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Saturday, Dec 17, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller

Edwin Eisendrath’s campaign apparently won’t be pulling any punches. From his announcement advisory:

Democrat will offer a roadmap to (finally) clean up the Ryan-Blagojevich pay-to-play politics and to responsibly lead state government.

Ryan-Blagojevich? Could be a good hook.

UPDATE: From today’s announcement:

Eisendrath, 47, laid out a series of questions he wants answered by Governor Blagojevich.

“Tell us why you raided nearly $2.3 billions from the already under funded pensions of teachers and state workers. Tell us how you plan on paying for the election year giveaways you are announcing daily. Tell us if you will refrain from using contributions raised by appointees to boards and commissions that dole out lucrative contracts and investments. Tell us why you opened the door for Republicans to run against corruption while George Ryan is on trial,” he said.


  1. - Tom out of NJ - Saturday, Dec 17, 05 @ 3:14 pm:

    Ouch indeed.

    Hey Rich, will archives be moved permanently to this site or will old links on blogspot stay? Have some of your posts in my and want to know if i’ll have to find the archive here and edit the bookmark. thanks — TB

  2. - How about ? - Saturday, Dec 17, 05 @ 3:15 pm:

    Based upon testimony from numerous court proceedings, to be accurate, it should be “Stratton - Kerner / Ted Issac - Olgilvie / Udsten - Walker /IDOT officials - Thompson / various patronage directors - Edgar / MSI - Ryan - Blagojevich pay-to-play politics” … . Or is that a tad bit too cynical ??

    Stratton - (indicted but acquitted)
    Kerner / Ted Isaacs (both convicted)
    Oglivie / Udsten (Udsten currently involved in Ryan trail)
    Walker / IDOT officials (Walker convicted after leaving office, IDOT officials bagged by Feds in bid rigging investigation, including prosecutions by US Attorney James R Thomspon)
    Thompson / various patronage directors (1992 Centralia job selling trials and convictions prosecuted by Roland Burris based upon Terry Gainer’s investigations - in a case where the direct link to JRT’s office, Dwight Frederichs, was dead)
    Ryan - (see media coverage of current trial)
    Blagojevich (read the blogs)

  3. - Rich Miller - Saturday, Dec 17, 05 @ 3:39 pm:

    Big problems with moving the rest of the archives, Tom. They’re staying where they are for now.

  4. - Anonymous - Saturday, Dec 17, 05 @ 3:57 pm:

    But it’s the exact right message. Look at the headlines, nothing has changed in the last few years. Other than Rod figuring out how to master the leveraging of the deals into massive campaign contributions.

  5. - Black Libertarian - Saturday, Dec 17, 05 @ 4:14 pm:

    How much money has he got to spend on the race?

  6. - Tom out of NJ - Saturday, Dec 17, 05 @ 4:23 pm:


  7. - WAY DOWNSTATE - Saturday, Dec 17, 05 @ 4:56 pm:

    Well we have finally found a Democrat that is willing to tell the truth.Hey you know WAIT A MINUTE didn’t I hear that from Blago a short while back when he wanted our votes.Well one thing he can’t balance the budget on the state employees bck because our back was broke by Blago.

  8. - Cassandra - Saturday, Dec 17, 05 @ 5:44 pm:

    It is quite easy to say you want to clean up corruption and pay to play and cronyism, but far more difficult to actually do it, as we have seen through the decades.

    I believe that the Connecticut Legislature, after their governor resigned in some scandal (not that huge a scandal if I recall correctly)
    held a special session called by the new guv which passed, among other things, some public financing of campaigns, and a ban on donations from lobbyists and state contractors. It is doable.

    If Eisendrath could bring something like that about, either through scaring the Dems through his campaign or actually winning, he would do our state a huge service.

    It is crystal clear that Blagojevich never intended any meaningful campaign or corruption reform…rather, he wanted to turn the state systen of hiring and contracting into a Chicago corruption clone. And he has done it, with the help of Madigan, Jones et al.

    For those who are serious about ending corruption and patronage and cronyism, given that this is a blue state and Republicans
    can/t win anything, Eisendrath may be the only hope.

    And not a big one.

  9. - LittleEgypt - Saturday, Dec 17, 05 @ 9:14 pm:

    I always did like ol’ Ed what’s his name. Atta boy Ed.

