Today at Illinoize
Monday, Dec 12, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Illinois Pundit on illegal immigrants. David Morrison of the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform writes about filing day. Charlie Johnston outdoes himself. John Fritchey on Edwin Eisendrath. Cal Skinner on Oberweis/Salvi. And a must-read by Jim Muir of the Southern Illinoisan. Plus, much, much more. Get yourself over there. UPDATE: Now there are two new reasons to check out Illinoize. ArchPundit and Rick Klau accepted invitations today to become Illinoizians.
Left at the altar
Monday, Dec 12, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Well, that didn’t last long. From a press release:
Can’t anybody play this game? UPDATE: More bad news for Obi:
(Hat tip: Illinois Pundit)
Filing stuff
Monday, Dec 12, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller I’ve been monitoring the latest candidate filings and noticed that Ron Gidwitz hadn’t filed his petitions for governor yet. I called the Gidwitz campaign and was told that both he and running mate Steve Rauschenberger would file together - most likely next Monday, the last day of filing. That would put them on the bottom of the ticket, unless someone else files at the end of business Monday as well. Use this as a candidate filing open thread. What interesting tidbits have you gleaned from today’s petition filings? UPDATE: I’m told that statewide Republican candidates who don’t have primary opponents will all be filing at the end of the filing week.
Dirty tricks?
Monday, Dec 12, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller As I wrote in this morning’s Capitol Fax, Governor Rod Blagojevich’s campaign has apparently been posting comments here. That’s no big deal in and of itself, and not all that surprising, either. What is surprising is what those Blagojevich campaign office commenters have been saying. As I explained this morning, my new blog site allows me to track commenters by their IP addresses. I thought long and hard about whether I should reveal the fact that the guv’s HQ is posting here, and I wouldn’t have done so if they were playing it straight. Instead, they are posting as a right-wing Jim Oberweis supporter and attacking at least one journalist. As an addendum to this morning’s Fax, here are some of the posts from the guv’s campaign:
And on and on and on. As I also noted, it appears that Illinoize commenter “The Dude” may somehow be involved in this. The Dude has apparently posted as both “Right of Right” and “Your Neighbor” here, although from a different IP address. I’ve sent him an e-mail about this, but he hasn’t responded yet. Until he does, I’ve suspended him from the Illinoize blog. Here is a link that shows the identity of the IP address
Question of the day
Monday, Dec 12, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller What do you think of this?
Gutierrez for mayor?
Monday, Dec 12, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Lynn Sweet fills us in.
Incinerator to reopen
Monday, Dec 12, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller This incinerator, and others like it, was a huge political issue several years ago
A trash-to-energy incinerator in the southwest suburbs caused at least one incumbent House Democrat (Terry Steczo) to lose his re-election bid in 1994 and was a hot issue all over the region. Back then, Illinois encouraged the construction of the incinerators by forcing utility companies to pay the plants retail rates for the electricity they produced. That law was repealed after the ‘94 campaign.