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Duckworth interview

Monday, Dec 19, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller

Things got busy and a little crazy here this weekend and I didn’t have time to transcribe the 6th Congressional District Democratic candidate Tammy Duckworth interview. Sorry about that.

I’ll hit a couple of high points and try to get to the rest of it later, but I can’t make any promises at the moment.

Also, I’ll post some of those poll results I had in this morning’s Capitol Fax later today.

On O’Hare expansion: “The decision has already been made,” so she wants to take full advantage of it for her district, including the western access route. Duckworth also noted that she is a pilot and has flown into O’Hare. “I understand noise mitigation,” she said, “Nobody can pull the wool over my eyes.”

Duckworth complained about the lack of funding behind the president’s No Child Left Behind law, and said it was too “one size fits all.” She said there should be some “localized standards” but said “some testing is beneficial to teachers,” because it’s a “diagnostic tool.”

“The commute time is horrible,” on the tollways, she said, and supported more funding for the system, as well as widening some other roads in the district and more support for Metra. “Common sense stuff,” she claimed.

She has a plan for a “high-tech corridor” in the district. Her husband is an IT guy, who, she said, “worked a couple of IT jobs that were transferred to India.” This will likely be the centerpiece of her campaign, so watch for a lot more on this issue.

Train whistles are a big problem in the district, according to people I know there. The whistles blow all night. Duckworth didn’t miss a beat when asked about the issue, even though it was obvious that it was a surprise question. “Safety balanced with quality of life issues,” was how she fleshed it out while we were on the phone. “Maybe more funding for better crossings,” was one suggestion she came up with.

On illegal immigration, she said we “definitely need to strengthen our borders,” but “illegal immigrants are in this country… We need to come up with a way to help them achieve legal status… (including) affordable fines… It’s a balancing act.”

Sorry, again, for not posting the transcript.

UPDATE: I’ll post the Cegelis poll numbers tomorrow.


  1. - Pat Collins - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 6:13 am:

    hubby is an IT guy

    Well! Let’s see what she has to say about H1-B and L1 visas. Especially abotu how Prince Obama voted to raise them 20K for “masters” holders. But now the offical in charge is applying that to holders of BS degrees.

    If she can be a little better on illegals, she might make a fight of this.

  2. - Pat Collins - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 6:16 am:

    Forgot one thing. If we give illegals in the country NOW a path to stay, how is that different from 1986? We gave illegals THEN an amnesty, and look what happened? Does she expect to need another anmesty in 2015?

  3. - 6 Degrees of Separation - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 7:13 am:

    She grasps transportation issues well. 6 Degrees is pleased.

  4. - Nearly Normal - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 7:50 am:

    Missed Duckworth on the ABC This Week on Sunday. However, I did see the CBS Sunday News at 5 and it included a segment including an interview.

    Not too many congressional primary candidates get that kind of notice. If it hadn’t been Henry Hyde’s district, and candidate a wounded Iraq war veteran to boot, there would not have been the notice.

  5. - Yo - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 8:05 am:

    Oh boy, here we go…another mass media annointed political golden child, paid for by big politco money. I’m sure This Week will interview *all* the candidates running for congressional seats, even before the primary sorts out who is who, right?

    Just what Illinois needs, another uncritisizable candidate.

    His Holiness Pope Obama I is now joined by Major Untouchable.

  6. - Stone Hack - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 8:21 am:

    Yo! Where you been man. Do you know how much serious money big pharma drops on the Grand Old Party?

  7. - Nearly Normal - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 8:23 am:

    This Week Interview can be seen via this website:

    Whatever your party you have to admit the Major is impressive.

  8. - Wumpus - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 8:46 am:

    She spoke to all the DNC talking points. I commend her bravery and decision to serve, but if Emanuel thinks all it takes is to bring in vets to win, he was wrong in OH and he will be wrong here.

    On a final note, she doesn’t live in the 6th (I think she lives in the 8th). With a younger, experienced gop candidate running, she will not be a Bean repeat.

  9. - Randall Sherman - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 9:13 am:

    How well Ms. Duchworth grasps the issues may be irrelevant, if 20% or so of the Democrats in the 6th Distrct are turned off by the way she was recruited (having her candidacy be thrust down their throats by the likes of Rahm Emmanuel) her candidacy is doomed, either in March or November.