  10. - kingfish - Saturday, Dec 17, 05 @ 9:22 pm:

    I guess Ed wants to go back to the days of corrupt suburban DuPage County rule, which is exactly what we will get if Judy and Joe are elected. As much as Rod leaves a lot to be desired, the state cannot afford to go back to being ruled by suburban DuPage.

  11. - Hi - Saturday, Dec 17, 05 @ 9:24 pm:

    But where has he been the last few years? Isn’t he pretty much coming out of obscurity?

  12. - Tom DeLay's Mom - Sunday, Dec 18, 05 @ 12:09 am:

    It will be interesting to see if Ed’s family will really spend the bucks to make his campaign truly viable…without that dough, this won’t be much of primary…if they do, this could get pretty interesting!

  13. - Lovie's Leather - Sunday, Dec 18, 05 @ 12:53 am:

    Let’s see hear… Blago has about… 20 million… okay… so he will have to go into the general election with 15 mil… poor guy… Topinka looks good though (sarcasm)… she is broke and her running mate is 500,000 in debt… yeah team, fight team… GO TEAM!!!

  14. - Beowulf - Sunday, Dec 18, 05 @ 3:31 am:

    Edwin Eisendrath will simply pull Democrat votes that were going to go to the GOP Primary winner (JBT?) rather than Blagojevich. Is this going to be a lot of votes? Probably 10%-15% of the total votes that Democrats will cast in the General election in November. In other words, substantial numbers considering few people normally bother to vote in a Primary unless they are very upset with an incumbent.
    In the case of Blagojevich, this will represent a lot of votes from amongst his own Democrat Party in the General Election. It will impact Blagojevich only from the fact that it will serve as a “wake-up call” to Rod that the GOP Primary winner is going to get a substantial number of votes from fellow Democrats despite Emil Jones and Mike Madigan being there sticking their thumbs in the Democrat Party dike.

  15. - nsa leaker - Sunday, Dec 18, 05 @ 3:41 am:

    Anyone who watched Rod campaign in 2002 had to know he wasn’t sincere. Look at his photo on his state website. I thought it was a joke, but there it stayed. Abraham Lincoln once said he didn’t like a particular man’s face. When someone else said “a man isn’t responsible for his face” Lincoln said “after age 40 every man is responsible for his own face” (my paraphrase). Rod has always exuded smarmy insincerity, and his campaign team on the inside and the outside is thoroughly cynical because they know it. Some stay because they want power, others because they know that there are some things Democrats will generally support (choice, limits on guns) and others are young and don’t know the difference yet.

    Is it possible for candidates to be sincere? I have seen it. It is possible to tell the difference between sincere and insincere? Only after the election is over, and Rod has shown just how cynical he was then when he made so many promises about ethics, reopening prisons, etc. Is Eisendrath sincere? We’ll only know if he wins…

  16. - 6 Degrees of Separation - Sunday, Dec 18, 05 @ 7:10 am:

    Did anyone see Eleanor Clift’s puff piece on AllKids? Apparently, she thinks he is one of the most brilliant Dems on the national scene, on a par with the politically gifted Bill Clinton:

    The guv is definitely playing better on the national stage than he is around these parts. Whereas Ed will struggle to get recognized by the people in his own state, much less the nation.

    Of course, many will say that the guv shined IL in 2002 like he is shining the national press now.

  17. - WAY DOWNSTATE - Sunday, Dec 18, 05 @ 7:17 am:

    The nice thing about EISE is the Democrats are not quite as snug now.There is going to be a whole bunch of mudslinging and Blago’s closet will really be open now for everyone to see all those skeletons.This is going to take more than 5 million.If Blago wins he will have to do it by stepping on more people and throwing some more of his buddies under the bus.This is going to be so good for us that want to see that little Chicago weasel gone.That’s right I want to see JBT win.I already emailed her wanting yard signs and bumper stickers.

  18. - girl friday - Sunday, Dec 18, 05 @ 7:47 am:

    If Double E wins will the current corrupt democratic administration be removed or will they carry over? I think there needs to be a total revamp of the current administration but I doubt this will happen if Double E wins. If Blago could not find any qualified democrats to put in position, (instead he put unqualified ‘kids’ in these position), where will Double E find his administration?

