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Monday, Dec 19, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller

Wednesday’s Capitol Fax will be chock full of interesting stuff from today’s candidate filings.

Two teasers. Former Cook County Board of Review Commissioner and former Alderman Robert Shaw filed against Rep. David Miller. And former Rep. and former Chicago Alderman Ray Frias filed against Sen. Tony Munoz a few minutes ago.

This is a primary election open thread.

UPDATE: It appears that Pat Quinn feels comfortable slamming the guv now that the nominating petition deadline has expired.

Politicians and veterans groups say Gov. Rod Blagojevich should reopen a state job the administration concedes was improperly filled so military veterans have a chance at it.

Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn and others have called on Blagojevich to reverse the hiring of an Illinois Department of Employment Security administrator because it effectively bypassed a law giving veterans preference in state hiring.

“If there’s any question with the way the hiring was done, if there’s a taint, then I think you have to unwind it from a legal perspective and begin again, and do it right,” Quinn said.


  1. - Anon - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 4:38 pm:

    Is Robert Shaw the brother of past State Senator Bill Shaw?

  2. - Rich Miller - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 4:51 pm:

    I’m checking on that, Anon.

  3. - Rich Miller - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 4:59 pm:

    Yep. It is. Updated to reflect the change.

  4. - Rod Blagojevich - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 5:36 pm:

    It is a little too late for Quinn to start speaking up. He should have challenged all of the unethical issues and violations of laws in my administration long time ago. Quinn has no testicular veritlity and he thinks his job is to assist the military and thats it. He should help me run state government. He has a staff full and what do they do? Nobody knows but them.

    If I need to say goodbye so does Quinn cause he set back and watch me screw up State Government. He thinks it’s going to stay low and nobody is going to expose him, just wait.

    I’m going to be the one to do just that and he asked for it.


  5. - WAY DOWNSTATE - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 5:49 pm:

    Hang on Blago and group will find all kind of money to hire people with.

  6. - Jeff - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 6:40 pm:

    Just received this email:

    As you may have heard former Alderman Edwin Eisendrath will be challenging Governor Rob Blagojevich in the the Democratic Primary for the office of Governor. In light of this the office of the Governor is looking for volunteers to assist with the Democratic Primary Campaign starting tomorrow (December 20th)! The position will involve working 4 hours shifts on various days between December 20-27 verifying signatures in downtown Chicago. This is a great opportunity to make a name for yourself with pivotal individuals in Illinois Government. The work is absolutely essential and could easily lead to internships and jobs opportunities.

  7. - Jeff - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 6:48 pm:

    Executive Director (John Tsarpalas) of the Rep. Party has requested/copied the following candidate’s petitions:

    30 E. HURON ST.
    SUITE 4406CHICAGO, IL 60611-4723

    WATCH OUT HERE COMES ANDY MARTIN! I find it very humorous that he attacked the Society of Conservative Students of the UofI at Springfield for endorsing Jim Oberweis instead of him. Great publicity for the SCS

  8. - The "G" - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 6:56 pm:

    Rich …you should ask Jeff where the email came from … its sounds a little fishy in the language department … who would put job opportunity in a email about political work nowadays … I am not buying it

  9. - Old Elephant - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 8:01 pm:

    I think Jeff is pulling our leg (not even this administration would be foolish enough to send out an e-mail saying the “office of the Governor is looking for volunteers.”) Although, it’s a measure of how bad things are that it’s almost credible.

    More seriously, I’m wondering if anyone in the media is going to ask Pat Quinn if he is running as a team with Blagojevich, if he is endorsing Blagojevich in the primary and if so, will he pull a “Rauschenberger” and step down if his candidate for Governor doesn’t win the primary. Might be fun to watch him dance around that.

  10. - Redroom - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 8:26 pm:

    Well im glad to see that Ray Frias is back! I live in the 12th ward and i was one of the unfortunate fools that voted for Cardenas b/c i was brain washed by HDO when they promised to knockdown a tree in my property that was causing me problems. The very next day the tree was down but after the election I have not seen a precinct captain since (3 years and counting).

    I regret not voting for Frias and if I can I would take back my vote. From what the media has been reporting Tony Munoz is in the high ranks of HDO. Haven’t seen or heard from him except for election time. At least Frias had volunteers in the neighborhoods year round. He has a very good chance of winning this race, starting with my vote!

  11. - Jeff - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 9:48 pm:

    I will forward the email to Rich. No problem, I make no lies or false claims!

  12. - 6 Degrees of Separation - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 11:28 pm:


    I believe you also posted this at Illinoize, and identified the sender as one Jordan Smith, who is one of the former young “liaisons” basically hired off the street to work at IDOT District 9 in Carbondale at the beginning of the Blago administration. I recall former IDOT spokesman Mike Monseur (a holdover from the Ryan administration) defending her hiring at the time, claiming she was full of zest and enthusiasm, or something to that effect, despite her apparent lack of qualifications for the job.

    Both Jordan and Mike wound up leaving IDOT a short time later for different reasons. Mr. Monseur was last seen working with Topinka’s campaign, I think. hee hee.

    Carbondale is fast becoming known as a cesspool of unsavory political activity, most notably from Rob “Washergate” Millette’s recent tenure there; a far cry from the astute and sober leadership represented in a bygone era by the late, great senator from Makanda, Paul Simon.