  10. - Philosophe Forum - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 9:19 am:

    Don’t look for anything in the MSM besides Duckworth. She’s the DCCC “golden child” so Cegelis & Scott barely get noticed. She wouldn’t even be running for Congress had Durbin not approached her. He was supporting Cegelis last year. From the interviews I’ve seen of Duckworth, this isn’t her goal. She wanted to remain a Black Hawk pilot & weekend warrior. Now she’s saying something different.

    “Vets for Congress” is the “in” thing for 2006 no matter who the people really want. In the end, the voters will show Emanuel that a “campaign in a can” isn’t the best way to spend the money that the more deserving candidates should get (IF he even bothered to pay attention).

  11. - AngryJolietan - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 9:53 am:

    Who is Liz Brown of PO Box 518 in Springfield? She has made a request to copy/view Cegelis’ and Scott’s petitions.

  12. - AngryJolietan - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 9:55 am:

    She’s made the same request of Ed-win’s petitions. Duckworth has not filed her petitions yet.

  13. - Anonymous - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 10:09 am:

    Am I the only one who noticed how much she contradicted herself throughout the entire interview, including when she spoke about her military service? With all due respect, Rich, you guys are treating her the same way you treat Obama. While I respect her military service and sacrifice, there’s not much substance here, just smoke and mirrors.

    She didn’t address why she chose to run in the 6th District, versus the 8th (which she lives in) or even the 10th. How is she a good fit for the district? Does she identify with, or even know, people in places like Addison, Wheaton, or Elk Grove Village?

  14. - Pat Collins - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 10:18 am:

    When I ran for office I ALWAYS looked at my opponents petitions.

    A cheap win is still a win.

  15. - nobodysent - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 10:53 am:


    Why don’t you post those poll numbers from today’s CapFax?

  16. - Truthful James - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 11:08 am:

    Stone Hack:

    Sorry, I don’t know how much bucks big pharma drops on the Republicans, or the Democrats. Perhaps you might try to enlighten us. This campaign or any prior. Please?

  17. - Bluefish - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 11:56 am:

    She’ll play well in the district, especially if she gets the funding to paint Roskam as a gun loving Tom DeLay wannabe. This race should be a fun one.

  18. - Stone Hack - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 12:00 pm:

    The drug industry made $20.1 million in direct contributions to candidates and party committes in the 02-04 cycle with 59% of that coming in huge soft money donations often of $100,000 or more. 76% of all drug industry contributions went to Republicans

  19. - huh - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 1:51 pm:

    Gonna be a stretch for someone in the military to paint someone else as gun loving, genius.

  20. - Papa Legba - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 2:09 pm:

    Well she is saying the right things, albeit rote party rhetoric. Plus, who dares to say a cross word about a war hero? The big question for her now that she wants to be a lawmaker is what does she know about doing that? She claims to have what it takes to be a leader, but does she have what it takes to be a legislator? You know those minor things that tend to get in the way at times. Understanding legislation and the making of it, legal ramifications those actions or that little thing that hangs up our governor, the Constitution?

    What is her background in legislating or law?

  21. - Mohammad Wong - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 5:28 pm:

    Really, Randall…20%? Do you really think 20% of the voters in the district are paying as close attention to the inside baseball of this whole thing? Not likely.

    And, um, Papa…what legislation has Cegelis passed? Lindy Scott? None, so far as I can tell by reading their biographies. But does that dq them from running for the People’s House? Not at all.

  22. - Stone Hack - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 6:14 pm:

    Re huh 1:51 PM– I believe what Duckworth was saying is that 50 cal weapons belong on armored vehicle and with trained snipers not in some koo koo’s closet. A 50 cal has an effective range of approximately 2 miles. If you miss your tarket you will probably take out someone else. I believe Roskam supports unrestricted purchases of 50cal weapons. I’m not sure if Cegelis or Scott know what they are.

  23. - Stone Hack - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 6:17 pm:

    Re huh 1:51 PM– I believe what Duckworth was saying is that 50 cal weapons belong on armored vehicle and with trained snipers not in some koo koo’s closet. A 50 cal has an effective range of approximately 2 miles. If you miss your tarket you will probably take out someone else. I believe Roskam supports unrestricted purchases of 50cal weapons.

  24. - Papa Legba - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 6:45 pm:

    Mohammad Wong. All I am saying is that it would be nice if someone with real experience in governing would be running and getting the attention of the press. What am I saying? Geesh! Look at what we have in the White House, as our governor and on and on and on… I am just tired of being governed by gimmicks, phonies, liers and empty suits. Talk about taxation without representation.