  19. - DuPage Rules - Sunday, Dec 18, 05 @ 9:12 am:

    Hmmmm, Rod and George, both corrupt Governors, and neither reside in DuPage…nice try Kingfish, but facts help support a conversation

  20. - How about ? - Sunday, Dec 18, 05 @ 9:41 am:

    DuPage Rules - How about Lee Daniels? Pate Phillips and his “earmarked” grant for his friend’s opthamology college? Or Pate’s brother (Arthur?) trying to raise Tollway fees early in the Blagojevich administration to fund its patronage operations? (The Tollway has claimed to be exempt from Rutan, veteran’s preference, the Auditor General, the Governor, and the General Assembly over the years - and once set up a second pension system for its employees, stating the general state pension was inadequate.) These are all DuPage based - facts enough?

  21. - nsa leaker - Sunday, Dec 18, 05 @ 9:45 am:

    hey 6 degrees (aka pete giangreco); i guess you stopped by an internet cafe this morning to get your paper and respond to the daily attacks FROM YOUR OWN PARTY.

    Don’t think this is Clinton in 1988 in Arkansas. That guy had real political talent and intellect and could juggle issues and personalities. Rod transparently only cares about his hair and his daily media hit.

    Eisendrath is a putz and we all know it. The fact that you take him so seriously just shows what a house of cards you’ve built. Enjoy your morning coffee, Petie. It’s going to be a bumpy ride. But either way you get paid, right?

  22. - Just someone else - Sunday, Dec 18, 05 @ 10:52 am:

    Really. You think that’s a good hook. No fooling. I suspect if Eisendrath had said that Blagojevich was possessed by the devil you’d have commented “not bad…not bad…could work.”
    Kudos to the anti-blagojevich bloggers for snagging www.thecapitolfaxblog,com. Quite a coup.

  23. - 6 Degrees of Separation - Sunday, Dec 18, 05 @ 12:52 pm:

    nsa: The thought that I am Pete G. is hilarious. If you look at my posting history, you will see I try to be an equal-opportunity digger. I do have a relationship with many of the players here, but I am not a partisan by any stretch of the imagination.

  24. - Anon - Sunday, Dec 18, 05 @ 1:34 pm:

    I assumed that at his announcement, Eisendrath would give a little bit about his campaign organizaton to the press (campaign manager, media firm, funding, etc.). But from the press I’ve seen so far he didn’t do that. Isn’t that a little unusual?

  25. - steve schnorf - Sunday, Dec 18, 05 @ 3:50 pm:

    I guess I’m missing something about the “Ryan-Blagojevich” corrupt governors line. Governor Ryan hasn’t been convicted of any wrongdoing (and most of what he is charged with goes back to SoS days) and Governor Blagojevich hasn’t been accused of anything.
    A different party than me doesn’t equal corruption. Plans or programs I disagree with don’t equal corruption. Friends I don’t like (but have never met) don’t equal corruption.
    You folks throw around nasty words about people and hope some of it will stick. Makes you about equal to most campaign/political consultants. Lots of hot air, very little substance, but still not corrupt, just pathetic.

  26. - Anonymous - Sunday, Dec 18, 05 @ 3:55 pm:

    Ok kids, chew on this. The Blago team will soon be ramping up a strong messaging effort, partly because of the Eisendrath issue, and in part to deal with the fact that the ‘pesky little fed investigation’ issue is going to get kicked up a couple good notches shortly after the holidays.

    People can (and will)try to mock EE all they want to take attention off of the problems that this administration has, but they are in a major case of denial if they do not think that the wheels are going to come off sooner rather than later.

  27. - Anon - Sunday, Dec 18, 05 @ 4:16 pm:

    Anon 3:55–How would you know anything about the timing of the fed investigation? They play that pretty close to the vest–unless you’re from the US Attorney’s office.

