:
Imagine this…
Rod: Bobby, this is a nice Camaro you’ve got here. They’ve really changed a lot since the 70’s. I had a ‘73 Mach 1 back when I worked at the steel mill. Had a fold down back seat and everything; hauled a– in more ways than one if you know what I mean, eh Billy?
Rahal: Governor, it’s actually a Corv-
Rod: Whaddaya say I take it for a spin, Buddy?
Rahal: Well, er, ok, Governor, but this is a high-performance car. You’ll have to be careful.
Rod: Not a problem, Bubba.
(sounds of engine cranking, starting, and stalling)
Rod: You didn’t tell me it was a manual, Benny!
Rahal: It’s Bobby, Governor, and we usually don’t start in reverse.
Rod: Ok, I’ve got it now.
(sounds of engine starting and tires screeching)
Rahal: Be careful!
Rod: Wheee!!!
Rahal:LOOK OUT!!!!
(Sounds of Corvette running over newly installed open road tolling equipment followed by knocking down pole holding “Welcome to Open Road Tolling, Rod Blagojevich, Governor”
Rahal: MY CAR!
Happy Holidays,
Fellow Bloggers
- SpeedRacer - Wednesday, Dec 14, 05 @ 2:24 pm:
Sorry, Rahal is as far from NASCAR as they come. He’s an Indy Car guy.
- Oh, please... - Wednesday, Dec 14, 05 @ 10:50 pm:
Ok, people, I am no fan of the Governor’s but let’s not get carried away with this. After all, there are some benefits to being an elected officials like the Governor. You are, in fact, the Governor - you get to do what you want and take credit for the successes and blame for the failures. That is reality, and trying to pretend its not is just absurd. There are some benefits to being the incumbent, after all! You can’t stop being the Governor during an election, and trying to separate government from politics and calling that “ethics” does not bode well for a healthy democracy.