  13. - Jeff - Monday, Dec 19, 05 @ 11:43 pm:

    That’s what I thought 6 Degrees. However, the person I received the email from was not Jordan Smith (I didn’t state the sender). Jordan Smith was the contact name and number on the email. I received the email from a friend at UIC.

  14. - The "G" - Tuesday, Dec 20, 05 @ 8:48 am:

    So what is the holdup getting it to Rich, still typing it, Jeff?

  15. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Dec 20, 05 @ 10:15 am:

    Jeff I.,

    You are “young and enthusiastic” and working on the Oberweis campaign.

    So, if Obie happens to win, I guess you will turn down any offered $45,000 per year jobs?


    Okay, so the Blagojevich campaign is thinking about checking Eisendrath’s signatures.

    This is relatively common. Other campaigns do it.

    What is the story here?

  16. - Anon - Tuesday, Dec 20, 05 @ 10:26 am:

    Further signs of HDO’s collapse as reported in 12/17 Tribune:
    “[Danny] Solis said Friday that he never met with [Victor] Reyes to discuss jobs for his political supporters. Solis said that state Rep. Edward Acevedo (D-Chicago)has been HDO’s coordinator in the 25th Ward since 1997 and that Acevedo’s political workers won most of the city jobs. “Many of my volunteers left me to join Eddie’s organization,” Solis said. “The word was out that I couldn’t get people jobs.”

    Acevedo said Solis’ assertions were “absolutely false.” Acevedo said he is not HDO’s coordinator in the 25th Ward, which is in his legislative

    When times were good these two were thick as thieves along with HDO cronies. Now neither wants to even admit involvement with them.

  17. - LittleEgypt - Tuesday, Dec 20, 05 @ 10:53 am:

    Regarding, Lt. Gov. Quinn’s call on Bloggo to reverse the hiring of an IL. Dept. of Employment Security administrator because it effectively bypassed a law giving veterans preference in state hiring, I read this morning in the local newspaper and also heard on the radio that the Gov’s spokesperson Abby O said that “it would be illegal to fire this person” who they illegally hired in the first place. Well that didn’t stop Bloggo from the mass firing of GRyan holdovers knowing full well that there would be a court challenge. So why can’t they get rid of this guy who is supposedly filling a position located in the NW part of the state but yet working in Chicago? I’d sure like to see the exact Illinois Revised Statute that says this mess can’t be reversed.

  18. - The "G" - Tuesday, Dec 20, 05 @ 12:48 pm:

    Still waiting on that email Jeff … I am not a fan of Blago, but if the best you can do is spread things about an email and then not pass it on … i dunno on the credibility

  19. - The "G" - Tuesday, Dec 20, 05 @ 12:49 pm:

    Still waiting on that email Jeff … I am not a fan of Blago, but if the best you can do is spread things about an email and then not pass it on … i dunno on the credibility. Send Rich the email already

  20. - Jeff - Tuesday, Dec 20, 05 @ 1:58 pm:

    The “G”, I have forwarded the email to Rich. I did this last night, shortly after my post.

  21. - Jeff - Tuesday, Dec 20, 05 @ 2:03 pm:

    To Anonymous, I would turn down any job that I am not qualified for no matter who would offer it to me. In fact, I likely won’t be out of school until 2011 anyhow. After that, I should be qualified to perform any job dealing with Political Science, Communications, or Business.

  22. - The "G" - Tuesday, Dec 20, 05 @ 2:54 pm:

    Rich, the ball is in your investigative court … I hope you will let us know what you find … good or bad

  23. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Dec 20, 05 @ 3:02 pm:


    A campaign asking for people to help them check signatures of a possible opponent.

    How is that unusual?

    What is there to investigate?

  24. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Dec 20, 05 @ 3:09 pm:

    I think he wants to check Jeff’s credibility. The problem is the offering of possible positions for checkin signatures. Should working a couple hours be consider an internship?

  25. - The "G" - Tuesday, Dec 20, 05 @ 4:28 pm:

    Yes, I want to see the credibility of an email in this day and time, with all that is going on with “pay for play” and Geo. Ryan, if an email was sent with that language of an intership and employment

  26. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Dec 20, 05 @ 4:42 pm:


    If you take a deep breath, go back up and read the email that Jeff posted, you will see that there is no quid pro quo. (As Jeff has stated, the email didn’t even come from the campaign.)

    Someone takes a grunt job for a campaign checking signatures. They do a good job and are later hired as an intern as the campaign progresses. What’s the problem?

  27. - The "G" - Tuesday, Dec 20, 05 @ 5:35 pm:

    Quid pro quo is insinuated … “This is a great opportunity to make a name for yourself with pivotal individuals in Illinois Government. The work is absolutely essential and could easily lead to internships and jobs opportunities.”

    If that isn’t…”You do this and this could lead to something you wouldn’t get” … i dunno what does.

  28. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Dec 20, 05 @ 6:30 pm:


    Okay, assume that the campaign is going to hire some interns for the November election.

    What is a potential pool to draw from? Joe Schmo off the street or someone who has already proven to be a hard worker and supporter by checking signatures?

    I just don’t see the scandal here.

  29. - The "G" - Tuesday, Dec 20, 05 @ 8:41 pm:

    So i guess the only way to secure that intership or job is to do the petition check? So if there is someone qualified for a job, but didn’t do the petition check, they should not get the job? Hmmmm

    Sounds like a Quid pro Quo

  30. - The "G" - Thursday, Dec 22, 05 @ 3:44 pm:

    Seems as though this email talk has drifted away…

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