  28. - LittleEgypt - Sunday, Dec 18, 05 @ 4:53 pm:

    You bet Ed’s going to pull votes from disgruntled Dems. At least I won’t have to ask for a GOP ballot now. I’VE GOT A CHOICE! And will he keep Dem holdovers from Bloggo. Duh - is the Pope Catholic? You bet he will and he should. Fundamentals of politics is that politicians will be loyal to their party and try to get jobs for people with the same political affiliation. Why is it that Bloggo thinks he can’t find qualified “PROFESSIONAL” Dems? I’m not opposed at all to the hiring of younger people. They are our future and should be given a chance to prove themselves just as we once were. We’ve all started out in the work force and climbed up that ladder via promotions and even some job hopping. I don’t have a problem with our 20 or 30 somethings being hired. I just have a problem with corruption and ghost employees. If I’m a Dem and need a job and am qualified for it over a Repub, you bet I expect if my party is in power that they will give preference to me over a Repub. Hasn’t the GOP been doing that for the past 26 years? Yeah, there is the Ruutan ruling that came about during the Thompson era but if you know anything at all about Illinois politics you know that ruling is skirted each and every day. Now don’t go firing on me for being a Bloggo supporter because I don’t want that sign hung around my neck. But we need to think back to when we all got our first jobs and in most instances we found when we got there that we were very capable of doing a splendid job - even as well as some of the “older” employees were doing. Oh, I love the enthusiasm of youth and wish I still have a cup full of it. My problem with Bloggo is that he has brought in much younger people to fill a position they are not qualified for - and the only reason was that he wanted a Dem in that position. He acts like this is his first political gig with all the mistakes he has made and that kind of immaturity does not deserve to be sitting in the Governor’s office. His hiring practices are going to be his downfall and that can’t come soon enough for me.

  29. - max maxwell - Sunday, Dec 18, 05 @ 5:16 pm:

    The word is that Patrick Fitzgerald is going to indict Karl Rove soon, then turn his attention to Illinois. The most fun will be watching which of the bunch in the current administration will rat out his partners first. This will be a very interesting winter. The full stink may not happen in time to affect the primary, but it will have an impact on the general election, for sure.

    Elections are affected by who is running against whom, who has the most money, and the public’s belief that a candidate is or is not on the up-and-up. Blagojevich will probably be running against Topinka, and will have more money in November than he does now. Who is willing to bet that the public will see the Governor as more honest next November than they do now? Less honest? Place your bets now.

  30. - Papa Legba - Sunday, Dec 18, 05 @ 5:32 pm:

    This is a good thing for anti-Blago people. It will give the citizens of Illinois who wish to vote against the gov, but still vote Democratic, a choice other than HotRod. It is rather obvious in this state the preferred choice has become ABB.

    To follow up on LittleEgypt, this does give the repressed Democratic state employees an opportunity to pull a Dem primary ballot and be able to vote against Blago without worry. Before the only way to vote against him was to pull a Rep ballot. Just imagine the fear and repercussions if a current state employee was to vote Republican in the primary. Ouch!!! They DO pull voting records. I’ve seen it done.

  31. - anonymous - Sunday, Dec 18, 05 @ 5:42 pm:

    I think that Eisendrath was part of Ed Vrdolyaks evil cabal when he was a member of the Chicago City Council, They fought deceased Mayor Harold Washington tooth and nail. I don’t think African Americans would vote for him.

  32. - WAY DOWNSTATE - Sunday, Dec 18, 05 @ 6:54 pm:

    Don’t you know that JBT and the rest of them are burning incense sticks tonite to the political gods.What a dirty,mudslinging primary Blago is going to have and look at all those hard feelings it is going to create.To the people that think youth was hired most of the hacks on Blago’s team have been around the horn several times and have just been hoping.Now they have it and have no idea what to do.So it is not young and inexperienced it is older and we are in power and we do not have answer to anyone.That has been the entire way of thinking with Blago’s bunch.Now they have to answer the hard stuff.This is going to be fun to watch.

  33. - Billyclinton - Sunday, Dec 18, 05 @ 6:57 pm:

    I salute anyone who has the courage to stand up to the big guys, especially these guys who are taking our party on a train right over the cliff.
    Loyalty is a two-way street. I’ve been loyal to Blago, but his team hasn’t been loyal to Dems nor to steering our train away from the corruption that haunted George Ryan. What a shame that we even need to have an Eisendrath candidacy. Our politics has become improverished in this state.
    We can do better. To the Blago spinners who will try to shame anyone backing Eisendrath using the loyalty card, I say `loyalty is a two-way street, my friends, and you all have abused your power and undermined our party’s hold on the Governor’s office through your actions.’

  34. - anon - Sunday, Dec 18, 05 @ 7:52 pm:

    Eisendrath will be on Tom Roeser’s radio show tonight at 8:00pm on WLS radio 890 AM, the other guest will be Jeff Berkowitz.