  25. - Anon - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 7:42 pm:

    How can Ms. Duckworth run for a house seat when she doesn’t live in the district? First thing her opponent should go is sue to remove Ms. Duckworth from the ballot.

  26. - Philosophe Forum - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 9:16 pm:

    According to the Constitution, there’s only 2 requirements for the House: (1) US Citizen & (2) 25 yrs. old. The candidate doesn’t have to live IN the CD. Would be nice. Not a requirement.

    FYI — Christine Cegelis lives IN IL-06. Just one of many, many reasons to vote for her.

    If Christine loses in March & her supporters still want to vote, there are 2 other options besides Roskam & Duckworth –> (1) Brian Costin is running as the Indpendent. (2) None of the above. Don’t select anyone for Congress. Submitting an empty ballot is always an option. Nothing says you have to punch a number for blacken an oval.

  27. - Just someone else - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 10:11 pm:

    But Papa, the Prez was a Governor, the Governor was a US and IL House member — so obviously the experience you seek doesn’t satisfy you.

    And Philosophe — love the “if I can’t get my way I’ll take my ball and go home” mentality,

  28. - Brian Costin - Tuesday, Jan 3, 06 @ 6:01 pm:

    “Throughout all U.S. history, there are only four individuals who have ever successfully overcome a (ballot access) signature requirement greater than 10,000 signatures in order to gain a place on a ballot for U.S. House of Representatives” according to Republican U.S. House Rep. Ron Paul of Texas.1

    For the 6th congressional district of Illinois, the valid signature requirement for independents is 21,1482. Democrats only have to submit 827 signatures for a candidate to appear on the ballot and 30 Republicans (695 signatures per candidate) can be eligible for the ballot with the same amount of signatures that it takes just 1 independent to get on the ballot.
    In the case of the Libertarian party, in 1998 their statewide slate was thrown off the ballot even though they submitted over 60,000 signatures3, which was well over the 25,000 requirement for third parties. To be on the ballot as an independent I would have to submit approximately 50,000 signatures or more to guarantee a spot on the ballot.

    To fulfill the State Board of Elections requirement an independent candidate would practically have to become a public nuisance and knock on every single door in the district to hopefully make it on the ballot. Unfortunately as working class citizen, I do not have the financial means or free time to wage such an extraordinary drive to be a part of the democratic process. This burden discriminatorily locks me out of being a part of the political process.

    Sadly, discriminatory laws in Illinois have discouraged others from running for office and I am the only independent candidate who has even filed to be on the ballot as U.S. House of Representatives in the entire state of Illinois. To protest the discriminatory laws that threaten the virtues of democracy, I, Brian Costin, knowingly filed my candidacy papers well short of the 21,148 required by law.

    Already opponents have taken efforts to throw my candidacy off the ballot. The Chairman of the Republican Party of Illinois was one of the two people to request copies of my signature submission and a lawsuit has been filed to remove my name from the ballot as the only independent congressional candidate in the entire state of Illinois.

    The efforts of Martin Luther King Jr. and others made the inhuman rights violations of racial, sexual, and religious discrimination illegal in the private and public-sector workplace. Sadly, another form of workplace discrimination is not only alive and well today, but the two-party system has made it legal to discriminate against those who want to engage in the democratic process outside of two-party structure. Is Illinois a democracy or a duopoly?

    Apparently one independent candidate is too many much competition for Democrats and Republicans in Illinois. But what they didn’t anticipate was that this candidate is willing to fight against the oppressive laws designed to discourage anyone who isn’t a Democrat or Republican to run for office. The only way to defeat this type of corruption is to fight.

    My hope is that in the future all citizens of Illinois and the entire U.S. are equal before the law and have an equal opportunity to be on the ballot. Instead of by the parties for the parties, I will fight for a democracy governed by the people for the people.

    Brian Costin
    Independent Candidate
    Illinois 6th U.S. House District
    1403 Haar Lane
    Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

  29. - Philosophe Forum - Wednesday, Jan 4, 06 @ 9:56 am:

    “Just someone else” not understanding the concept — or the importance — of an undervote.

    Voting is an amazing privilege that only 21% of the voting population actively participates in during the Mid-Term Primary. Everyone is allowed to vote for whom THEY choose with the option of writing in their candidate or leaving their ballot blank. First, they have to show up to the Polling Place or mail in a SIGNED ballot.

    Analogizing sports with the responsibility of voting is wholly incongruous.

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