  35. - Ashton Kutchner - Sunday, Dec 18, 05 @ 8:39 pm:

    207 E. LAKE ST., UNIT D
    12/16/2005 4:30 PM

    What is the story with this guy?

    I guess he is another person taking a shot at that anti-Blago vote

  36. - spfldnet - Sunday, Dec 18, 05 @ 9:24 pm:

    The simpleton is an interesting creature. I previously described their habit of attacking the messenger. Simpletons don’t understand why their leaders are criticized more frequently than other people, so they complain about the critics and they believe it’s some kind of vast political conspiracy. They go round and round without trying to understand why there is so much criticism.

    Simpletons also have a habit of attaching inappropriate labels on behaviors they don’t understand. Without providing facts to back up their assertions, they accuse people of having some sort of conspiratorial agenda, like a communist agenda, fascist agenda, socialist agenda, racist agenda, and so on.

    Simpletons are so enveloped in their own leaders’ rhetoric that they attack the very institutions that are trying to help them; organizations that work to preserve the Bill of Rights, fight for people to have a decent wage, or affordable healthcare.

    Simpletons, like everyone else, want to become successful. However, their idea of achievement is to support those who are already at the top. Those at the top are lavishing trinkets and kudos onto the simpletons and taking their money.

    Machiavelli, in 1513 wrote “…he who deceives will always find someone who will let himself be deceived.” For so many people to make such an allowance today is truly tragic.

  37. - Tom out of NJ - Sunday, Dec 18, 05 @ 10:29 pm:

    Here was something curious on tonight’s (12/18) news. Channel 5 report on Eisendrath has Blagojevich spokesman, Pete Giangreco on the statement. Channel 7, Doug Scoffield.

    I would have expected it to be the same person.

    Go Bears!!!! Great call on Rex coming in. He has such a better rythm in the passing game already.

  38. - Paul Powell - Sunday, Dec 18, 05 @ 11:22 pm:

    Billy Clinton
    YOu are exactly right, it is a two way street and RGod and his bunch are just about to find that out. When people wear a wire to tape a conversation with someone else, the person wearing the wire is already in the bag. At that point they are expanding the probe getting other people into the bag with them. For democrats to believe that no indictments are coming down in RGod’s administration is fool hardy. So why should we be loyal to this Bozo? What has he done for us? He has raided my pension fund and that of the other teachers and state employees. If we don’t unload him in the primary and all these indictments come down after that, the entire ticket all the way down to the local courthouse has problems. If you have a job or contract I understand the loyalty thing, although RGod is not a loyal democrat (voted for Reagan twice). At least we now have a choice within the democratic party.

  39. - Casual Observer - Sunday, Dec 18, 05 @ 11:36 pm:

    Even if EE’s campaign is a flop — I bet he pulls at least 35% of the vote which will be a HUGE embarassment for G-Rod.

  40. - Anonymous - Sunday, Dec 18, 05 @ 11:38 pm:


    No need to wait to see who is going to roll first, he started a while ago and he knows plenty. Better turn on the fan Pete, the sh*t is on its way.

  41. - Anon - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 1:07 am:

    Did anybody hear Eisendrath on Roeser’s radio show? What did he say?

  42. - steve schnorf - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 1:23 am:

    Steve Bear got 30% against Edgar in the primary, and that wasn’t an embarassment, just the reality of primaries.

  43. - Pete Giangreco - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 1:26 am:

    I can back up 6 degrees on this one.

  44. - Rich Miller - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 4:58 am:

    LOL. Pete finally returns from his long commenting hiatus. Welcome back to the fray.

    And before anyone says anything, his IP address doesn’t match up with those infamous Blago commenters.

  45. - dumpdaley - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 6:21 am:

    It’s clear there is little patience for corruption candidates or figures (Ryan, Daley, Blago, etc).

    Ideally, it would be great to have seen a Rauschenberger vs. Eisendrath matchup to see who’s going to clean up state goverment the most.

  46. - Political Hack - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 8:57 pm:

    Billy, good way of saying it. Hacks like loyality–as a matter of fact we demand it. Rod’s neither a hack or a reformer–what is why is polling numb ers are in the toliet. No one can relate to him.

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